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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    Use of BB's as shrapnel and the fact that it is tax deadline day 15 APR, lead me to think it is domestic. Not to mention the fact it is Boston.
  2. Dude you would poop if you see what I did. I got 30 weapon stations on my F-4B
  3. I think it would be a safe bet to say that the deletion of the wing AIM-7 came when the jets went through N or S conversion. Funny the original F-4C's where delivered with the "navy pylons."
  4. Look in the color pic section of the same Osprey book and there is a pic of an F-4J with AIM-7 on inner pylon. If you use the "navy inner pylon" then you can shoot AIM-7..... Bwild I was thinking the same thing I had already made the two new stations before you even posted. I think I might have originally put the wrong node name. Good stuff! Page 42, picture 11.
  5. Thank you! You just made my day!!!!!!!
  6. NK in state of war with the South?

    Not the individual suicide rate per inhabitant, but the fact that the state as it's self ceases to exist due to it's own actions. USSR committed "national suicide" now it is no more.
  7. Just tried bwild's data. I am afraid to say it does not remove the "navy adapter" it only covers it up. His data uses a vertical attachment position of -1.22, as opposed to -1.28 used in the pics I posted above. But, I am sticking with the -1.22 because it "looks" right. Brain must be right it must be part of the mesh.
  8. Ohhhh, Oh, Did you ever know that your my heeerrooo.....!
  9. I have tried two methods and I still cannot get rid of the "navy adapter" look between the Sparrow and the Pylon.......
  10. NK in state of war with the South?

    Thank you for setting us on course. Kim will chill out just let him play general for awhile. If it was me at 27 or 28 I would have already invaded the South! The original point is that it is a dangerous mix of inherited dictatorship and twisted ideology mixed with the stupidity of youth that makes Un a dangerous thing. As far as Communism is concerned, that extreme form practiced in the DPRK is the glue that holds the whole place together. All nations and all ideologies have their dark period it is just that the DPRK has only had one and it started at inception and has not ended. Nobody is living a "Red Scare," communist states historically have had a higher rate of "National Suicide" than other types of states. Only three or so left standing right guys? The whole everything is OK in moderation line of reasoning applies here.
  11. NK in state of war with the South?

    No, no it is more that we care about the security of all nations of East Asia. We care about the people of the entire Korean peninsula, North or South. We care about peace. DPRK is the last vestige of an evil ideology. An ideology that strips man of his dignity and individualism. An ideology that grants only hardship and poverty to all who buy into it's ideas of a workers paradise but only offers anything to the people in charge. We the free people of the world detest this amoral display of political savagery and would and have given our lives in hopes that children never again have to wake up under the shadow of a red banner.
  12. Trackir 5 Vector Clip or Trackclip Pro?

    Read Ruggbutt's outstanding review of the product here at CA. He answers all your questions. BTW I love mine and also use the ball cap clip! http://combatace.com/topic/77876-trackir-5-vector-clip-or-trackclip-pro/?do=findComment&comment=619988
  13. I knew I played SF2 too much when I tried to modify my wife's data.ini file to try get her to stop bitching.
  14. Final Offensive

    To what Armored Cavalry unit did you display your Guderianesque knowledge of the art of maneuver warfare to?
  15. They are all in the latest TM Viper mods.
  16. For all my ADVERSARY or AGRESSOR missions I try to engage far out with the radar CAPTM. Engage with IR CAPTM for short range using the lock tone as my indicator that I would have killed the target. Then finish the whole thing off with guns and BFM. I am not particularly concerned about actually killing the target with the guns.
  17. Great minds think alike! Been working on the same thing...
  18. History channel really f##$ked up when they canceled Dogfights. There is a rumor that all the work for a episode about the Falklands, ended up in a Spanish speaking market only released special. I heard also they had plans to do more German and Russian interviews. Instead we end up with Ice Road Truckers.
  19. File Name: KAW pilot pics and new loading sound File Submitter: CrazyhorseB34 File Submitted: 06 January 2013 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects Some Pilot pics and a new loading sound for KAW. Loading sound replaces the annoying high pitched jet wind up sound with a more subtle Pres. Truman's radio address to the American people about the invasion of South Korea. Click here to download this file
  20. And further more F-15A's should not be or where not configured to carry LGB's. Which means that in your data.ini you should not find any laser designator........ as per reality.
  21. Bear Bombers Over Guam... o_O

    Not too worried about a couple of souped up B-29s! Live and let live.
  22. Piper Cub with Stingers and an M-60.
  23. Cool Video inside F-18


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