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Everything posted by nbryant

  1. RAF, how did you do the stamp. I may copy the pic and use my amatuer knowledge of photoshop to recreate one for France or America........
  2. Test Flight

    Incredible! I do have to admit that the Albatross is a work of art.
  3. Bruce, as you can see everyone here has a hearty opinion and preference. My offering........ enjoy them all. Accept the challenge of each and use your time to learn. One of the many joys that OFF offers is the inherent challenge that each of these crates brings to the sim, and to you as you fight to survive. .......that being said, the SPAD XIII is a truck that was a beautiful design with plenty of power and firepower to help you improve your odds in almost any engagement. It is my craft of choice, as the others have theirs. So fair skys and may your flights succeed in accomplishing the most important part of any OFF mission............ surviving to fight another day!
  4. A Snipe for Widowmaker

    Olham..... stumbled through some of the OFF Historical files and found another of your early skin attempts......
  5. <S!> and Hello from Canada

    Jackstraw........... welcome to no more free time as it will be consumed with the missions, scenery, aircraft and struggle to survive.
  6. Forum change?

    Have the same issue RAS, not sure what the deal is.
  7. Thoughts about P4

    I haven't seen it noted anywhere yet but I would like to see a more realistic approach to aircraft availability from the stand point of assets being lost or damaged. Seems the game accounts for losing pilots but no matter how many aircaft are lost during a mission there always seems to be replacements available. I recently began a campaign with the Esc Laf.... we launched 2 flights, one of 5 aircraft the second with 6. During the mission we lost 6 aircraft and I crash landed upon return due to damaged gear. Two hours later we were launching 2 more flights with almost as many aircraft.
  8. Back Flying at last

    Enjoy RF....... believe you will be happy with the amount of "eye"ball liberty to be found in the game.
  9. Have one more shot..... but out of room for now. [/url]
  10. More inspiration, thanks Olham. Just completed my first total fuselage skin. Posted in the screenshots thread.
  11. Oh no, Olham...... the Camo is in game. I just added the few schemes.
  12. Did it thanks to the tips you offered. Thank you sir! It needs work but I am using it as a training bed.
  13. Olham, did you just lift the logo from the aircraft on the site? I was actually working on the same scheme and was searching the net for it but could not find one. Also I am trying to replicate the drawing with the same airframe colors and not the camo scheme. Hope to have something soon. I just posted on the pics thread some shots of a Spad with minor tweaks I used from your shared process.
  14. Thank you kind sir. That makes sense so I now go forth to see what mischief I can get into.
  15. save phase 4

    Completely agree with Olham. Fly safer. Tofke, feel your pain. You have been lasting longer then I have. I am averaging 4 missions before being lost after months of play. I have recently started being slightly less aggressive and learning how to call it a day when things are getting to tough. In addition, after watching the WWI in Colour series Olham linked made me even more impressed with the realistic play of OFF. One episode discussed the lifespan of a pilot and OFF replicates this very well. So fly with strength but don't be afraid to run with speed when the airspace becomes to challenging.
  16. Excellent Olham, thanks! Now, would you consider sharing how you developed the layers for your aircraft. Primarily any shadowing or weathering that overlays your base color scheme. Widowmaker - As you have this down would love to understand how you developed yours also.
  17. Dev's - How's about a P4 Bone?

    Whatever is offered will no doubt be an amazing edition to a sim that is THE model for others to try and replicate. But without the desire, passion and dreams that the devs have, and the support of such an intense group of followers as there are here, they can only imagine what it must be like to be on the top looking down. Still consider myself a newbie as I try to master the current edition but would like to make a request if I may. Would it be possible to get unmarked versions of the aircraft that would make it easier for some of us to skin? There are a few that I have found but one of each would be awesome. I know that getting templates is a stretch but this would be great, even better would be aircraft with 2 layers, the unmarked skin layer and the weathering layer. This would allow us to add our markings in between. I continue to try and develop some that I have been working on but have not come close to the level that a few of the masters here have.
  18. Retired US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant. 20 years of service from 76-96 all in aviation, helicopters. Have over 2000 hours as a crewchief/mechanic on H-46's, VH-3D's and have spent time on H-53's. Was part of the initial operational Marine test team involved with the V-22 tiltrotor. Currently I am in Civil Service as the Assistant Maintenance Officer for the Presidential Helicopter Program. Can't seem to stay to far away from aircraft...... in real life or in sims. My thanks and appreciation to everyone that has served in any capacity at all worldwide, not only including the military, but also to those that work at keeping our streets safe and respond to emergencies not because they want to, but because they are compelled to having a strong sense of civility and compassion for their neighbors.
  19. It's official....

    Congrats CJ! Haven't recieved that honor yet myself and am looking forward to it when it happens.
  20. Game Reset

    Didn't see this anywhere and if it is I apologize for repeating. I have all of the latest downloads/mods installed and until recently have not had much of an issue. Recently though I have had a number of instances where I am halfway or better into a mission and the game screen will close with a default window showing that the game encountered an error and had to close. I have not screened the error and will do so when it happens again and post it here. I will close the error window and the game is still running and when opened I am back at the squadron pilot list screen. I can reselect the briefing option and go back and start flying again. Usually though I haven't stayed long being frustrated after investing 30-40 minutes and have the flight fail and have not gone back out. Anyway, hope this makes sense and wonder if anyone has any ideas.
  21. Likely these have been seen but in case not, and for some of us newbies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--F-4vSK5Gg&feature=PlayList&p=DBAA896C70C21CD4&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX9N1rHyIRg&feature=PlayList&p=DBAA896C70C21CD4&index=2&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN84DyCYXV8&feature=PlayList&p=DBAA896C70C21CD4&index=3&playnext=3&playnext_from=PL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y73HBdrgWJg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CrGyrnWpO8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbhs0IxCcW8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjuw9k-Sn4c&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNqq1SmoGAo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x70t5XuUxOg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKTICmxBig4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMHsklB4iJs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KknW9NYm5pY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iQKne2bj5E&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4Qufv4yoN0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Cm1UzG9Ztk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qf4mu2Wcc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O98U73UkB9s&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6_ONXq8_eo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5MU97OHP8c&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zorhcMpdKHI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nI0YtRuAGQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kitxZU00_A&feature=related .....and theres was much more, but I figured I over populated this already. Applogize to those that have viewed these, and for those that have not........... enjoy!
  22. Tried the same thing but couldn't find it..... guess Google does have some limitations
  23. I completely understand the DiD standard and its role in adding a measure of immersion to an already great game by trying to make us actually fly and feel something similar to what pilots of that era may have. Each of us will have hardware limitations that will require us to find the right mix for us but I am still all for remaining as close to the standard as practical. I have done so and it has driven me to begin to fight differently. I am becoming less aggressive and actually beginning to think through my approach...... when I have the advantage. When I am jumped, well, then its all I can do to try and manuever away from the rounds pounding holes in my crate. Even so, I am loving it. With trial and error I will soon find a suitable mix for what I can do with what I have. In time I hope to add either Freetrack or TrackIR and will modify my style even more. So for now I only hope that those in K&C would not mind the occasional deviation from being 100% DiD.
  24. I will try this. As a newbie I have attempted to live DiD from the beginning. I don't have TrackIR and only have a logitic wingman that I use the POV hat to view different positions. Makes things rather difficult and the end result has been losing pilots at the rate of 1 every 2 flight hours. (Have been trying to get a pilot worthy of posting on the K&K board, but they keep dying) So I have been looking for a reasonable mix to still get the immersion result of DiD but at the same time improve my playability. Trying a few different things and trying not to stray to far from Siggi's DiD outline.

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