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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Eburger's Vietnam expansion does give you the "Captain Insano" flak option.
  2. That is a MiG-17. Still cool!
  3. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    I agree totally. That is the ultimate refinement of the engagement I mentioned earlier. F-35 is going to be a game changer.
  4. Powerful PC?

    I use HAL 9000 when I alpha strike Hanoi. "HAL, open the bomb bay doors." "I am afraid I can't do that Jamie."
  5. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Logan, the Polish lancers charging tanks is a myth. Anyway, that was said to happen in 1939. The Tiger I did not see service until 1942. I see your point, but the devil resides primarily in the details. MigBuster, that is an interesting thought about the self protection, but that is already a combat proven scenario. In 1991 two naval aviator from VFA-81 downed two Iraqi MiG-21s with their bomb load intact and still continued to the target and destroyed it. The whole "strike fighter" concept revolves around that. They don't call F-35 "Joint Strike Fighter" for nothing.
  6. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Most people cannot readily identify the exact type of ordnance that blows up in their vicinity. The usual human response to that situation is shit pants and seek cover. Followed by more shitting of pants.
  7. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    The Serbs had junk MiG-29 9.12B's with broken and unserviceable radar. They where no match for the NATO air forces. They essentially committed suicide. The first shots of ODS where AGM-114's fired by U.S. Army AH-64A, not Tomahawks. The first shots of OIF where F-117's raid on the Dora Farms district of Bahgdad, not Tomahawks. Bottom line is, if you want to win you must buy the good stuff and train motivated intelligent young men to use it. Both of those cases are examples of how that idea was not followed.
  8. INS Vikramaditya starts sea trials

    Gepard, thank you for the correction. I was aware of the Sino-Indian tensions through out the Cold War, I just misspoke and lumped them in with the Soviets.
  9. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Caveat emptor. All you have to say about nations relying on Russia for top of the line jet fighters. Look at the Indian engine situation and the Algerian MiG-29SMT debacle. Like I stressed in the Indian refurbed crap Russian CV thread, when you buy Russian jets you buy crap. Now please let's steer this back to the F-105 is just as good as F-35 argument so I can get hours of belly laughs.
  10. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    I read it. But did not agree with Streakeagle's assessment of it. I have been trying to prevent the "super Su" argument for days.
  11. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Su-37 does not exist in reality. So of the aircraft actually fielded by nations who happen to inhabit the Earth, at this moment nothing can match the F-22.
  12. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    F-105 can't out run an AIM-120C...... Stipe this thing started as a flawed comparison between the F-105 and the F-35. Now it has evolved into your twisted notion that the F-22 will be defeated every time by a technology demonstrator. In case you didn't know, the F-22 has vectored thrust also.
  13. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Fokker Dr 1 has wings, B-2 Spirit has wings so.... Fokker Dr 1 = B-2 Spirit. I get it now. Quite a clever assessment.
  14. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    You sir are stirring poop. That has nothing to do with a rather weird and possibly alcohol fueled comparison of the F-105 to the JSF. The fact is the F-35 is NOT the cheap disposable fighter that the F-16A was. It is actually the product of what the F-16 later became. Just because there are some rough size similarities between the two doesn't mean anything. Whatever.
  15. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    That comparison is a joke. F-105 is a Model T compared to the F-35. Haters be hatin.
  16. Not so much a cheat because the lift fan cover acts as an airbrake when the lift fans are engaged. With out that being simulated it is damn near impossible to slow it down to make a vert landing. Suit yourself,but I just sat it down center mass of the number four circle as gently as laying a baby in the crib with the Kiev going 20 knots using the air brake.
  17. Yes! Numbering the engines 1,1,2,3 is what did it. That change is reflected in the data I uploaded. Notice I added an airbrake also so you can slow it down enough to land it. Good work dude!
  18. This is to fix the problem with Stary's pit working with Snailman's Forger.
  19. This fixes the issue with Snailman's Forger mod. Replace or cut and paste this data into his version and it will work. There was an issue with the lift engines but I sorted it out by renumbering them. I also added an AIRBRAKE so you can slow this thing down enough to land it. I reckon the airbrake simulates the drag produced by the open lift fan intake. Be advised this data is for his early version not his M. Ok I guess I can't post the data in this topic. Look for new topic in SF2 mods area.
  20. Stary, the pit works great with the stock Forger and Gepard's mod. But it freezes game at 100% loading using Snailman's mod. I am trying to trouble shoot the problem but so far I cannot figure it out.
  21. Would you marry my cousin? I would love to have you in the family! Much love for your awesome efforts my friend!

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