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Everything posted by nbryant

  1. Skin Download reorganization

    A thought: i.e. Allies Nieuport 11 16 28 Sopwith Camel Pup Snipe SPAD 7 13 German Albatross DIII DV Fokker EIII DR1 D7 etc, etc, etc
  2. An OFF Holiday Card To All Of You

    Excellent Lou! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  3. Olham you are indeed a scholar, gentleman, and compassionate soul. Thanks you for your post. In addition my thanks go out to everyone in this community. Dedicated kindred spirits sharing our thoughts and experiences from within the game. Yet it becomes more then that. We share joy and grief, anger and enlightenment, as if we are with family. Because in some respects we are with family. To all the blessings of the season, the joys of family and friends, and the faith that good things will come to all. Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!
  4. Bloody April Campaign?

    Wodin when you get the chance just google it and you can find more of the details. Short and sweet it refers to April 1917 where for a period the German air service dominated the allies in which the loss ratio was something like 4/1 in their favor. This also leads to the challenge to "live" for 17 hours or more. During this period the reality was that most did not.
  5. What cost Immersion?

    Rule? Rules? You mean there were supposed to be rules I my marriage package? No wonder I have been so confused for almost 32 years.
  6. What cost Immersion?

    Can't even begin to imagine what your outfit will look like should you want to fly in winter uniforms to replicate the season. Still, think it's kind of cool. Me, I have trackir coming via reindeer and can't wait to take this game to another level. Who knows, maybe I will survive long enough to get my first credited kill and some award.
  7. My first expereince was on a tandem rotor CH-46 with "metal" blades. Formed pockets bonded to the spar. Can remember many a day using "blade" tape to make repairs on board ship when blade pockets would separate. Soon they were replaced with fiberglass blades. Stronger, more durable. Today with the proliferation of composites blade technology has come a long way.
  8. Remember seeing that many moons ago. I still find myself amazed when I watch it and I have over 2100 hours crewing/flying in helicopters.
  9. I'm gonna be a Grand-Dad

    Congrats CJ! Make sure to start a grandchild fund now so he/she will have money to buy P14.
  10. Direct X

    Ok you wizards. I did a clean install of OFF. Start the game but can not modify the configuration as it tells me it can't detect DirectX 8.1 and to install it. Well I have Direct X 11 running. Any ideas?
  11. Direct X

    I do UC, thanks. Problem is I am running 1920x1200 and it takes up about 1/3 of the screen on a 23" monitor
  12. Direct X

    Follow up. After much frustration I decided to do another reinstall. I went into the contol panel and deleted the game to include all files and saved games. This time though I scoured my drives for any remnants of the game and found that the game folder was not empty. After completely deleting it and ensuring the registry was clean I reinstalled the game and BAM! It works....... but with a surprising twist. All of this began with me having modified my viewui file to dim the labels and screwing with the size of the TAC. After all of these deletes and reinstalls on both OFF and CFS when I enter the field to fly the modified viewui file is still being pulled from somewhere as I have the same oversized TAC. So now the hunt is on to find where this is.
  13. Direct X

    Not a stupid question. Yeah, installed OFF, then 1.32 super and mini patch, followed by HITR, HITR 1.46, then HITR 1.47. Used this same sequence before without issue. I will figure this out........... going through OFF withdrawals!
  14. Direct X

    Yeah A, ran CFS to ensure all was good there. Created a pilot in OFF then tried to config in workshop. Click on it an nothing happens. Appreciate your feedback. It has to be something simple I have missed, just can't figure it out and usually don't have issues of this type that I can't overcome. This one has me confused though.
  15. Direct X

    Appears all of those dll's are in place. Now, after 4 reinstalls of OFF and two of CFS I have seemingly gotten past the DirectX error. Now when I try to run a mission it tells me I need to set up the configuration. When I select to do that in workshop I get nothing. The usual config window won't open.
  16. Direct X

    Thanks. yeah, did the redistributable dated 6/10 from the MS site. I had just completed a uninstall/reinstall of OFF because I couldn't correct this. Guess I could do it again but not sure at this point if it would actually make a difference. I know OFF functions independently of CFS other then the disc verification (I think) but as I mentioned CFS works great with my current configuration. I didn't have an issue with DirectX until I completed the first reinstall (I have done it twice) due to another issue.
  17. You Oblivion fans..... have you tried Fallout 3 or Fallout:New Vegas? Am a nut for Oblivion. Haven't ventured there in a while. With Elder Scrolls V in development it may be time to revisit it. Still, the Fallout series is pretty good also.
  18. Direct X

    Did what FC recommended, installed 9.0c. OFF still locks up looking for 8.1. Not sure if it means anything but CFS runs fine. So if anyone can think of anything else please let me know.
  19. Direct X

    Makes sense, thanks FC. Will give it a try.
  20. Actually Olham the entire game darkened. Still not sure why and will likely have to try and reinstall it.
  21. Handley Page bomber

    Ditto! A hearty second, or is it third, to both RAF and HS!
  22. Glad to be back

    Likely Chief Warrant Officer 3. SF, maybe Steve Forbes? Welcome back CW3. Can only guess where you were hanging out for the last few months but I do know its always good to be home.
  23. Dimming lables

    Thanks Si, I did back up the original and will just copy it back in place. Then once all is good, I will try again!
  24. Dimming lables

    I have done a couple if FSX installs and do recall it being tempermental.
  25. Dimming lables

    Interesting note. I made the color changes to the file as noted above. Saved it to the game directory but it didn't take. Well I found a couple of other copies in various folders and changed them, but here is where I got stupid. While reviewing the information not only did I change the color codes but I also thought I would try and reduce the size of the TAC screen so I reduced the size in the file. Well, I got the label colors to show shaded as this thread describes but the TAC screen actually doubled in size. So...... I went back and edited the file back to the original TAC setting and saved it all around (I still haven't figured out which file actually feeds the game) but have not been able to reduce the TAC size. To add to it now it also displays all of the gauges normally found in CFS. Yes, all I changed was the above. I am using Win 7, 64 bit and was wondering if anyone knows where the viewui file that the game uses is actually located?

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