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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. The Mighty Eighth - Trailer

    I share that legacy as well..... being as thought the 8th was a U. S. Army entity. I also have a relative who was a 9th Air Force B-17 waist gunner who was shot down and a POW, flying out of Italy.
  2. INS Vikramaditya starts sea trials

    That was then this is now. In the Cold War India was way too close to the Soviet Union and China. The Pakis chose to side with us but lost because they did and do have an inferior military. Simple fact the Indians are just better at the war business. My money is always on India to be in it to win it. In today's world I would rather rely on the USA for spares than Russia, China, or France. In today's world Pakistan is the real thing that keeps people in the DOD up at night. We have to prop up the Pak military to keep it from turning into Iran Jr. Not because the USA has a grudge against India. To add to the MiG-29K debate, I am afraid the F/A-18F is much more capable than that thing. Plus an F/A-18F purchase would undoubtedly lead to F-35C. Who would not want a REAL CV with the worlds most advanced Strike fighter? You can settle for junk in the short term or do it right from the start. MiG-29's biggest flaw is limited range. Reason why the Soviets went with the Su-33 years ago. India has a strong air force with a lot of good jets but IMHO MiG-29K is the weak link. But if the intent is just for something to replace SHARs with then does not the navalised TEJAS do that better? What India should have done is scrap the Russian carrier idea. Buy the E/F Super Hornet along with the refurbished Kittyhawk. Add Rafale M to the Rafale order. Then be in a winning position to purchase F-35. Instead the Indian Navy has doomed it's self to being obsolete from the beginning. Good luck with it.
  3. The Mighty Eighth - Trailer

    Well, to me the third HBO miniseries on WW2 should be really good. Band of Brothers was amazing. The Pacific was a rather large disappointment for me. Mainly due to the completely disjointed storyline and the endless hours of sitting around talking. Band of Brothers did not rely on one character to carry the day. The whole company was the main character. The Pacific lacked a lot of that cohesion by spreading it between Basilone, Leckie, and Sledge. I imagine they where trying to fuse those three stories into one but didn't quite get it to work right. Now they have a chance to tell the tale of the men who broke the Nazi's back. The Eighth Air Force of the U.S. Army, had more KIA than the entire USMC during the war so their story ranks in the upper tier of tales of courage and sacrifice made during the war. The trailer looks ok to me. Rivet counting is good but don't let it detract from the story. The HBO team did an outstanding job portraying the material culture in the other two,so I am sure they will get it right with this one. BTW Twelve O'clock High is still the best bomber movie made, so let's hope they take some inspiration from that. Otherwise I would hate to relegate Spielburg and Hanks to "Leper Colony."
  4. INS Vikramaditya starts sea trials

    No better friend, no worst enemy. Our gifts may be poison but at least they work as advertised.
  5. INS Vikramaditya starts sea trials

    What a waste and a rip-off. The USA was going to GIVE India the Kittyhawk if they bought the Super Hornet. Now they are stuck with a garbage scow with junk jets. So sad.
  6. During my time in the former Yugoslavia I have never seen a larger concentration of beautiful women in my life. Truth be told, I fell in love with the place during my on again off again travels in the region from 96-00. Would love to go back.
  7. In my humble opinion a Balkans terrain should be the main priority of the terra forming types. It is the missing link. You could run campaigns and scenarios from 1914 to 2014 there. My 2 cents. We have everything surrounding the FRY but not the FRY.
  8. The Russian Police Choir - 'Get Lucky'

    I think most of them do on their off time.
  9. I Quit My Job... and proud of it.

    I was being sarcastic. Does anyone not have a sense of humor?
  10. The Russian Police Choir - 'Get Lucky'

    That is horrible.
  11. I Quit My Job... and proud of it.

    Just trying to make you laugh. Good luck in M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A. I would not go to Texas if you paid me. Oh, I guess that is why you are going there! Ha!
  12. I Quit My Job... and proud of it.

    Or you could remove yourself from the equation. Skyviper - Juan = Happy! That might work better. Why did you not try to learn Spanish and study his native culture so you could understand him better? Your supervisor must be a complete phuqtard to not be able to tell if this dude was operating a machine in a dangerous manner. Or it could of been just your own perception of the possible danger. Don't worry you can buy Red Bull with foodstamps. ( I am being sarcastic. Ha! Ha!).
  13. Linebacker II Soviet analysis

    Watergate was the final battle that defeated the South. Nixon told Thieu he would send the bombers back if the North invaded again. Well after Nixon resigned Ford ( along with his Chief of staff Don Rumsfeld and assistant chief of staff Dick Cheney) refused to honor the agreement and left the South to wither on the vine.............. Political will vs. military prowess? The system of political betrayal continued, if by another brand. LBII did one thing, caused the North to deplete their stock of Guidelines shooting at SAC bombers commanded by dilettantes.
  14. OH My God!!!!!!!!!! I might never fly anything else after this. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to download this thing!
  15. Ask anything you want this is CA, we aim to please!
  16. Need books to read! Know of any good titles?

    Mentioned in another topic but, Blind Man's Bluff is an awesome book. True story I read it in Bosnia in 99.
  17. Drink a half gallon of Wild Turkey.
  18. The Turks probably don't have any more AIM-7's. also the four stations are used for ECM, Targeting pods, and countermeasures like the late model Kurnass ( that didn't fly with Sparrow either).
  19. Like my new toy?

    Rule .303!
  20. I meant WEST Africa. Angola Sud Afrika etc.......
  21. USS Zumwalt

    Life imitates art.
  22. B-2A with MOP

    It has IRAN written all over it.
  23. I must have posted that the same time Fubar did! Oops! But, what we said! Fake Carrier, flight deck at ground level, wires painted on air strip tiles like the Chu Lai strip mod, Ground Object placed on field just like you would dock a carrier in port. No reason why it would not work. Whoever else wants to try PM me and we can do this. Wrench, are you monitoring this?
  24. The "fix one thing, break another" mantra is a complete cop out. Whatever. Stay broke.

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