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Everything posted by nbryant

  1. Amazing screenshots as usual Olham. My hats off to you. I have been working on another beloved SPAD and stumbled across a pic in an old book that caught my attention. Being a black and white pic it is hard to determine actual colors so I realized again I would have to take some liberties. The squadron is Spa 26 and at least I know that the numerical designations were red. So here was my candidate:
  2. Sablatnig Naval Triplane

  3. Olham, thank you sir. As usual responsive and a wealth of knowledge. I had found the pic of Bullard with the Nieuport and I have one in the works to cover him there. Will add your links to the ons I have found and will have to find a really good french translator. This is the pic of the 85th I referenced.
  4. An extremely plain, simple addition that loosely represents The Black Swallow of Death, Eugene Bullard. I could find very few details so took many liberties, aircraft number for example. Interesting story: http://en.wikipedia..../Eugene_Bullard He served in Spa 93 and Spa 85 for his short lived career. Found a picture of this joker logo on another pic that was labeled as Spa 85. Yet the Aero Esc 85 logo, a bull, is different. So I ask you wizards what squadron is correct, the Joker or Bull. Working on a few more obscure pilots. The research is not easy as a lot of information isn't available, online at least. Or what is available has a lot of holes in it.
  5. Have noticed a few minor errors and wanted to point them out for the dev's to consider. Realize nothing will be done now but am not sure if they may roll over to P4. - Escadrille 12: Nieuport 17 available from 5 Oct -25 Dec '16. Game reflects that the squadron is outfitted with the Nieuport 17 from 17 Sept - 4 Oct '16 as well as 11 Sept - 16 Sept '16 but the games states the aircraft is unavailable. - Have noted on various occassions that the daily news page shows the death of an Ace but will declare that he only had 1 kill. Have seen others but will add them as I stumble across them again.
  6. At a loss WM. Have been running Win 7 64 bit since it came out and have not had any issues like that. Am running an ATI card though. Still haven't heard complaints like yours. Do you have the same issues in safe mode?
  7. Watch this space!

    I recently began an Alb DII career (for the first time) and after four flights two have been ended because of fuel leaks. Will admit though it was hard to tell from the melee but it didn't seem as if I took that many hits. Otherwise I have been flying the Nieup 11, SPAD 7 and 13. I have had a couple of instances in the Nieup where I lost fuel pretty quickly but what I have found more often then not is how quickly I lose aileron control after a good burst or two. Seems the AI crates take a lot more damage before they lose their ability to manuever where one good pass and I am done. Then again, it could always be the pilot!
  8. Not in the game that I found Olham. They were a few of the obscure members of the original Lafayette Escadrille...... Esc 124. I was posting the Bert Hall craft but wasn't thrilled with the text on the aircraft so will rework it. The Norman Prince craft was from a drawing. The Jim McConnell crate is from text in a book as is the Bert Hall with correct tail numbers. Trying to find some of the lessor known aircraft to add to my game list.
  9. File Name: Jim McConnell "Hot Foot", Esc 124, 1916 File Submitter: nbryant File Submitted: 12 October 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Jim McConnell "Hot Foot", Esc 124, 1916 Click here to download this file
  10. File Name: Jim McConnell "Mac", Esc 124, 1916 File Submitter: nbryant File Submitted: 12 October 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Jim McConnell "Mac", Esc 124, 1916 Click here to download this file
  11. File Name: Norman Prince, Esc 124, 1916 File Submitter: nbryant File Submitted: 12 October 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Norman Prince, Esc 124, 1916 Click here to download this file
  12. Version


    Jim McConnell "Hot Foot", Esc 124, 1916
  13. Version


    Jim McConnell "Mac", Esc 124, 1916
  14. Version


    Norman Prince, Esc 124, 1916
  15. Olham......... you have raised the bar to a whole new level. Damn, I need to go back and practice. Not as elite as Olhams Alb, here is a pic of a reskinned Nieup 11 dressed in camo. She looks nice in game so feel free to try her, and her mates in the DL section. Posted here is a skin representing Norman Prince, Esc 124, 1916. Included in the DL section will be one representing Bert Hall, Esc 124, 1916, as well as two representing Jim McConnell also of Esc 124. "Mac" as he was known initially marked his crate with his nickname Mac, but later changed to a foot representing an affiliation he had with a society in college. For Bert Hall I found a pic that kind of shows the text type on his crate and came close with the font (I think). Before anyone complains, yes the starboard side text is reversed......... thats how he did it! I took the liberty of adding the squadron logo but do not think it was in place early on in 1916. Would love some constructive criticism and any links anyone has to better show these obscure aircraft markings. I have around 30 links now but always searching for more information.
  16. In Game Errors

    The intent, should it have been missed by Uncleal............ was to identify some of the smaller discrepancies that the dev's may, or at their discretion may not, choose to correct should time allow to enhance and solidify an already outstanding project. As they are likely concentrating on the bigger picture some small items may go unnoticed. Funny, after having been on the board for sometime I honestly anticipated a comment like this as I completed my original post. To each of us our own.
  17. George, thank you for your service. Although it was a lifetime ago I am grateful that your effort was finally acknowledged and rewarded. Display it proudly young man! Semper Fi - Nolan 76-96 USMC ret
  18. Squadron mascot?

    Or maybe being able to do a fly by in the middle of the night and drop him off at another aerodrome!
  19. Added more re-engineered layers of shading, panels and texture. Posting a sample here........... who says the krumpets are the only ones allowed to enjoy color.
  20. Pilot Survival

    I agree, but sometimes I find myself compelled to provide aid when I see one of my poor bastards being peppered by an EA. Still, I must remember my objective............. survive!
  21. I find myself lost with what to say to express how good this is. Only two words keep coming to mind.......... Unfriggin believable!
  22. Pilot Survival

    Excellent information Rich. I have actually just started a similar venture as I wanted to track the length of service of my pilots as well as their accumulative records. So far, much like you, they don't last long even with me being being of the mindset that I can run and fight another day. Much like Olham though I find myself engaged in a melee and spending time trying to save my flight to see if I can get them home which usually costs me.
  23. First shot at a new Nieuport skin. Just a simple mod which was easy thanks to the genius of Rabu and his attention to detail.
  24. A New Skinner in our Ranks

    Thank you gentlemen. I can only hope to equal the quality of product that has already been produced. Plan for many many more to make appearances........ if I could just get over this perfectionist thing. I have developed a process to reverse engineer the dds files, well not completely but close enough. I have been learning photoshop, in a very amatuerish way, for the past year or so. Still trying to learn how to "create" as I now more or less re-engineer what I find with some simple additions added. I do get a tremendous amount of enjoyment at gazing at the final product......... so back to it.
  25. File Name: SPAD VII RFC Dec '17 File Submitter: nbryant File Submitted: 19 September 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Based upon a graphic found online. Click here to download this file

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