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Everything posted by Geezer

  1. Storm Over The Sahara

    I was experimenting with panel edges that were raised in 3D above the rest of the aircraft surface. I gave up - it was too much work. After deleting the edges, I made better progress because I did not have to wrestle with weird shadows caused by the raised panels.
  2. Hurricane 22

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  3. Hurricane 21

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  4. Storm Over The Sahara

    Progress shots of skins.
  5. Hurricane 19

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  6. Hurricane 20

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  7. Storm Over The Sahara

    Wrench: As you know, I am slowly making a bunch of new WW1 ground/terrain objects for the FE guys. If you are willing to wait a while, I could also make some Mediterranean objects for your map upgrade. Shot below is of an old example - the roof tiles are now more varied. Plus, I have a BOATLOAD of WW2 vehicles that could be used. Sample below is overkill, where I was attempting to simulate the rag-tag, gypsy caravan look seen in so many of the desert war photos. Only the US managed to standardize on a few vehicle types - the other combatants used dozens of different vehicles.
  8. convoy

    From the album Storm Over The Sahara

  9. Town 1

    From the album Storm Over The Sahara

  10. Storm Over The Sahara

    Found the SF2 North African map - thanks. Finished mapping the Hurricane MK1 and have been applying the baseline colors. Interesting thing about the 1940 desert war is that the classic RAF dark earth/mid stone/azure blue camo was not specified 'til mid-1941. So, most RAF aircraft in the first 6-12 months flew with euro-camo. Many older aircraft, originally sent to Africa in the pre-war silver finish, were field painted with improvised colors.
  11. Hurricane 18

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  12. Hurricane 17

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  13. Storm Over The Sahara

    Didn't know there was one. Thanks for the tip - I'll look for it.
  14. Storm Over The Sahara

    Yes. The models will function in both FE2 and SF2. When Italy declared war on Britain (June, 1940), the first WW1-style dogfights took place over the Libyan/Egyptian border, mostly along the coast. I originally thought the game map need only be 200 miles wide, but then realized it could be used for both the short biplane airwar of 1940 and the later 1941-42 desert war that most gamers know about. So I am now thinking about a map 400 miles wide, stretching from El Agheila to El Alamein, that could be used in both FE2 and SF2. Shot below shows original idea, with Italian airfields in green and British airfields in blue. The Italians mostly operated from established bases with facilities, while the British frequently operated from "forward landing grounds" - big flat spots in the desert with temporary facilities mounted on trucks.
  15. 32'

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  16. UK Med I photo6

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  17. 1940 Airfields copy

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  18. Storm Over The Sahara

    The density of the camo pattern is a bit wonky around the cockpit. Gonna have to do some creative erasing!
  19. CR42 8

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  20. Storm Over The Sahara

    Tweaked the Hurricane colors today, and got started on the CR42.
  21. Plane Progress 1

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  22. Storm Over The Sahara

    Mapped the fuselage this morning, and started making skins for the Hurricane1.
  23. Hurricane 13

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  24. Hurricane 14

    From the album WW2 Stuff

  25. There's more on the way......

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