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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Red Line means what?

    I blame John McCain. He would do anything to get us in a war with anyone. He is the empty suit.I think we should not do s**t. Just set back and watch those idiots fight each other on YouTube and drink beer. I hate to break it to you all but the people who are fighting the Syrian Army in Syria are the same people I fought in Iraq.
  2. New Badges

    I never liked the "new Army" logo. How about the seal.
  3. The Hollow US Air Force, We're fucked.....

    Guess someone else will have to destroy the integrated air defense network in Syria and establish and maintain a no fly zone so AQ can win the Syrian civil war.
  4. New Badges

    I was quoting the movie "Blazing Saddles!" I like badges too, just being a silly azz!
  5. Happy 238th Birthday United States Army

    The title says it all!
  6. New Badges

    Badges?.......... We don't need no stinking badges! Ha!
  7. SF2 Library Reorganization Complete

    Who dares wins.
  8. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    The reason he can't be both is because he is a traitor. 13 knots.
  9. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    This dude is obviously a plant or a domestic spy. Not a tree too tall to hang him from. Remember the phrase, "all enemies foreign or domestic?" From the highest limb I say.
  10. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    The "little General" got a nice salute.
  11. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

  12. Love it! Just one thing..... Send your pilot to the gym. His legs are too skinny! I am of the "I don't like legs in my cockpit" crowd. Really cannot wait for this one guys!
  13. I have gotten used to the bi-polar search function. I just search "Falcon" or "Viper" for F-16 stuff. Now to try to find a Mirage, that is damn near impossible due to frequent use of the word throughout the site. If it can't be fixed that is fine. Just the fact that CA exists is good enough for me.
  14. Target: Invincible

    This is getting ridiculous. Research topic? WTF? Invincible not sunk. Atlantic Conveyor sunk. How hard is that to comprehend? To believe thirty year old Argentinian "war stories," is stupid. How about the conspiracy about the General Belgrano being sunk by WW2 torpedoes? The real conspiracy is that the Falklands War was started by some rather incompetent people and won by arrogant and unprepared people.
  15. Good catch young Padawan!
  16. Download Eburger's SF2 Operation Desert Storm. There are Foxbats in there that are flyable and modded to latest standard within the limits of the old LOD. Best you will get until Centurion get's his finished.
  17. Meanwhile, lurking a few miles from Wrench's lair....

    Amazing Fubar! I wish I had a hobby.
  18. Remembering My Father...

  19. Target: Invincible

    The Invincible ignores the event because it never happened. You need to search Atlantic Conveyor. That ship was hit and did sink with the majority of the CH-47s onboard, which delayed and hampered the ground attack very seriously. Sheesh.
  20. Target: Invincible

    Let me explain it to you very clearly. The Argentines DID NOT hit the HMS INVINCIBLE with an Exocet. They did hit the CONTAINER SHIP ATLANTIC CONVEYOR. Clear enough?
  21. Another needless Fallen

    I guess we should retire all our "Little Birds" then...........
  22. Brave young Woman

    Guys don't get the wrong idea but, I was just wanting more info on the details. No doubt that this is an extreme tragedy and a vile act of terror. She was not the only one who confronted the terrorist though. I just wonder why the bystanders did not gang up on these assholes beat the f*** out of them and chop their f***ing heads off too. I guess they where in shock.
  23. Target: Invincible

    The HMS Invincible was not hit. The Atlantic Conveyer was hit. The conspiracy theory crowd continues to march.....
  24. PM it to me dude, I will hook it up if that is all it needs. I think I can fix the FM too.

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