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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Splash one UAV

    There is doubt to some of those claims but yes Pep and Sut ( shortened for fear of misspelling) do deserve mention if not the title of "Greatest Jet Ace." Anyone know if it was shot down with Python 5 or not?
  2. No one will ever go to "GITMO" again. Suspect #2 is an American citizen. He will be treated in the same manner as McVeigh, Kaczinsky, and Rudolf. To think anything else is contrary to the rule of law. If he was an Iranian Qudz force operator, then he would be tried in a military tribunal as an "enemy combatant" and treated as an EPW (Enemy Prisoner of War). Also, that would be an ""act of war" on the part of the Iranians.But he is and was not. Why is it so difficult for people to understand this?
  3. I love the CR! The original "Budwieser" is still brewed in Budovar, CR. We used to drink "Czech Bud" in Germany!
  4. Splash one UAV

    I thought the highest scoring jet ace was McConnell too. Oh well. Epstein is still a badass. His Dogfights episode was one of the best in the series.
  5. If Dick Cheney was still around we would of already invaded the Czech Republic. Proof that the rank and file in my country are not so bright.
  6. My AMRAAM's are drooling looking at that.
  7. Set 10 for YAP.

    It has USS America in it!
  8. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    Glenn Beck is an entertainer. The Father Coughlin of the 21st century. Not a credible source on anything other than drinking and dropping out of school and making up silly conspriraces. Oh and selling "paper gold." An Asshat of the highest order.
  9. New Hornet skins

    Please more Hornet skins Use Eric or Sundowners template!
  10. "Apparently, it is pretty hard to kill instantly a guy with light firearms. I just read a related article about a guy who got shot 14 times with a 45 cal pistol, stood still, took 3 to the head and still made it alive to the hospital." Bath Salts. We shot a guy in the ass with a SAW in Iraq. Hit him with one round of 5.56mm ball. It came out his left shoulder. He now poops in a bag. No matter what you hear from gun nutz, 5.56mm will tear your azz up.
  11. If that is the case then due to my DNA I should be able to "Goose Step" very well.
  12. Actually being "out of bounds" during the war is correct. But, The first F-4B from VF-96 was shot down in 65 by Chinese MiG-17's from Hainan. Also on one or more occasion early during the war the Navy prepared for Alpha Strikes on Hainan but where stood down (I wonder why? Ha!). It would be useful as a starting point for BarCAP missions from Yankee Station due to countless accounts of Chasing nosey Chinese MiG's away from the carriers. Just an airfield on the Island for the Chinese to spawn from would be good because it seems silly as I try to replicate events to have MiG's just appear out of thin air. My strengths as a modder do not lie in the field of "Terraforming" so I am calling for backup!
  13. See now this thread is devolving into a bashing and stereotyping of people from the Caucus region. Next we will have people posting that Chinese cant drive and Mexicans are lazy or Irish are drunks or Germans are Nazis. By saying Chechens are the most volatile people on Earth is rather silly. I would think by looking back to the last 100 years of world history that Americans are the most violent and volatile people on Earth. This whole thing brings new meaning to the movie Borat. does having the world's greatest potassium cause some one to become a violent terrorist? Come on people WTF?
  14. To answer Jules' question, yes I think it will be considered "domestic" terror. We do not call the Oklahoma City Bombing international terror from a "Scottish terrorist." In America you have the right to worship as you see fit. From Jewish Zombies to trees you can guarantee somebody in America is worshiping something. Most all abortion provider violence is religiously motivated but yet it is not considered a religious hate crime. That only happens if a specific religious or ethnic or other group is specifically targeted. The key to this will be what did the older one do in Russia for six months last year. He must of been in contact with some unsavory element for the Russian Secret Service to pick up on his name. This is one of the scenarios we have been expecting since 911. The "sleeper cell" guy who appears to be anything but an Islamic Extremist but can pass for anybody in America. If he got orders from somebody in Russia then I think the Russians will deal with it. But what I think happened was he was pissed off and his Russia trip made him even more pissed and he, feeling helpless, decided on his own to do something. All too often people commit violent acts in the name of religion. All this will do is cause another mosque to be burned down in the South. Or for some dumb ass to shoot up another Sikh temple thinking he is killing Muslims, not knowing that Sikhs and Muslims are bitter enemies. Meaningless acts giving birth to other meaningless acts.There are only about 200 Chechen immigrants living in the USA. A small and isolated group. The uncle of the suspects clearly stated when interviewed that the older one had had trouble integrating into American society. Seems like a case of a bitter disenfranchised stateless immigrant. I can understand that feeling at times because I know immigrants from the former Soviet Union and things can be difficult for them at times. But all of this is in no way an excuse for them killing and maiming all those people. As someone said above, this will probably turn out to be a crime for the sake of chaos. But who listens to me. I originally thought it was fat hillbilly gun nut racists, so who knows.This story is so nutzo no fiction writer could ever come up with this story. Simply an amazingly bizarre and tragic event for everyone effected by it.
  15. Really try the Legacy Hornet pack I repainted a bunch. Look for "MARPAT"
  16. Two brothers of Chechen ethnic origin. The older one born in the Soviet Union in 86, the younger born in Kyrgestan in 93. Family moved as refugees to Kahzahkstan in 99. Family emigrated to Cambidge, Mass. in 02. Both naturalized citizens. The older one 2010 New England Amateur Heavy Weight Boxing Champion. The older one possibly radicalized after recent trip to their native home land. These guys where Americans. This was domestic terrorism. Just not the right wing sort we are accustomed too. So I technically am not a monkey's uncle. Reports say that the Russian Secret Service ( or what ever the KGB is called these days) responded to a request from the FBI after they got a whole lot of tips after the photos where released ID'ing these two guys by name. The Russians reported that the older one's name was being tracked due to his travels in Russia. I think the younger one was just along for the ride. I got all that from "smart people news" tonight. It baffles me how you can fire 100 rds. at a wounded guy in a boat with several M-4's and not kill him. Chechens are evidently some tough sons a bitches. Also the Watertown Police set their cordon one block too small as their Police chief stated in the last press conference. He was found just yards from the area that was searched all last night. Crazyness.
  17. Korean Top Gun

    I love movies like this! Must see 4 me!
  18. Starting a new gig soon

    Congrats! Let this video be a warning as to what not to do. This happened in the weird little town across the river from where I live! The guy is the Vice Mayor of Mt. Carmel TN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zf2SS4_3oE
  19. Raytheon. Exclusive maker of jet engine exhaust plugs for the VPAF since 1965.
  20. Noi Bai tower this is Soc Doc 01, I am hearing an unidentified hissing sound coming from my 6 o'clock over.
  21. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    BB's are not something that many people outside the USA really know about. Black powder is easily obtainable in the USA as opposed to AMFO which is highly regulated after 95. Use of pressure cooker vessels as bomb casing is a fairly standard thing in A-ghan. 15 APR being tax day. 15 APR being "Patriot's Day" in Boston to celebrate the Battle of Lexington and Concord remember the,"shot heard round the world." In addition to 19 APR being the anniversary of Waco and Oklahoma city. Not to mention Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker-R, who was in favor of the gun background check compromise bill, got a letter filled with Ricin today.This smells of disgruntled vet ala McVeigh. To answer a previous question, yes there are a whole lot of f***ed up people in the USA that would do such a thing. Our society is more politically polarized than any other time since 1865. The whole stupid and taken out of context Thomas Jefferson quote, " The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants," is sacred to those types. If this is not the work of right wing domestic extremists then I am monkey's uncle.
  22. How about a proper early J with no RWR or ECM gear?

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