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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. 20 Years and Some Change.....

    USAF has PT standards?......yuk yuk yuk!
  2. 20 Years and Some Change.....

  3. Space shuttle

    I am not working on Mars!
  4. So it's the end of The World...

    Hope FAUX news is next!
  5. It's Kulbrit's Birthday!

  6. I got hired today

  7. OMG

    And Roger.................. And Roger..................
  8. OMG

    Aint that something................
  9. OMG

    Baez is now GOD.
  10. The Force is with him...

  11. HARM shooting: Watch your RWR, once you see a radar transmmiting, point your jet toward the radar signature on your RWR, nose up about 5 to 10 degrees, shoot (MAGNUM) then follow your HARM in weapons view and watch the show. You do not have to get a red box around the radar to shoot HARM, just use your RWR.
  12. Women Football World Championship

    WhiteKnight we agree on a whole lot more than you think! You are one of my oldest CA friends! Oh and women's football does rock! I wish the USA remains sucky at "World Football" so I can keep rooting for France and Germany! Ale Le Bleus!
  13. Women Football World Championship

    Soccer is a girls sport anyway! That is why our girls are so good!
  14. Same here! Put USS Iowa vs. two Udaloys a couple of miles apart and broadside.......results where a pathetic gunnery display. But, it looked cool flying over it!
  15. And Roger...... Good job keep the egg beaters flowing!
  16. FIXED! Thanks Jim Beamer good job. Wonder if we could put the same mods on the yap 47?
  17. My IFR is not complete. In loadout ini it calls for "47IFR", but no weapon by that name was provided. That might be the issue other than that good work man! See SF2 screenshot thread for pic.
  18. Bigstone, is this what you are talking about? PM me.
  19. Who are these guys braggin rights

    US Army helicopter display team circa 1970's. Notice old recruiting command patch on left sleeve. Their name was the "Silver Eagles". The Narrator was from my home town. http://aerobaticteam...ver-eagles.html http://www.eaglelead.com/
  20. A sad day in the music world

  21. So creepy, she is hot!

    Wow this girl is so creepy she is hot. I like cats but come on!

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