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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. A Gurkha is disciplined for beheading

    I know what your meaning I am meaning the bleeding heart liberal lawyers etc... and thats the end of it.
  2. A Gurkha is disciplined for beheading

    This should be applauded the guy was doing his job... So what if he sliced the guys head off as someone has said he was dead already... Liberals send them to the front line and see how long they last... oh sorry did I offend you you lilly white screw up... one word for you Tough... Apologies to all correct thinking types... as this got me mildly annoyed...
  3. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/23/zephyr_down_successful/ They have finally let the plane land...
  4. What about space combat sims?

    Oh Frak (had to get a Sci-Fi Reference in there) I had forgotten about that... And I think I am going to give AD_Astra a go...
  5. Sunderland Air Show

    Well being hows I have not been there nearly 15 years and I am now loitering in Vienna... I think I am safe... Not sure if the lightning is still parked out front... but no I got to watch quite a few air shows over Boulmer for the time I was there... Was the first place I saw A-10's I would say heard them but they are death quiet... Saw quiet a lot of F-16 coming over us on exercises... And as to the case they are after you of course they are I am paranoid enough to last 3 lifetimes... :rofl:
  6. With the release of TMF´s F-14 Tomcat I thought I would pose this question. Okay I dont mean technical ability and I have not included the Super Bug as to my mind it is not a Teen Series fighter... What I mean is your favourite out of the ones listed as to be honest there are only 4 anyway. For me it has to be and always has been Tom´s Cat... Simply because it looks so damn good even in Turkey mode i.e. Landing on a carrier and it was so technically advanced over anything else just let down by its engines...
  7. Philosophy... and Beer!

    One of my favourite songs... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_WRFJwGsbY&NR=1&feature=fvwp Do not watch if easily offended...
  8. A lot of Lightning pilots called it that as well... Can't wait for whatever it is going to be called... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Lightnings...
  9. Sorry saw the title and couldn't resist...
  10. Brit's make worlds strongest beer ($762 per bottle)

    Cant match one of these though... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Boo9llCz4CM&NR=1 Remember your only allowed 2!!! Unless you are... follow the instructions and the wisdom...
  11. Sunderland Air Show

    Either that or they where off to mock bomb RAF Boulmer and where getting sneaky about it...
  12. Super Hornet Going Silent?

    Damn you got there before me... I take it that Silent Bob will have some witty meaningful remark when he shoots down the enemy... As in this Speech... As to the Hornet... interesting...
  13. OT - FS9/FSX users check this out!

    Now that is wonderful... and your right about the price... thats the best price ever...
  14. 2 Weeks or we get the eels out...
  15. I must've irritated someone

    Aaaahhh they are so amusing... in my job being the resident BOFH... the usual insertation of an over powered cattle prod normally renders them into something that might just declare them as alive on the amoeba scale that is...
  16. Excellent Video

    Excellent video... still wont be buying ROF though...
  17. Aaaaah the old just one more just one more... that'll get you hosed everytime...
  18. How to treat 'older' women

    It also spoils a good walk in the country...
  19. How to treat 'older' women

    ooooo the girl downstairs is lining up a whole new meaning of torture for you Widow old chap... And Von Paulus... your wife probably thinks that anyway...
  20. Ouch not a good day at the office... I am still trying to work out how my driver is still flying... the amount of Virtual flying luck he's used is enough to last 3 pilots... and the entire ground crew for the jets... As to counting how many didn't make it to ten me I am avoiding that as it would take too long...
  21. I just prevented a Major Air Disaster

    She was planning on taking out some Krauts in OFF... Killing Widows Favourite Pilot...
  22. Happy Birthday to LloydNB!

    Happy Birthday...
  23. I just prevented a Major Air Disaster

    I heartily agree... but remember to laugh at yourself first... as it makes it easier...
  24. KB means Knowledge base... Try this link has everything you need... within reason.. http://combatace.com/forum/99-thirdwire-woewoiwovsf-1-knowledge-base/
  25. I just prevented a Major Air Disaster

    ooo your gonna burn in hell for that one there... You know that laser beam gun they have been testing your the new target...

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