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Everything posted by Geezer

  1. Field Guns for First Eagles

    Rats! OK, will find a way to post images - SlicPic links don't work.
  2. Field Guns for First Eagles

    Your work is very impressive - I especially like the way you model wingtips (which can be a challenge on WW1 aircraft). Several years ago, some guys and I were working on better AA guns and other ground objects but we all drifted away because of real world stuff. I still have the models, but - like you - have other things to do. Is there anyone else in the community that can attribute the models - they are mapped and textured - and release them? Shots of models: http://www.slickpic.com/album/ModShots#2400477
  3. Another Option?

    Hi, quack74. The D.III remained in production (after the introduction of the D.V) through most of 1917, so late production machines WERE covered with lozenge fabric. Also, older machines' fabric was replaced in the field - the service life of linen fabric back then was around 6 months - so older machines that survived for a while would have also used lozenge fabric.
  4. Storm Over The Sahara

    Yes - a couple of years ago I was fairly active here and at Third Wire forums, but then got busy with real world stuff. IIRC, quack74 contacted me about 18 months ago concerning some WW1 pilot figures I had made - my 3D models were not accessable at that time, but I may be able to find them now. I was able to find an old 3D model of a Morane-Saulnier Type BB - click on link above to view it.
  5. Storm Over The Sahara

    Try this link: http://geezer46.slickpic.com/a/ModShots?squared&ref
  6. Storm Over The Sahara

    I've been away for some time - I'm still trying to figure out the new system. BTW, are you the same 33Lima that was involved with the old Torch and Monty vs Rommel?. I'm the same Geezer.
  7. @33Lima: are you the same 33Lima of Torch and Monty vs Rommel? I'm the same Geezer.
  8. FE2 & Win 7

    Glad to help. Dunno why one theater does not work when others do - I had similar problems with Jan Tuma's terrain. I'm working with some guys on some ground stuff, and we have noticed occasional problems with Jan's terrain pack.
  9. FE2 & Win 7

    For Win 7, look in your My Documents folder for a Saved Games folder - you may have to hunt around to find Saved Games (depending on how your rig is set up). When you install FE2, it creates an FE2 folder in the Saved Games folder - this FE2 folder is what you use for tweaking/modding. All changes to files, or all new files, go in this folder - anything in this folder supercedes the game's files. If you don't like any mods or changes you have made, simply remove the offending files from this My Documents/Saved Games/FE2 folder and the game will revert back to the baseline install - usually. To install Jan Tuma's terrain, create a "Terrains" (no quotes) folder in that My Documents/Saved Games/FE2 folder. All new terrain files go in this new folder - follow the installation instructions for Jan's terrain mod. It takes a little getting used to after using Win XP for many years, but it does work. Also note that reports of CTDs when using Jan Tuma's mod - particularly Vogesen - are beginning to surface.
  10. FE2 & Win 7

    I have had no problem running FE2/Jan Tuma terrain on a Windows 7 rig. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but FE2 is designed for Vista/Win 7, so any problems with the Jan Tuma terrain would most likely be a graphics card issue. In many cases, terrain problems can be corrected by tweaking the FE2 files - there are several threads that describe possible solutions.
  11. Excellent work! The muted color pallette shows you know something about art. Keep it up.
  12. I needed a break, so I have been screwing around with new hi-res textures for the FE Fokker D.VII. The texture bmps are twice original size - 1024x1024 instead of 512x512 - and utilize classic painting theory for better color balance. When finished, I'll release them with instructions (and color samples) for making squadron markings, as conventional decals are not compatible. BTW, there are FOUR Fokkers in the bottom shot.
  13. Hey, Laton!

    I sent you the zip of the completed gunner this morning, but it bounced back - your mailbox would not accept it.
  14. Hey, Laton!

    Sent it again. Enjoy.
  15. Hey, Laton!

    Heh, heh - I built that kit too when I was a kid. The memory served as an inspiration for the gunner model, though the figure had to be simplified.
  16. In addition to some stuff for First Eagles, I continue to play around with China, 1937. I've cobbled together a test install in SF2V using many of the excellent mods available here at CA. I'll use it to develop the cool 1930s aircraft used in the Sino-Japanese war (1937-1945).
  17. Heh, heh - I'm 63 years old, so it takes me longer to learn new stuff.
  18. I've found that UV mapping with minimal distortion is a challenge, and its taken a while to learn it. Plus, I work slowly and carefully.
  19. Lightening my environment

    Thank you! This has made a significant difference in my TW sims, which previously had somewhat murky lighting. It is now much easier to evaluate color relationships.
  20. Beautiful - as usual. Working the gunner now, but tomorrow is Mother's Day here in the 'states, so I'll be visiting instead of texturing - should be able to finish the gunner sometime next week. Keep up the good work!
  21. My next project

    On the way.
  22. My next project

    I have a CL.IV that I will never finish. I will cheerfully donate it - no strings attached - to anyone who is willing to finish it.
  23. My next project

    I made the same mistake!
  24. After some unfortunate delays, the narrow-shouldered pilot is progressing well. The face, helmet, and scarf are pretty much done and have stared work on the leather jacket.

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