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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Polish F-16s

    Think about this. Who would you use them against alone? I seem to remember that our F-16's are the USAF's most deployed and used aircraft so tell me, what's the fuss? Poland has a pretty snazzy looking air force now. Should be proud. At any rate, F-16 = F-35A in future. Rafale = Rafale in future.
  2. Online Degree in Homeland Security

    No my wife is from my same hometown. In European airports the people who ask you the "questions" are usually pleasant looking and non threatening like a restaurant hostess. I have yet to understand how my tribe does things.
  3. Online Degree in Homeland Security

    Just now I got a "PayPal" advertisement in Chinese.
  4. Which is of course a "no brainer." Just as what actually happened. Follow orders and shoot. Because if you don't what is the point of doing it? Do you land and log into an online virtual Gulag simulator? Did this mission about two years ago. Not a very big challenge. I also rammed a P-3 with a Finback ala Wang Wei. Also shot down an Iranian airliner with a Tico. Don't think there is any modder wanting to put his name on a "War Crimes and Atrocities of the Cold War" mission pack. I maybe wrong.......
  5. All that is needed is "Adriatic/Balkan" Terrain. I do not know why no one is interested in this. Endless scenarios from the 50's to the 00's. Oh well.
  6. Online Degree in Homeland Security

    I know how that works, but I have never inquired about an online degree in anything. What is even funnier, I have banners for local vacation spots and had a political ad banner for some lady running for local city council on CA! Every time I look at porn I get "online bride" banners so what ever works, works. It just cracks me up.
  7. Fix your credits. F/A-18A Cockpit- Brain32 F/A-18A Avionics- Crusader and CrazyhorseB34 Great mod! Splashed 4 Peruvian M2Ks with the EM!
  8. How to deal with a Sniper in Vietnam...

    Big distinction between as Lord Cranley described as "isolated enemy rifleman" and a trained marksman armed with a scoped rifle. During the Normandy Campaign Cranley, who was the commander of the 4th Armoured Brigade, outlawed the use of the term "sniper" on all the unit's radio nets due to the effect it had on tank commanders buttoning up when it was unwarranted. Take it from me, one who almost had his grape popped by an "isolated enemy rifleman," those types do have a psychological effect. But it is still a dirty bastard that does that,any way you cut it. Now as for CAS...... that is called winning.
  9. Get with Flogger he is the Soviet Number making machine! Chances are he has done them.
  10. How to deal with a Sniper in Vietnam...

    I wish people would learn what a "sniper" is. Snipers ( who by the way wage war in a cowardly fashion) do not fire bursts into a camp 500m away from a hilltop. An individual who does that is what I refer to as a dumbass.
  11. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    Cuba is not a "socialist shit hole." It is a "communist shit hole." I don't think this is funny or clever at all. Hang the traitor son of a bitch.
  12. More speculation

    I heard he got caught in the jet wash of the Su-15 prototype that was conducting secret tests in the region that he was flying in.
  13. Red Line means what?

    Red Line never meant anything to anybody other than hockey fans until Bebe was drawing cartoon bombs at the UN several months ago. Late breaking news is that the CIA is going to equip and run the FSA. What could possibly go wrong with that?
  14. Walleyes...

    I simply use nightcrawlers when dealing with "Walleyes." Seriously I fly low pop up to about 10K roll and dive bomb maybe 30deg AOA usually always hit, even against moving ships. Walleyes are fun to use with the new F/A-18A.
  15. Red Line means what?

    Jedi Master, you win! ME much more polite place with Saddam in place. Well what do you do? I know for one thing, go to Live Leak or YouTube and watch the "Free Syrian Army" videos. Some will actually make you puke. For example: A FSA "commander" cuts the heart out of a dead Syrian soldier, takes a BITE out of it and starts that Allah Akbar shit. They D-bags cannot pull a trigger without saying Allah Akbar. I would gas the hell out of people that do stuff like that. International treaty be damned.
  16. The Hollow US Air Force, We're fucked.....

    All the jobs in a tank battalion it would take 10 civilians to do what one strap boot wearing, tobacco chewing, greasy coverall wearing PFC Tanker could do. The problem we have now with this "austerity light" that we are suffering from is the fact that the Teabagger controlled House of Representatives did not and does not know what the "debt ceiling" actually is. Not that many experts in macro economics in the House. But there are a shit load of hicks elected from gerrymandered districts that are too busy talking about rape, non-existent voter fraud, defunding ACORN ( which has not existed in four years ) and "repealing" the Affordable Healthcare Act 37 times. Anyway keep talking like that and Dave will get furloughed!
  17. Rainbow......Typhoon style....

    Freaking HOT!
  18. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    The only people who need to worry about PRISM or any other part of this mess are people who are terrorist. Both in and outside the borders. Makes perfect sense to me. Collect cell phone numbers and IP addresses run them through an algorithm that sorts out and compares patterns. If for example I download "Inspire" magazine every month then I might be a Tango. If I call and email and chat with an Egyptian engineering student who studies in Hamburg Germany.... then I might be a Tango. If I text people who like to bomb abortion clinics....then I might be a Tango. If I am in the KKK....then I am probably too stupid to be a Tango. Birds of a feather flock together. People living in 21st Century America need to realize something. Sit down pet the dog drink a beer, take our buckskin jackets off and understand that some dipshit PFC working at Ft. Meade could care less if you look at porn sites.
  19. New Badges

    Syrian Armed Forces North Korean Army
  20. New Badges

    Oh OK my bad! Thank you for the correction!
  21. The Hollow US Air Force, We're fucked.....

    Why is everyone in such a hurry to go get into another war? I think we where doing the right thing until the whole "arming the AQ Jihadis that John McCain went and sucked off," scenario came to fruition. Let them eat each other alive. That just leaves less of a mess for Israel to clean up.
  22. The Hollow US Air Force, We're fucked.....

    Please explain last post. Your statement makes little sense.
  23. New Badges

    Sorry I did not know it was so big!

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