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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Ok Boys, It's Huntin' Season.......

    Some guy sitting in an airconditioned shelter in Nevada will get the kill. "Don't fear the REAPER... du du do du du"!
  2. Wikileak Apache video

    Good work Crazyhorse 18. I counted five AK's, this engagement was legit. It was cool to see the M-2's get some too. Good cross talk between the air and ground element.
  3. Wow can't wait to AMRAAM it with my Super Bug. Flankers are getting old.......
  4. Use the AV-8B pit. Closest I can find and does pretty good. Fun to zip around A-stan in the Ghibli.
  5. Operation Desert Storm

    Persian Gulf U.S.S. Midway, U.S.S. Ranger, U.S.S. John F. Kennedy. Red Sea U.S.S. Saratoga, U.S.S. America, U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt.
  6. Finally got my new rig

    Good luck, man!
  7. Can any body point me in the right direction to find the Mirage Factory Clemenceau carrier.According to some previous posts it was available on Check Six in one of the TMF weapons packs. Downloaded everything I could over there could not find it. The file name should be "clem_65 IIC" according to previous posts. If some one can help me or already has this file and wouldn't mind sending it to me, please PM me. My thanks to you in advance.
  8. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    Way to go Barry!
  9. Why do they call 'em Tie Fighters?

    Twin Ion Engine= T I E
  10. The Strutters Ball!

    Guys, thanks awesome! Just whacked a couple of Alb.III's with it.

    This thing is garbage.
  12. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    My answer is YES. It doesn't take two years to train an Infantryman,Scout, or Tanker. Two years, go chuck some grenades in a foreign land then people will really start to appreciate what they have as citizens.
  13. Army Strong!

    I did not have a Burger King in Ramadi..........
  14. Army Strong!

    BTW the patch is 81st BCT WA and CA national guard.
  15. Army Strong!

    Typical "Guard Tard". My experience with training these bozos is either he is the nephew of the battalion commander, thus untouchable. Or he might even be the civilian boss of one of his officers. Once again he would be untouchable. That photo makes me sick I want to puke. My official retirement date is 31 AUG 09. Boy am I glad. Our Army,I am sad to say, is nothing of what it was just 10 or 12 years ago.
  16. Resize to 107X127, save as BMP. Drop in Pilot Data folder.
  17. Halberstadt CLIV - Released

    Well done Laton!
  18. Has anyone vacationed in Branson, Mo?

    Go to Gatlinburg,TN and the Great Smokey Mountains National Park.
  19. Halberstadt CL.IV

    Thank you! Great job. J.I.M.P
  20. Funny you should ask! A Rafale, and an updated and functional F-16C Cockpit. Please.....
  21. "I went down to engage him..."

  22. My next project

    Good job quack! CL.II, CLII. !
  23. My next project

    Here ya go!
  24. Ordway, check out this webite! http://backfiretu-22m.tripod.com/index.html

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