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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Lt. Jg. George H.W. Bush launching a Mk.13 torpedo.
  2. 35 years in prison and wants to be a woman!

    I heard they where going to bunk him with Bales and Hassan. Now that has sitcom written all over it. Or something like Aqua Team Hungerforce starring those three winners.
  3. I like this Strike Fighters crap.
  4. Glory Hounds

    Damn ,Dude!
  5. I hate the modern era of baseball. I started my loathing of this boring excuse of a sport during the Clemens, McGuire, Sosa PED affairs. Why don't we just end the madness. Maybe get rid of the bums liars and cheaters and cut the season down to 25 games then it might be sort of exciting. As it is now all I see is fat people acting like infants and doing virtually nothing athletic at all for three hours every night. The only thing baseball has ever given the human species is the baseball cap. BTW I am a HUGE football fan! I would love to reanimate Ted Williams and watch him slap the shit out of A Rod. The modern game is garbage and could be used as a great analogy for modern American society.
  6. Baseball:America's passtime or a boring bunch of barf?

    Panama, a good game of "rounders" never hurt anyone. This is an OPINION post. If people love baseball then have fun with it. I am just sick of the whole mess. Sure, I have been to a MLB game 25 years ago had a great time, but now I don't think I could deal with it without slipping into a semi coma. The festival aspect of it is just fine. It is the boring nature of the game with the added behind the scenes asshattery that I dislike. No one can tell me that baseball players are true athletes. Look at them. Compare Big Papi to RG3. I rest my case. The new look with no leggings is just so un baseball. If I want to see an athletic contest between two teams of athletes and not a collection of individuals then NFL is the only way to go. College football on the other hand is pure garbage. Until we have a true championship playoff system I could care less what they do. I was raised to love the Baltimore Colts and Washington Redskins. I was indoctrinated to hate the Cowboys, Steelers, Raiders, Patriots, and Chargers. Indy Colts and the New York Football Giants are my teams today ( no Manning connection just coincidence). The Giants and Colts played the greatest game ever in 1958. Giants won my loyalty in the 80's. Baseball, Soccer, and Golf are just things that I don't have time for. Baseball died for me in the 90's. Maybe one day I will return to my Dodgers but until then all I have are the memories of a game that today just is not the same.
  7. Baseball:America's passtime or a boring bunch of barf?

    Oops I meant PAST TIME in the title! I know you love baseball Dave.
  8. Combat Air Museum

    Yes, from 99-05.
  9. Combat Air Museum

    Dude I love this place! I used to go there all the time when I was on Custer Hill.
  10. A walking UAV. Why?

    Ha! I can't stop laughing thinking about this!
  11. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Mac listen to the "Great Tanker in the Sky" and follow your destiny. Carry on the traditions of the Spanish Cavalry! Train to use this beautiful machine as if it is an extension of your own body. Strike the enemy down with your 120mm sabre! You know you want to.
  12. Arming the Syrian Rebels

    But Al Zawahiri the current AQ chief ( at least on paper) is an Egyptian and was in the MB. He joined at the age of 14.He was also in involved in the Sadat assassination. But..... those facts do not really matter because he fell in with AQ after his prison time following the Sadat affair, and volunteered his time as a physician with the Red Crescent in Pakistan during the Soviet Afghan war. That is where he met OBL......... So his direct involvement with the MB now is not so relevant.
  13. Arming the Syrian Rebels

    Nathan your assumption is incorrect. The MB have been around for about 60 or 70 years. AQ is just a brand name. They represent the more religiously minded people of Egypt. Now that does not mean that individual members do not advocate for the cause of AQ but as an official organization the MB is not dissimilar to the "Tea Party" in the USA.
  14. got in the paper

    Why do you guys get the cool music festivals? I have to constantly deal with live bluegrass music emanating from our city center almost every Friday! Hippies! You rock!
  15. A walking UAV. Why?

    PC, I would pay cash to see you do it!
  16. Great Company For Decals; Furball Aero Design

    Buy them. Scan them. Skin them.
  17. More GFEST XX Pics

    Wow Dude! I bet you felt like I did when I hung out with Bud Anderson ( Old Crow fame) and talked with the WW2 triple ace while he slurped an ice cream cone.
  18. Eburger's ODS is awesome.
  19. Do You Even Liberty Bro? Not Safe for Kids

    Well the 5 inch gun represents a vast improvement in fire control technology, not modern America. Kicking in doors in Iraq or any where else for that matter is not a fun thing to do. It is also a great way to make six year old boys who are crying because you dragged their father away ( for no real reason) to hate Americans for the rest of their life. I guess I can say "been there done that" but the descent human side of me makes me feel ashamed. Bombs and door breach guns do not promote democracy. They only serve to promote hate and division. I love my country but am not inclined to brag or make memes about things that I know are disgusting.
  20. In the unlikely event of a "resurrection" between us all I think we have everything ever posted here between us.
  21. Do You Even Liberty Bro? Not Safe for Kids

    All this seems funny until you have to do it. Dave This pic of a Tico shooting is todays USN!

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