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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Favorite Music Genre?

  2. Check Out This Dumbass.....

    Some one in here smells like hamster bones and KY jelly!

    Happy Birthday to the greatest and most powerful fighting force the world has everseen. http://www.army.mil/birthday/236/
  4. It' Almost Outta Here

    What was finally determined for the new test?

  6. It' Almost Outta Here

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Baghdad_(2003) The basic story.
  7. It' Almost Outta Here

    3rd ID took B-dad.
  8. It' Almost Outta Here

    Complete rubbish.
  9. Austro Hungarian Empire.
  10. It' Almost Outta Here

    The foreign made ones were only around about a year or so. The ones made in Canada where notorious for being really large diameter wise. I lucked out and got a USA made one from the get. I took my guys that got funky ones back to CIF and got most of them exchanged. They just had a big need for alot of berets in a short period of time and had to augment their US orders with foreign orders. After Wang Wei rammed the Orion you are right about the CHICOM berets being rejected for issue.
  11. It' Almost Outta Here

    The beret was cool in it's time. Nothing like a bunch of tobacco spittin TANKERS wearing their tanker boots and the black beret. A common mis understanding is who actually had the rights to the black beret. In the 50's the divisional ranger companies started wearing them on a completely unofficial basis. This continued in the 60's with the vietnam era LRRP's, again strictly unofficial wear. In the 70's the black beret was made official wear for amored troops, tankers and scouts. This only lasted I think three years before it got canned. After that the ranger regiment was authorized to wear berets when it was established also some time in the seventies. So in reality tankers where the first guys in the US Army to be officially authorized to wear the black beret. This whole thing started with the British Army Royal Tank Regiment. After WWI the RTR was seeking a form of headgear suitable to wear in a tank. The beret was chosen. Until that time ( 20's) the only soldiers in the world that wore berets where the French Chaussers Alpines. The RTR chose the beret because you could wear it while peering into gun sights without a visor from a peaked cap getting in the way. Also the color black was chosen because it hid grease and grime. At the beginning of WWII the british Army chose the Maroon Beret as the headgear for the Parachute Regiment. The choice was made by the novelist Daphne Dumaurier(sp?) who was the wife of one of the founding generals of the British Airborne force. Later the british army commandos adopted a green beret. When the Army commandos where abolished after WWII the Royal Marines continued to wear the green beret as a symbol of completion of ths RM commado course. So in reality....the beret is a really ugly and disfunctional form of headgear. The only people who ever had any real use for it where armor crewmen and world wide the black beret is a symbol of the mounted warrior. The reality of the situation is when you are in the field you wear a helmet any way so "soft head gear" is a matter of fashion trends more than functionality. My humble opinion is that BDU's where fine, Dress Greens where fine as well. All the US Army did was waste a bunch of time and money trying to look cool. The end result was goofy dress uniforms and combat uniforms only suited for the invasion of Neptune. The Army went to crap when they put pockets on our sleeves, but that is all part of what I call the "Commandoization" of the Army. The neglect of the backbone of our fighting strength, the heavy conventional force, and the homo erotic worship of the extremely small elite force. Besides, Tanks took Baghdad in 03, not Rangers. Oh and BTW the New Chief of staff and the new SMA are both TANKERS so go figure.
  12. Enlisting in the USAF

    I can answer that. Making some other poor SOB die for HIS country.
  13. Enlisting in the USAF

    Or......... just join the U.S. Army. All jobs are cool and you also get to shoot at stuff!
  14. Enlisting in the USAF

  15. So creepy, she is hot!

    The toe thumbs really are spooky.
  16. While at Edwards AFB...

  17. Check This Out!

    I wish Texas would also. Welcome to the third world.
  18. Ak-47

    Or, just do not live in fear.
  19. Ludo just turned 40 !

  20. Home Burglarized-UberNXt cougar stolen!

    Happened to my quarters at Ft. Riley. To beat it all I was in Iraq and my wife was visiting in Tennessee at the time. Got all the expensive stuff back. Army CID tracked it sll down at pawnshops downtown. Never got my broke laptop back though! Good luck Chief, I know where you are coming from.
  21. Birthdays!

  22. Why Men are never depressed

  23. A-6E TRAM (Harpoon Modified) VA-95 Operation Praying Mantis 1988
  24. Gentlemen, my CG-47 and some other ships are sitting on the water so that the screws are exposed above the surface. What must I adjust in the DATA.ini to solve this. A thousand thank yous in advance!
  25. Ah sooo, Grasshopper gains wisdom.

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