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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Track IR 5 kicks butt don't it?! I have CH Pro pedals and a Saitek X52. I love that set up even though I have considered getting another stick. But I never have because it works fine and I really do not have an issue with it. To prevent Track IR disorientation while fur-balling, I just mapped a forward view button on the stick and when I really need to get my head in the sight I just punch it.
  2. RUSH the movie

    No man it is a historical drama about the 1976 F1 season, focusing on the rivalry between James Hunt and Niki Lauda. Directed by Ron Howard.
  3. Its Time......

    The San Francisco vs. Green Bay game the other night was probably one of the best games I have ever watched. American football is really easy to understand once you get the the basic concept down pat. I really think it is the perfect game. It combines several different physical attributes and also allows people with different physical characteristics to participate in different positions. Should we discuss the basic premise to help our overseas friends out? Germans love it I know that for a fact. Matt to play the game as long as you did you absolutely have my respect!
  4. Its Time......

    Broncos will dominate.
  5. My three most I can not wait for mods: #1 Ludo and company's Mirage F1 #2 Ravenclaw's and company's Rafale # 3 Whiteboy samurai's Long hull Essex I really cannot wait for the official release of these mods. All three are destined to be epic. Your thoughts.........
  6. This just in

    That's odd. I know Nancy Pelosi has got a big set hanging down there!
  7. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Congratulations! Keep pushing! Go do 50 push ups and go run 5km hard until you think your heart will bust. PT clears the mind and strengthens your resolve!
  8. I agree. Centurion's MiG-25 will be sweet when he gets back to it. The Su-20 and other Fitters will be welcomed also.
  9. For me it is only sometimes and on certain Terrains. For me it is a rare problem that I largely ignore. Oddly enough the main culprit seems to be the Philippines '44, and Kamchatka.
  10. Reports say it was only officially retired. There have been sightings of this thing for years since it's retirement. I am considering extending the dates and using a blank skin to represent a JDAM capable JSOC Nighthawk. Or it can be used as a stealth Aggressor platform to train to defeat advanced stealth aircraft from potential threat states. http://aviationintel.com/2012/06/10/why-is-the-stealthy-f-117-nighthawk-still-flying/
  11. Sometimes when I try to magnify the map it freezes.
  12. What Wrench said! An improperly formatted WAV will work also. Tried to use a Tokyo Rose clip in my WW2 Pacific install. It was messed up now I use it as my "dummy" sound.
  13. Theres more of them PAK FAs!

    PAK FA piloted by 55 year old fat alcoholics. Big threat. Yawn.
  14. Yes its stupid cat video time

    I have four cats. I love them. They are my friends.
  15. Mirage F1 team: This thing is a work of art. Now a simple request.....RELEASE THE DAMN THING THE WAITING IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( LOL) Dels' 117 is a beaut!
  16. Two

    What do you call an Octopus with no arms? A puss. Why do blonds love tilt steering? More head room.
  17. Tommy "the Duke" Morrison dead at 44.

    He was one first class scumbag and thug. Bon voyage.
  18. Night Shift YAAAAYYYYY

    You sir are a fag.
  19. VJ Day

    WE WON.
  20. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Happy Birthday Sharkman!
  21. Fort Hood Gunman Sentenced to Death

    See you in hell you worthless coward and traitor. He should be buried in a specially designed Class A uniform made of pork.
  22. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday you ole VOL!

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