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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Women in Combat Units

    Quote from poster above,"Our military, for the most part, has not engaged in large scale, desperate, the issue-is-in-doubt combat since Vietnam." Whoever said that quote is full of s**t and has obviously been living under a rock for the last 13 years. Do not try to tell other people what their combat experience was like. Most especially if you have never experienced battle yourself. You will just make a fool of yourself. As a 20 year retired senior NCO with three wars under my belt I say, "You go Girl!" If you can hang you are more than welcome in the Maneuver Warfare Branch.
  2. FX's The Americans

    The role of Admiral Akbar being played by none other than our dear friend Stary!
  3. Best Vietnam war film?

    Flight of the Intruder would have to be my favorite. Platoon and Boys in Company C both very close to being the fave also. No mention of Born on the Fourth of July..... probably the only movie mentioned in this thread that actually has to do with what Vietnam was really all about.
  4. Women in Combat Units

    Good for them! Just like the gay marriage issue, if they want to endure the same hell that I have let them do it! On a serious note as one who has been a champion and a victom of the "women in combat experiment," there are several roles that women can do in the Army. The same physical standards should apply for both sexes for jobs that put you in direct ground combat role. There are just as many wimpy guys in combat units as studly women in non combat units so the numbers will sort of even out. The Army is not all about brawn. It is more about heart and soul. I have seen a 195 lb 6 ft tall 300 pt test male soldier give up. I have seen a 5 ft 8 145lb male soldier display the strength of Hercules and exibit the fighting prowess of a tiger. So either way you cut it as long as both sexes have the same physical standards that are developed to not give either sex an advantage due to body shape or composition then it is long overdue. The only real objection I would have to this is the pshycological one. No matter who the woman happens to be or even how she looks, men in combat have a natural capacity for being over protective of females who for whatever reason happen to be in their AO. I witnessed this and subconciously did it in Iraq. This could have the potential of undermining or jeopardizing a mission. The Army should seriously study this phenomenon and try to implement some training procedures to prevent it. Female soldiers wield alot of power already in the Army. The spectre of sexual harrassment charges or an equal opportunity complaint loom heavily in some units and is unfortunatly used as a political weapon within units.
  5. WBS dont let that little mod stop you! That was just a temporary solution until your Essexes are complete!
  6. Those Helldivers look awesome!!!! Cannot wait for the release!
  7. USS California (CGN 36) and USS Preble (DLG 46) in 1981. Pic of 1983 America Battle Group
  8. Let's All Give a Hand to Erik

    Hey! I am a socialist and everybody still likes me!
  9. The Dave solution take 2. F/A-18A +B61= Fried Soviet Surface BG!
  10. File Name: USN Korean War CVs File Submitter: CrazyhorseB34 File Submitted: 05 January 2013 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects This is a mod of the A-Team Essex class carriers. It represents ALL the fleet carriers used by the USN in Korea. Straight decks and jets. Nuff said. Corsairs are extremely difficult to land on these things. practice makes perfect! You need the LODs from the A-team Essex ships to make this work. For the non SBC-27s you need the following LODs ( Available at A-Team under Ships/CV-9 Essex) ////////// EssexA-R4.LOD For the SBC-27s you need the followinf LODs (Available at A-Team under Ships/CV-14 Ticonderoga Class) ///////////EssexB-MR2.LOD ///////////EssexB-MR4.LOD ///////////EssexB-MR6.LOD ///////////EssexB-MR8.LOD ///////////EssexB-R3b.LOD The non SBC-27s represent the newer Essexes equipped with hydraulic catapults and jet specific equipment. The SBC-27s represent the ships with the new Island no 5in turrets and more powerful hydralic catapults. This mod is not perfect but it will give you the feeling of what it must of been like for our Naval Aviators in Korea. All I did was repaint and respot the parked aircraft. All other credit goes to A-Team. Click here to download this file
  11. USN Korean War CVs

    Roger, Wrench. I know the deal with the Able Dogs as per your read me's and my own experience f-ing with them in the past. What I meant by the APS-4 was not that it showed up on parked aircraft but that I just pulled it out of the loadout because I have yet to see a pic of one in Korea with it mounted (AD-4NL diff story). Paulo check the pics posted with the download. I can trap everytime in the Panther, Raz's Banjo, and the AD. The Corsair on the other hand is really tricky. If you are over 100 kts. when you hit the deck you bounce. Boing! just like that youtube video of that corsair that bounces right into a gaggle of AD's and makes a real mess. Using this mod is kinda skill level 3 as far as airmanship is concerned. Thinking about putting another couple of meters on the Corsair hook as a cheat but just as in reality it is really hard to see over the nose. you have to come in in like a sweeping curve and hit it just right and hope you don't stall out and ramp strike or bounce as mentioned before. They did not call the Corsair the "Ensign Eliminator" for nothing.
  12. USN Korean War CVs

    No the old LODs work fine. I do not like random CV choice.You can change the number but you must type in the name. You can do it however you choose, I just like having the CV's as seperate ground objects because they each have their own service dates and you can change the parking layouts to individualise each boat. I have been making seperate boats out of CV classes since I started playing this thing. Call me nutty.Oh another thing, for the AD 2-4's I modded them to get rid of the never used radar pod and folded their wings so unless you do that the placement will not be right. The AD-4NL's wings dont fold so I just "//" out the carrier animation for them. The Corsairs wings don't fold.... but they are smaller and still seem to manage to fit. This is the best we got for now unless you want to fly Panther Jets from the Nimitz....which would be pretty silly. Kinda like when I landed an F/A-18C Hornet on Rising Sun's USS Hornet.
  13. USN Korean War CVs

    You are right if you put all the SBC-27's or all the K War Essexes into two seperate classes they do work fine and show up. But in "Single Mission" mode you cannot choose what carrier shows up in that class. For example: Using the class method, if I wanted to fly a specific mission from CV-32 USS Leyte the game would determine which carrier shows up not the player. Sure it will be of the same class but the game might put in CV-21 USS Boxer instead. Building each carrier allows the player to choose a specific carrier for their missions. I have every carrier indfividually represented in my installs with the exception of the USS Langley and the FDR ( I stand-in SBC-125 for FDR in my Nam install!) I did it like this for a specific reason. As for the LOD issues. I installed the "updated" LOD's. For the older ships it creates a wierd white spot near the funnel and for the SBC-27's ( Which A-Team erroneaously refers to a "Tico class long Hull") the bow number is messed up. So until some one builds a proper post WW2 Long hull Essex with enclosed bridge, twin hydraulic cats and jet blast deflectors, then we will have to take what we gets around here. I am updating them with the "AIRCRAFT_CARRIER" notation. But like I said this ain't perfect, but it is way better than flying off of SBC-125's.
  14. USN Korean War CVs

    To answer questions. This may infact be one class of vessel but they are infact very different. All the boats with the five inch guns on the deck in reality are the last of the wartime production "long Hull" Essex boats. The model for those does not provide the only feature that distinguishes the long from the short, That feature is just an added few feet to provide a provision for a twin 40mm tub on the bow. What A-team says is a "long hull or Tico" is actually an SBC-27 ship. The reason I made every carrier is that to get the proper carrier you want to show up in "Single Mission" you will have no decals show up unless you make each boat.
  15. USN Korean War CVs



    This is a mod of the A-Team Essex class carriers. It represents ALL the fleet carriers used by the USN in Korea. Straight decks and jets. Nuff said. Corsairs are extremely difficult to land on these things. practice makes perfect! You need the LODs from the A-team Essex ships to make this work. For the non SBC-27s you need the following LODs ( Available at A-Team under Ships/CV-9 Essex) ////////// EssexA-R4.LOD For the SBC-27s you need the followinf LODs (Available at A-Team under Ships/CV-14 Ticonderoga Class) ///////////EssexB-MR2.LOD ///////////EssexB-MR4.LOD ///////////EssexB-MR6.LOD ///////////EssexB-MR8.LOD ///////////EssexB-R3b.LOD The non SBC-27s represent the newer Essexes equipped with hydraulic catapults and jet specific equipment. The SBC-27s represent the ships with the new Island no 5in turrets and more powerful hydralic catapults. This mod is not perfect but it will give you the feeling of what it must of been like for our Naval Aviators in Korea. All I did was repaint and respot the parked aircraft. All other credit goes to A-Team.
  16. Military Question. British Uniform

    No. It is the graduation parade in the picture you posted. In the vid, the guys in the blue are probably the Royal Horse Artillery. The dudes in the red with the big bear skin hats are the from the Guards. They have a ceromonial as well as combat role. Every Regiment of the British Army has it's own distinct uniform. One could go mad trying to figure it all out.
  17. Military Question. British Uniform

    Those are Sandhurst cadets. They are not black they are dark blue. the only regiment of the British Army that wears black No.1 Dress is the Royal Tank Regiment.
  18. Best movie of 2012?

  19. Red Dawn 2012

    The film is garbage. Go see Lincoln instead.
  20. This was pretty fun! Just remember to burn me in effigee if you start messing with loadouts. I got the Aussie ones done except the HUG and all B versions. Spain is almost done except the EF-18M. Finland is an oddball due to no air to ground capability until 2011-12 with JASSM, it is almost done just needs skin. Brain you made me laugh when you mentioned the cockpit versions. I remember printing out all those diagrams in the NATOPS and studying them figuring out by BUNO which one of your smoking hot pits go in each version! So I hope when the masses start modding these out they stay true to your hard work and our collective vision! Dave I will give you some more names to add to the credits, also right now I would like to give a big salute to LouG who's knowledge and experience put this thing over the top. Also big salute to FastCargo! When there are two fast jet pilots working on flight model tweaks how can you go wrong?
  21. Banidos-Team Mirage IIIEA Fuerza Aérea Argentina

    Please provide link for seat.

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