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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Been Out

    Tell Chief I said get well soon!
  2. The Pub...

  3. Netz 107 "Sufa" the Viper with the most kills 6.5 goes down............
  4. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    The viciousness of the Blue Tick Hound on display. Note the massive size and strength of the animal and it's sheer will to destroy all who crosses it's path. Judging by the record of the University of Tennesse's football team in recent years "Smokey" is a fitting mascot.
  5. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    I still do not understand why they just did not go back in the house, grab a beer and watch Seinfeld reruns. Another thing I do not understand is how they could feel threatened by dogs fighting outside, when they are humans and can simply just go in the house. I am sorry but I don't think a beagle ( ie Snoopy from the cartoons) could lay seige to someone's house.Totally silly situation for all involved.
  6. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    Word. I hear you bro, but coon dogs are normally beagles so you do the math!
  7. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    Just because you where in the Marines does not mean you can kill other people's property. I hate to break it to some of you but just because you are a veteran does not mean you are beyond reproach. There are alot of people who are in prison who were once in the marines....... people kill me I swear. The whole dangerous animal thing is stupid anyway....ever heard of go in the house. The other stupid thing about this is shooting a warning shot. Anybody who has been a trigger puller in the US military for the last 10 years knows not to shoot a stupid warning shot. Whatever, people making a mountain out of a mole hill just because the poor dumb azz was a veteran.
  8. Florida cannibal was high on LSD

    NOT LSD.
  9. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    Just goes to show you that guns are not always the answer. Too bad he did not have to pay the $4500.
  10. Florida cannibal was high on LSD

    Follow up to this, the cannable was on what is known as "Bath Salts." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylenedioxypyrovalerone This stuff is hitting all over the East Coast and South East. The stuff was sold in local head shops in North East Tennessee, until local cops shut them down after about five months of incredibly whacky activity in the area. Area hospitals where packed with people who had injured themselves while high on this stuff. One man actually stripped naked and ran into a wall until he had rendered himself unconscious. He later died due to the injuries he had inflicted on himself.
  11. Dave take a close look at your Barak.... No WAR HUD for the Israeli 40's. No AIM-120 for Barak. Also Baraks do not carry pods only Brakeets.
  12. A-6 Superpack

    Well..... I do not use the MOD Enabler, nor will I ever. This game is made for modding from the start not like IL-2. Nomatter what version update this is it is still a completely confusing mess.
  13. Clem is an easter egg in the old MF weaps pack.........downloadable here I think.
  14. RWR screen should scroll up on the UFCD and the RWR on lower right should be plated over.
  15. In your Aircraft folder, take all the stock aircraft that you have modded and make a new folder. Name it waht you want. Copy your planename.ini, data.ini, and whatever else you do not want to be overriden into that folder. When the game auto updates a patch or whatever your old modded data will not be overiden because it is stored safe in the new folder. Then all you have to do is reveiw the new data after you extract it and recopy whatever you want back into the aircrafts own folder. This takes some time but it can be a lifesaver in the long run. Hope this helps.
  16. Happy Birthday to...

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. We can fly right up our own azzhole!
  18. A-6 Superpack

    This wins the prize as the single most confusing and complicated to install correctly, single aircraft type mod in the history of Combat Ace. I will now spend the majority of my weekend trying to fix it.
  19. Silverbolt's Birthday!

  20. Secret Service Serviced by Service Professional

    I smelled VD when I saw those pics. Skank city.
  21. Check this out if you liked Ironroad's F-14 flick!

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