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Everything posted by FANATIC MODDER

  1. F-4C_8thTFW_1967

    I read the Paul Davies book about USAF F-4 aces during 1965-68 and I think that all your new F-4s are awesome,as close to reality as possible. However, there is a small bug with the camo fletcher fuel tanks, which they DON'T come up.The tailcodes don't come up too.Any suggestions?
  3. This is great, and I believe much more realistic.Thanks very much. I want to ask about the avionics capabilities of the newer versions (ML, MLD etc.). For now, they are ...worse in the configuration that I installed them from the standard MIRAGE FACTORY avionics downloads.I want to ask if someone is working on them, if not, I can give a hand on that if is necessary.
  4. It seems that someone has to choose if he wants a green or grey skin,isn't it? when I tried to put the grey AGM-130C skin in my weapons folder, I realized that I had to overwrite the AGM-130A skins.I didn't, and then the AGM-130C appeared normally with the green AGM-130A skin.
  5. Who made this FANTASTIC cockpit??
  6. F-84G JRV

    The Yugoslav F-84Gs were ex-Hellenic Air Force Aircraft that were sold between 1956-'57 as used to Yugoslavia. Yugoslavs used them for another 15 years, finally retiring them in 1972.
  7. File Name: Tornado F.3 AOP File Submitter: FANATIC MODDER File Submitted: 5 Mar 2009 File Updated: 6 Mar 2009 File Category: Tornado This is the latest, modern version of the Tornado F.3 as it is used by RAF today. Don't be so excited, it might be so a complete aeroplane, but the changes are minimal,since RAF tried to update the F.3 as ...less as possible: It is well known the AMRAAM fiasco it was only in 2004 the F.3s finally received a proper AMRAAM capability. My add-on is about these,AMRAAM capable F.3s. INSTALLATION: If you haven't installed Bobrocks's F.3, please follow the instructions faithfully as they are on the file QUICKSTART F.3AOP. If you have already, be sure that you put all the necessary sounds in the sound folder and that you 're going to add all the necessary weapons using the weapon editor. ADDED BONUS: Data for the Sky Flash 6000 series are provided.F.3 AOP can use this missile, however it was carried normally by the standard F.3s since 1988. The credit should really go to: Main 3d modeling and programming: bobrock FM and avionics advisors: Crusader, starfighter2 Sounds: Spillone104 Pilots: Aleks, Canadair, Erikgen, NGHENGO, Silverbolt, Spillone104, triplethr3at Skins: Syrinx EDIT: The changes might be minimal, but still they are highly enjoyable and the AIM-120C-5 suits very well to the Tornado...Don't hesitate to download,you won't regret it.A very fast plane (especially in low alt) with a very powerful radar (comparable with last generation fighters), C-5 extra boosting time and new warhead masks very well Tornado inabilities...you might be surprised. Click here to download this file
  8. Tornado F.3 AOP

    In reality, retaining a bit more the F3s in service might save money in the long run, since that would prevent heavy Typhoon usage.Now as long as RAF Typhoons are not assigned to NATO QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) duties we can assume that RAF Typhoons are not -for the moment- used too much, therefore saving valuable airframe time in the long run.However, I agree that in the immediate future that might escalate running costs a bit, and that won't suit too well to the gov.
  9. Tornado F.3 AOP

    According to Air Forces Monthly (Oct/08, p.61), F3s are to be retired in 2015. However I decided to postpone a bit the retirement day, having in mind that in the post cold war reality is not that unusual to postpone retirement dates.If UK Typhoons are going to be involved in overseas military operations in the next few years, don't be surprised if F3s are going to serve a bit longer in the role of homeland defense. Welcome, all the credit should go to the Tornado Team.
  10. File Name: AIM-120C-5 File Submitter: FANATIC MODDER File Submitted: 5 Mar 2009 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Weapons Mods/Skins I was not aware of an AIM-120C-5 being available, so I made one. Be sure that you have the latest weapon pack since there is no LOD included. INSTALLATION: Use your weapon editor to add to the WEAPONDATA.INI and enjoy. REMEMBER:THIS IS A FREEWARE! Click here to download this file
  11. AIM-120C-5

    http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/m-120.html The first P3I Phase 2 missile is the AIM-120C-4 (first delivered in 1999), which has an improved WDU-41/B warhead. The AIM-120C-5 is a C-4 with a slightly larger motor in the new WPU-16/B propulsion section and a new shorter WCU-28/B control section with compressed electronics and ECCM upgrades. Data for AIM-120A/B/C: AIM-120A/BAIM-120C-5 Length3.66 m (12 ft) Wingspan53.3 cm (21 in)44.7 cm (17.6 in) Finspan63.5 cm (25 in)44.7 cm (17.6 in) Diameter17.8 cm (7 in) Weight157 kg (345 lb) Speed Mach 4 Range50-70 km (30-45 miles)> 105 km (65 miles) PropulsionHercules/Aerojet solid-fueled rocket Warhead23 kg (50 lb) WDU-33/B blast-fragmentation18 kg (40 lb) WDU-41/B blast-fragmentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you think that these data are wrong? Do you have other sources so we can check it?
  12. AIM-120C-5

    from AIM-120C to AIM-120C-5 there are is quite a lot of difference I think. Please give me your impressions about the new warhead, which I found quite effective.
  13. AIM-120C-5

    I wish wingwinner can make a proper AIM-120C-5 and if my ini can help,that would be great.
  14. AIM-120C-5



    I was not aware of an AIM-120C-5 being available, so I made one. Be sure that you have the latest weapon pack since there is no LOD included. INSTALLATION: Use your weapon editor to add to the WEAPONDATA.INI and enjoy. REMEMBER:THIS IS A FREEWARE!
  15. It's better now, more realistic, it's just these TF30 nozzles...something must be done for them...
  16. File Name: F/A-18F Super Hornet Block II File Submitter: FANATIC MODDER File Submitted: 8 Jan 2009 File Category: F-18 All I did was to modify the AVIONICS.INI to block II configuration, mainly simulating the APG-79 AESA radar, using the VFA-213 skins (VFA-213 has block II planes).You NEED to have the original F/A-18F installed first, because all the the effects, pilot, weapons etc. are NOT included. Be aware: -This is NOT a 100% correct F/A-18F Block II plane, since if we want to follow reality faithfully a modified -almost new- cockpit is needed. - I haven't found a detailed performance description of the APG-79 radar, so some changes are in reality "best guess". So the Credit should really go to: Skin by SidDogg Template by 101tfs and Erwin_hans 3D Model by 101tfs Flight Model by Erwin_hans INI work by 101tfs and Erwin_hans Effects by 101tfs and Erwin_hans Original F/A-18A/B Cockpit by TMF modified to an F-18E/F by Erwin_hans. And last but not least: Remember this is a FREEWARE!! Click here to download this file
  17. Thx Viper! Please give me feedback of your impressions.
  18. File Name: F-4E Terminator (Alternative) File Submitter: FANATIC MODDER File Submitted: 4 Jan 2009 File Category: F-4 This is the almost-finished 2020 Terminator that was left in my HD for more than a month.I was stuck in making the right skin (I admit I am not good at it)and it was left unreleased.Now I want to offer it to you the way it is, because if not now it doesn't make any sense later.I use the seytan skin from EVRO, sounds from SPILLONE and the avionics are using elements from the F-4ES mod of ULTRAMAX. Please have latest weapon packs installed. I have in my HD a few more projects, that is a - Lightning F.2A - An updated F7U - A Kurnass 2000 - various MiG-21s and J-7s - F/A-18 upgrades I am going to release them soon, unfinished or not doesn't matter, 'cause I feel is better to just release them and let someone else improve them.If someone else is working on such projects, please let me know, and I would gladly give you my work before release, as long as I am mentioned. Click here to download this file
  19. Thanks Viper! Let's hope.
  20. Great! I always loved the X-29.
  21. It was my mistake, I had mixed-up files from the stock A-7B to the ArmorDave A-7B. My intention was to make a separate A-7P, something that I did and now it works perfectly.I can offer it to the community if there is no objection, however the work required is minimal and the right thing is to be presented by ArmorDave or someone else that was more involved with the ArmorDave A-7B.
  22. it cannot work on mine.Just blank. Any suggestions?
  23. They are so good that I admit that I am waiting with anxiety F-101B/F to come some day.Great work!
  24. Mirage 50EV

    thx, but in any case I need to have WOI in the first place, am I correct? I cannot extract CAT files from WOE that don't exist.I hope that someone can provide me the CAT file of Mirage 5D (hopefully my request won't be viewed as ...piracy! )

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