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Everything posted by abuassad

  1. F-22s in Alaska

    And I just saw 30 Days of Night.
  2. Frecce Tricolori 55th Anniversary

    Great pictures!
  3. I am definetly going tomorrow

    Would a love a ride on the Me262.
  4. Flying Aircraft Carriers

    Wasn't there a movie with this scenario?
  5. Let us read from the Book of Avro:

    Say what!
  6. Wittmann at Villers Bocage

    "Feuer," said the man.
  7. Villers Bocage - minus the Tiger!

    Haha! And Agent J got a boost when he touched the red button.
  8. Villers Bocage - minus the Tiger!

    'Danke'. Also, when in stats mode, I wish the war wouldn't go on. You wouldn't have lost!
  9. Villers Bocage - minus the Tiger!

    Get on with it, the suspense is killing me!
  10. DM's Screen Shots

    Obviously, he didn't jump. Were there parachutes, then?
  11. By all means, i think that's a pretty good landing; straight and soft, and safe!
  12. Cool. Cool! Cool! Cool! (Artsy handshake )
  13. Prowlers Retired

    i fell in love with the A-6 (don't laugh!) after playing AND watching 'Flight of the Intruder', despite it's nose (or is it inspite of?) it's like an ugly child only a mother could, er, would love.
  14. HOLY CRAP!

    LIVE anthrax?
  15. Steven Dobbs has passed away

  16. Scary Video...

    did the pilots survive?
  17. Haha! you should add: My significant other wont' allow me to use power tools after the last incident!
  18. New Star Wars trailer!

    Welcome home, Han!
  19. tried the Nvidia control panel? Select SF2, then select the gpu from there.
  20. A Very Humbling Video

    you said it, .

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