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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Like I said before, AMRAAM. To say the MiG-21bis is superior to the F-4F ICE is completely absurd. It might be more manuverable but the bottom line is the "kill". The ICE would engage those bis' BVR with AIM-120. Those poor guys would not even know what hit them. There are no "style points" in combat, either you win or you die. Nice try but Soviet era jets and tanks are crap. That is a PROVEN fact.
  2. AMRAAM capable.....nuff said.
  3. What is this cloth eared bimbo on about?

    Wow, I thought we only had neo-conservative, stone age d-bags in the U.S.A. ( Meant to be humorous not offensive. Please note the beer drinking emoticons!)
  4. Libyan Mig shot down over Benghazi

    If I where the rebels first thing is .......do not ride around in captured tanks and jets. Second thing..... go get case of beer sit on hillside and watch the French go tank plinkin!
  5. Libyan Mig shot down over Benghazi

    How stupid do you have to be to fly a MiG-23 over Libya this weekend no matter whoes side you are on?
  6. Nothing any helicopter has travels at 1650 meters a second like my stuff does. Tanks like the M-1A1, M-1A2, Leo 2, CR 2, Merkava, Should have this mod applied. T-xxx not so much. For one their Fire Control System sux. They are not capable of effectively engaging and consistantly hitting helicopters or unwary low flying jets. The HMG option on the other hand does seem the way to go for all tanks.
  7. Shooting at Frankfurt airport

  8. The one that you have in it already.
  9. As a former tanker and Abrams Master Gunner I will attest to the fact that the U.S. Army does train to engage helicopters with the main gun. We shoot them in the simulator all the time. I also killed four vismod Hind-D's (UH-1's) in the Central Corridor at NTC in 1995 with MILES gear. I also got an F-16 kill at NTC with maingun during same rotation. It happens and it is doctrine. This is a good thing.
  10. A-6A_63 off USS Constellation 1966. VA-65 " Fighting Tigers", Intruders third combat tour.
  11. Dear Mr Gadaffi

    The sad thing is if we would of waited a few years this would have happened in Iraq and so many of my friends would still be alive.
  12. Dear Mr Gadaffi

    Brasil needs to steam it's second hand carrier to the Gulf of Sidra and watch it's 48 year old A-4's get smoked. Time to take a world leadership role guys.....
  13. A-6A VA-85 off USS Kitty Hawk 1967.
  14. VA-75 Sunday Punchers off the Indy, Vietnam 1965. First combat tour of the Intruder.
  15. Can anyone give me a time line as to when A-6A's had RWR's installed during Vietnam. Not talking about A-6B's at all. A's.
  16. A-6A RWR Date

    Good info. By reading crew accounts, it would seem that those systems were installed in the 68-69 time frame..... Once again thank you and I will keep looking.
  17. A-6A RWR Date

    Thank you very much FUBAR......just exactly what I am looking for!
  18. USMC Korean Air War Night Fighters

    Thanks for sharing!!!
  19. the worst part of having facebook

    That guy should get the uncle of the year award! We need more uncles like that in the U.S.A.!
  20. An Interview with LouG

    Welcome aboard LouG!
  21. Hey dude, go ahead and get SF2. It really is better. You wont regret it. Any more questions just PM Dave!
  22. Decals By DAVE with guidance and info from Wilco.
  23. Happy Birthday CrazyhorseB34

    Thank you very much all my Combat Ace friends. I value all of your friendships and wish all of you could have been at my "suprise birthday party". 40 is not that bad afterall! Once again thank you all!

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