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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Well bad news today Bruce is dead he is no more he is an ex-pilot, he has joined the choir of the everlasting, he has gone to the airshow in the sky... Combination of SAM's small calibre guns and a flight of Mig-21's... Died hard completed his mission by crashing his burning wreck of a jet into the Control Tower that was the Target... Was hit by 1 SA-6 42 14.5mm gun rounds and 1 AA-2 Atoll... Made them work for their kill... My next Pilot is either going to be Korea or the Cuban Missile Crisis... will post more when I start out and this one will be with pictures...
  2. Enjoying the Eindecker in MFJ 1

    Thats why I love flying the Strutter as the Bebe is too flightly for my taste saying that I am more an Attack Pilot I love being able to shoot planes down but also enjoy the ground attack missions as well... gives me more variety in my flying...
  3. Thinking about buying but...

    Welcome BurningDaylight and Trollbreath... mines a whiskey thanks... better make it a double as I am not flying tomorrow... Seriously thought I loitered around the OFF forum and then caved in last October and boy is it impressive and immersive is not the right word... and considering the engine they used to power it I am amazed... every time I fly... or in my case I take off fly a bit dogfight with some albatrosses and watch as my plane is magically turned into a sieve and sent to the ground to walk back and get a new pilot and plane!!! I havn't even got out of 1916 yet... as to the newer planes in the game I took some up with a test pilot and they are outstanding too... Also there are some wonderful guys in here to help out... So again welcome... For a score out of 5 I will give it a 6.5
  4. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    Quick hide this thread from that old chap Widowmaker as he will be putting up a huge Snipe banner or some such indecent thing... :rofl:
  5. Modernized military Hardware

    Okay after further investigation the Hind is not a Denel upgrade but an ATE Upgrade South African company still http://www.ate-group.com/ate_Product/10/index.html Looks like the only country to buy into it is Algeria and Rostovol??? original makers of the Hind are saying it makes the Aircraft Dangerous to fly etc...
  6. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    More 2 Seaters both for AI and for Pilot control... and Maybe some seaplanes... I know I know... but would be interesting...
  7. Oh my shes beautiful she really does look wonderful...
  8. Okay the KAW is for SF2 and its due out in 2 weeks... by the way 2 weeks can mean months... there was an update a couple of days ago stating it could be around Christmas but dont hold your breath as when a mod like this is released it is seriously well worth the wait... Heres the link... http://combatace.com/topic/57844-about-the-new-korea-mod/
  9. Holy Smoker

    Okay thats it I am going for Ribs tonight this teaser has really got me wanting Ribs lots of Ribs... Thankfully here in Austria they do very good ribs if you know where to go...
  10. Lufthansa Jet crashed in Riyadh

    This was a Lufthansa Cargo plane... Both pilots got out... Here'S the BBC Version http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-10772817
  11. Various Bumper Stickers Seen on US Military Bases

    :rofl: :clapping:
  12. Enjoying the Eindecker in MFJ 1

    Greetings Herr Olham, Normally I fly RNAS in the Strutter and the last time I flew I was leading a strike against one of your Airfields when a flight of 4 of your Einnes came up and promptly went back down again matchwood making time I am afraid... At present I am not flying as I am in Vienna for at least another 6 weeks possibly more if I move to this wonderful city, but I plan to get back into the fray flying that wonderful little strutter with a new pilot as my last one got shot to pieces by flak while strafing an army base... not a good day in the office wasn't for the Germans in the office at the army base either as they had a Sopwith Strutter parked in it... ho hum...
  13. 37 Sq R FC 1917

    Oh my rather interesting This is the one plane I have flown the most in OFF... as I am trying to survive until the end of the war... At present I am away from my Game PC and as my Laptop doesn't have the clout to run OFF its going to be interesting getting back into flying again...
  14. Fairchild Skyfest 2010

    Yeah theres no gun in that there Growler... its pointy end is packed with more electronics...
  15. Duxford........tanks?

    The trial unit was mounted on a Chieftan tank... Thats a BMD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMD-1
  16. Me I fly with the Centreline empty... I think there are a few Recce Pods in some of the weapons packs but you need to set the A-4 up for the pod... I suppose an Orpheous Recce Pod will do the trick... There is no ReconPod as such or none that I have seen... And anyway using an A-4 for recon humph... should be using it for bombing and rocketing the bad guys...
  17. Anti Aircraft Laser unveiled at Farnborough

    And everyone missed Kirks favourite line... Set Phasers to Stun... Sorry someone had to say it...
  18. I hate push-up!

    I got slapped once for saying I prefered a natural woman to an enhanced plastic machine... maybe I shouldn't have asked if it worked like a Credit Card... It was in Malibu... and the most gorgeous looking women in the bar was natural from head to toe wonderful brown hair etc etc... I had also had a few drinks when I was asked what I prefered Natural women or enhanced... I didn't notice the 2 plastic dolls sat next to me... It was a bar and I was drinking... and Jetlagged... and my response was No I prefer a woman how she is not one who thinks she needs to be enhanced to look better... 2 seconds later one times slap... The good looking girl in the bar thanked me and bought me a drink... and before you ask no I wasn't trying to pick her up... I can't understand why someone wants all that silicone etc installed... but hey thats me...
  19. Enjoying the Eindecker in MFJ 1

    Well I normally go against these crates in a Sopwith Strutter RNAS I know its a bit later but its great fun turning them to matchwood... and the rear gunner is great for keeping them off me...
  20. Modernized military Hardware

    As to the upgraded Hind its by a South African Company the link gives an idea... http://www.guncopter.com/super-hind/ Basically take the old Airframe and modify it with new avionics and weapons... There is also an Israeli company doing something similar. Here's one of the Hinds in flight http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-811132659577028591# As to the AFV looks like a BMP with a Turret set for Anti-Tank Missiles possibly the South African Ingwe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingwe_%28missile%29 This latter is a guess though...
  21. A heartfelt PLEA to the Dev Team

    You know the old chap Widowmaker is getting quite desperate for that Snipe...
  22. Holy moly... thats impressive and then some... Sorry to say there's no sound like a Merlin engine unless its 30 Merlins... The sound and the CGI from that was impressive Thanks for posting Herr Olham...
  23. :clapping: Thanks for the update... and I will be patient...
  24. Come on...you know you want it......

    My next project needs an engine hmmmm interesting...
  25. Must admit I have dusted off the old one and installed it now... and I am having a right blast and many thanks to the creators... but I think patience for the new one is a must... If its anything like the mods that have been released it will be amazing so I can wait the 2 weeks...

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