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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Bring It Iran

    Because the do not have navies.
  2. Bring It Iran

    Wrong indeed. Iran since 1979 has with out any doubt and with tons of evidence has been responsible for 75% of the worlds terrorist acts world wide. Hezbollah is a subunit of the Qudz Force. Qudz Force operatives have been killed and captured in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran is directly resposible for the ethnic violence in Iraq. They are responsible for the proliferation of EFP's in both warzones, which have killed 1,000s of US and NATO personel. They have been waging a covert proxy war against us and our allies for years. Should we invade them. No way. Should we ensure the world's oil supply flows freely? Yes we should. Should we support regime change from within? We are doing so right now but it is alot harder than we realised. The Iranian government is the most dangerous thing we have in the world today. Kind of like the little guy that lives in your neighborhood who shoots meth all the time. One on one you could beat his a** but you never know when him and his crew will sneak in your house and shoot you in your sleep.
  3. Bring It Iran

    Roger that Sid! POTUS got him a pretty impressive body count so far! The Iranians are stupid. They do have the capability to attempt to close the Straits of Hormuz. They have pulled this stuff before. If they try it again they will get skull F***ed. Nobody said bomb Iran. What I said was keep the worlds oil flowing. Remember the "Tanker War", OP Praying Mantis? The average Joe Iranian that is educated and lives in the urban centers is pro western and against the theocrats. The contrast is the millions of half ignorant rural types that check their wells everynight looking for the 13th Imam, these types are the ones that are in the ranks of the Pasdaran. Those are the ones that go into the cities during the protests and kill their secular minded urban siblings. I do not think we need to go to war with Iran but if we had a choice in 02-03 between Iran and Iraq, Iran was the only one that provided a viable threat to the USA. Saddam was horrible but as we "Mercuns" fail to realise he was not a sponsor of international terrorism like Iran was and is. The way to defeat the Ayatollahs is from the inside but we have fu**ed up the region so bad now that Iraq is now a Shia sattellite of the Ayatollahs. Do we not remember who we fought in Iraq during the surge? In 06-08 it was not the Baathists Sunnis, but it was the Shia militias led by Sadr and backed and trained and helped by the Qudz Force. I am no peace-nik, but I think war should be waged in an intelligent manner and an invasion of Iran would not be intelligent. But sinking their "bass-boat navy" would be fun!
  4. No, start date should be 1982. This is the updated "Big E"!
  5. Bring It Iran

    Remember Neda.
  6. Thank you! You just made my day!
  7. Bring It Iran

    We need to add Gepards Persian Gulf Terrain to "OP DARIUS"!
  8. Bring It Iran

    Even their admirals wear trucker hats. Iranian admiral showing his crew where the lifeboats are. We could win this thing all sub surface.
  9. Bring It Iran

    Only two carriers in the gulf during ODS, others where in Red Sea. At any rate the USN fought it's last surface battle against the Iranians. Before that the Japanese. The Iranians are all full of bluster and pomegranate juice. Not to mention their military wears trucker hats. They pose a viable ASM threat but I figure after a couple of nights of B-2 work they will be just as pathetic as they have always been. So Iran if you are listening, the United States Navy owns the Persian Gulf. If you interfear with them they will show the world what a third rate military looks like. By the time they are done with you they will rename the Persian Gulf to John Paul Jone's Chamber Pot.
  10. We could merge SF2: NA and Rising Sun and have a "Final Countdown" install.
  11. The "Big E" lost it's SCANFAR Radar turban in the 1979-1982 refit.......... So hope it is post 82. Also the VF-41 skin on that Turkey is circa 1978.
  12. I just hope the USS Enterprise listed in the GROUND OBJECTS ini is the updated one and not the old school one with the "turban".
  13. GBU-27/B The large fins of the GBU-24/B series weapons don't fit into the bomb bay of the F-117 Nighthawk, and therefore the US Air Force developed the GBU-27/B, a specially configured 2000 lb class Paveway III for use by the F-117. The primary difference from the GBU-24/B is that the GBU-27/B uses a Paveway II-type airfoil group, and slightly more compact suspension logs. When fitted with GPS/INS-enabled WGU-39A/B GCUs, the GBU-27/B LGBs are informally referred to as EGBU-27. The GBU-27/B entered service in 1987, and about 3200 rounds have been produced. GBU-27A/B Designation for BLU-109/B bomb fitted with Paveway III guidance kit and fitted with WGU-39A/B CCG. GBU-27B/B Designation for BLU-116/B bomb fitted with Paveway III guidance kit and fitted with WGU-39A/B CCG. Hope this helps!
  14. I got CH pedals, Saitek X-52, Belkin n52 minipad, and Track IR 5. Love my X-52 but have tried Dave's CH rig and it is sweet. Hope it helps.
  15. The truth about cats

    Cats are the most awesome things on this planet. I should know I am controlled by four of them.
  16. Real good pics of this thing are hard to find....but the Shrike motor pics should do. Thanks, Ravenclaw you are the man!
  17. Great work Ravenclaw. Was wondering if you had plans of adding the AGM-123 Skipper II to the arsenal. The current example could use some Ravenclaw love!
  18. Got bugs in your avionics?

    They must be using TK's NOV 11 patch.

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