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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Happy Birthday to

    Hip Hip Hurray
  2. Don't work in fully merged SF2 with NOV patch.
  3. Birthdays time!

  4. Wanna join the IDF?

    Those two Bundeswehr chicks look like skanks. STD breeding grounds.
  5. Thats no pony. It is a "Government Mule!"
  6. I did everything you said Wrench but change the TFD & HFD. It all makes sense now. Good tip!
  7. First Production Model F-35B Delivered

    First and last............
  8. Combat Ace Milestone

    Will you now get a pony?
  9. Well.......I would. What if I dont want to see F-16's on the ramp because I am "going to the range" in the 1960's! No worries outstanding MOD man! Great work!!!!!
  10. It is fixed now. What I did was rename the folder and the ini to "Nellis". I left Mesaclero where it was in the terrain folder. That is what porked it. Naming the folder "Range" was a mistake now we cant have Mescalero and Nellis in the same terrain folder. Oh well it looks good and runs fine, Thanks!
  11. This things got some problems, ref pic.
  12. http://combatace.com/topic/62575-realistic-rwr-sound/page__p__474799__hl__%22rwr+sound%22__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=474799 Check it Yo!
  13. This was done about 7 years ago.
  14. Happy Birthday To.....

  15. Happy Birthday

  16. Thanks Fubar, please post the whole kit and kaboole. I seem to be missing parts to this as well.
  17. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    There is supposed to be a movie about the 761st Medium Tank Battalion (Negro), or more famously known as the "Black Panthers". These guys kicked some real butt NWE in 44-45.
  18. Check START BEFORE and set it for like 25 or 30 minutes.
  19. Top Gun Day

    If you think.......your dead! http://www.topgunday.com/
  20. Bring It Iran

    Typhoid nailed it in his second post. The Gulf States lack the training,coordination, and leadership to get the job done. This duty falls within the realm of responsibility of the USN.
  21. Bring It Iran

    Guys, take alook at this paper titled, Iran's Asymetrical Naval Warfare. This is spot on. many interseting points to discuss in this. PolicyFocus87.pdf
  22. Bring It Iran

    Okay Typhoid we can refrain from spouting FOX news talking points. We should strive to keep this disussion oriented toward Iran's asshattery not personal political opinions.

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