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FANATIC MODDER last won the day on March 1 2011

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  1. Sabre Dogs - Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo

    I have a question....There are new textures in the cockpit however they are not coming out and the cockpit is still the old F-86D cockpit....is it alright like this???
  2. [Fictional] Panavia Tornado GR.1H for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2

    Thank you for this, I am going write the real story behind Tornados in HAF service, which is very different. The Tornado IDS was in the shortlist that the HAF gave to the ministry of defense in 1982. The other three were the Mirage 2000, F-16C and F/A-18A. Panavia offered EAB (Hellenic Aerospace Industries) to be the fourth partner with a very small percentage (max 5%) if the government would order min 40 Tornado IDS and this was stated in the Defendory 1982 in Piraeus. Inside HAF the Tornado IDS had its own supporters, as all the other three contenders. It was obvious that it was the only plane of the four with good enough combat radius to be able to protect Cyprus, as well as the best against naval targets. The possibility that a deal would be combined with a generous second - hand acquisition of many F-104Gs of the Luftwaffe was a big plus too, since the Germans had their planes very well maintained (in contrast with e.g. the Belgians) and Turkey was very eager to get as many of these planes as possible, which was a big issue at the time. Most of all, the possibility of being together with the major players (except France) of the European Aerospace Industry was its main asset. In HAF service they would almost certainly had been based in Larisa, which was (still is...) the most central and better protected air base in the country, replacing the A-7Hs of the 345 and 347 squadrons, which in their turn they would replace either F-104Gs or F-5As. At the end the Tornado IDS of the first of four to be eliminated in the selection process. A major reason counted against it - it was very obvious that its air to air capabilities were very limited and it was a pure strike aircraft. The development problems of the ADV highlighted the bomber nature of the Tornado - it was obvious that in a possible war in central Europe a Tornado armed with AIM-9s may had a chance against Warsaw pact MiG-21 and MiG-23, but they wouldn't stand a chance against F-16s. Other reasons were the external only ECMs (HAF never used external ECM pods) and the bad performance in high alt, where in the environment of the Aegean the "fast and high" rule reigns.
  3. Fly as a Wingman

    Thank you
  4. Fly as a Wingman

    Can you give us the COMMDATA together with the FORMATION file? Thanks.
  5. 52nd Fighter Wing 1994

    Thank you for adding credits.
  6. 52nd Fighter Wing 1994

    Fubar did the original FM in the original release of the F-15 by fast cargo, however I rework all the DATA.inis the AVIONICS.ini and LOADOUT.inis . Spudknocker did some rework of the afterburner emitters and some cockpit work? I cannot remember anymore after 8 years, however the rework of the avionics and the loadouts is 100% mine. Fastcargo had only the original F-15C/D of 1979 and the F-15C/D_85. All the versions that are shown in this package here, apart from the previous mentioned original versions were created by me as a draft where Viper worked all his skins. I am not mentioning this as a means to downgrade FUBARs work, however I believe that the people involved in the Mudhen Maintenance Team as Viper named us should be mentioned, especially since the F-15C_91 is essentially the one taken out of the F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux. Also, I feel disappointed because after so many years the release of this is not used at all, essentially I made it for free use for modders to use it as a basis to work on their F-16s, with weights, thrust etc corrected and it is disappointing that you still have the empty weight of an YF-16 on this Block 50....
  7. A-7 Corsair II. SLUF over Vietnam.

    In the A-7A there is a problem with the serial numbers, they are not coming out properly
  8. Falklands Mod HMS Ark Royal ‘what if’ campaign

    The Argentinians didn't even consider that the British would go to war. When they realized that they are going to war for real, it was too late for them. Phantoms would had been great in this war. This was the kind of war that they were designed in the first place. Apparently the Eagle and Victorious were better carriers than the Ark Royal. An logical policy would had been to retire the Ark Royal , keep the Eagle, give all the Buccaneers to the RAF and keep a Phantom only Eagle in service.
  9. Falklands Mod HMS Ark Royal ‘what if’ campaign

    They wished ! haha Seriously, if they had Ark Royal and their Phantoms and Buccaneers still in service with the Ark Royal, the Argentinians most likely they wouldn't even try to invade the islands.
  10. Martin P5M-2 Marlin (*)

    I also hate texture painted serial numbers...
  11. Northrop F-5E/N "aggressor" double pack (*)

    These are excellent skins, and I hope that this effort will continue, since there a lot of excellent LODs in the A-Team that are wasted without proper skins (and especially, NO decals...)
  12. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.2

    HAF's F-86s were Mk.4s and were overhauled in the US
  13. SF2 F-22A USAF Raptors Redux 2016

    The previous pilot was a re-skinned '60s pilot
  14. Days of Thunder(streak)s Vol. 6 - AdA

    I hope that someone whould make finally a proper F-84 cockpit. The available skins are excellent and the plane itself is very a exciting ride.

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