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Posts posted by Spiff

  1. Caesar, EricJ, you're going above and beyond. All I was trying to do was apply the hotfix Spectre did for the D tcs to the wep rails and I needed an explanation on data.ini entries and if this would work because you need to hide? or remove? (don't know what Spectre did exactly) the built in rails. If I liked the way it looked I was going to limit the loadout to 4 phoenix all the time so I wouldn't have the problem with the sparrows, again, purely for cosmetic reasons. I got the rails to show, but the front ones are completely engulfed by the originals and the aft ones you see because they're closer to the engine nacelles, maybe too close to get a phoenix on. As for TCS, as far as I know they work on the avionics side as intended, my comments were strictly external model. The pic(s)? on the download page are of the fake-pilot D model TCS (might only be one), which was part of Spectre's hotfix, not included in the superpack. Again, I like the D model TCS fake pilot because it looks sleeker than the Mirage Factory one and works for me on later models because I use grey skins.



  2. Ah, actually no. I think I misspoke, after reviewing some pics, the front rails are not bad, just missing some angles, the tcs is the one that looks too bulky to me compared to the fake pilot model, but in terms of accuracy they both have their good and bad. You guys should include that tcs hotfix for the D model though in the superpack, only problem of course is changing skins.



  3. Hello All,

    I am trying to use Flaviodutra's old weapon rails on the newer cats; like Spectre did with the old hotfix for the D model TCS. The wep rails will show but can't hide the model's original rails and I'm not sure how Spectre did it anyway, IDing the correct model nodes? Not sure the old ones will work anyway, back pallets appear to be too far apart for the MF model, but was trying it for a purely intercepter loadout (4 phoenix all the time,no belly sparrows). Is this possible?


    Please ignore the itallics.


  4. Hello, guess I'm talking to Erik,


    Been trying to upload a zip file with no luck, haven't had problems until recently. Actually, I don't think I got to upload, but couldn't get past attaching the file, pic worked, file seemed to stop or run a long time; shouldn't take over 15 minutes for something under 20 MB. Probably something on my end but I haven't changed anything as far as I know, could you check my settings on your end?


  5. Didn't mean to be vague, just looking for other entries that might influence the appearance of the carriers in KAW. For a more specific example, all I see for the F9F-2 is the SCB-125s, even when I change the aircraft usage dates to the 1940s. I see people like crazyhorse posting shots of flattops covered with panthers and I'm getting angled decks(of course he could of went out of his way to get that shot). I have a royalnavy seafury and I'm pretty sure there's a RN carrier in the KAW misc items pack and my SeaFurys start from land. I put allowed dates in one of the terrain config files and think maybe that porked my KAW install.

  6. Probably something stupid, one line item somewhere, someone in the screenshot thread commented that he was seeing three ship formations, I get three too, the carrier and then the battleship and destroyer on the same station. Also wanted to say thanks for the KAW terrain and all the other stuff; I'm having flashbacks to Rowan's Mig Alley, only this runs smoother.



  7. To the CA site powers that be, if this mod is going to be released in pieces ( and I don't know how piecemeal it will be), maybe a dedicated folder in the SF2 Campaign section is warranted. I know reorganization has been suggested before for the entire SF2 section along the lines as SF1 but this is just one folder before things possibly become too numerous? Any thoughts? Too much hassle?


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