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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Anti Aircraft Laser unveiled at Farnborough

    must remember to wear the factor 1000 sun block with the mirrored reflection...
  2. Canada Buys 65 F-35s

    Yes the Boeings are retired and replaced by CC150 Polaris (A-310MRTT to everyone else). They have a pair of them configured for Tanking duties designated CC-150T.
  3. Lightning Strike!

    Shocking... sorry I know bad pun... At least you kept your old kit and it keeps you occupied whilst battling the dreaded Kraut or Entente pilot... Must admit here in Vienna the weather over Saturday night was lights without the lights... had an amazing storm... The laptop that I am using stayed well and truly switched off and hidden away from power and even went so far as to remove the battery... Paranoid you bet I was...
  4. Okay 2 Sorties... from Yesterday... Sortie 1 Strike hit an Aircraft Hangar 2 A-4G 1 Loaded with 2 x AGM-62 6 Rockeyes 2 Aim-9H 2 Loaded with 8 Mk-82´s 2 Aim-9H Take off was set for 8am great I dont like mornings... 8am and there we are both lined up on the Cat for launch and off we go climbed up to 10000ft and checked the weather few clouds and a blue sky bit warm though... Flight plan was a straight in and out. Roughly 80 miles to the beach followed by 20 miles dodging Clouds of Rock and then roll in and hit the target. All went perfect no one intercepting us at all... This was too perfect... at about 6 miles I locked the Hangar and rolled in slight nose down and dropped the Walleye at around 4.5nm perfect guidance all the way in one times hangar destroyed... Then the Dreaded SAM LAUNCH came up... Not good turns out there was an SA-6 battery down there awaiting us but they mis-timed their launch but they nailed my number 2 dead square no chute nothing but bits of wreckage left to fall to the ground. I reefed around and aquired the radar van and lined up some misery for them and fired the remaining AGM-62 at them which hit bullseye as well. Thats one Radar that wont cause any more problems... At this point the light blues turned up and proceeded to work the SAM Battery over me I went back to the Airfield and destroyed all the aircraft that where parked up with either guns or Rocks... gained me 3 Hercules and 6 Helo's I then headed for home alone... Trap was straight forward followed by debrief... Sortie 2 Intercept 2 A-4G 4 Aim-9H Take off was later afternoon 15:45. Straight off the cat and heading to the intercept point which was over 200miles away stupid I know but hey what can we do apart from the light blues job... Anyway we managed to jump the strike that was coming in 50 miles out from their target and after a brief flurry 4 T-33´s end up in the drinkonly for their escort which turned up late to bounce us 8 Avon Sabres not good our own Jets used against us... Anyway dogfight ensued and we where outnumbered and outgunned but we fought like lions those guys knew they had to fly nearly 400 miles back to their base where as we could land at the nearest airbase 50 miles away if fuel was a problem. I managed to bag 3 Sabres in this shindig all with guns my wingie in this though got his get blown out from under him, as he said 30mm does make a bit of a mess of ones jet... My advice is to avoid everything as it usually ruins your day... Anyway he was snatched up by Motor boat and was back on board before 21:00... So today has been a good day but also a bad day... Will remember to bring the photo's next time...
  5. Happy Birthday Ezlead and Typhoid

    Happy Birthdays

    Well I know for sure that most NATO countries fighter pilots fly down that low... But the ultimate low flying IMHO was done by Buccaneer pilots... And I have seen them going for it low level... as it was practically the only defence they had oh apart from dropping a 1000lb retard bomb into the face of the fighter chasing them...
  7. ooooo Armed Recon against the Traffic Wardens... Now thats worthy of a few cans of naplam if you ask me...
  8. Now that is Interesting... having an Awac up with escorts would make life a lot harder... Now where did I park the Tomcat again...
  9. Match Up

    Su-35 as its possibly the meanest knife fighter.
  10. Interesting very interesting and now Capitialist you know how you died!!! :rofl: Its the heat its getting to me along with the mosquitos
  11. Global Conflict Blue

    I can do a deeper review on Sunday if my life remembers to slow down for 10seconds... As I need to spend a couple of hours playing with it to investigate further...
  12. Sexiest(Coolest) Plane Ever

    And there was me thinking the F-109 was a Garrett Turbofan engine... Anyway moving swiftly on or as Jedi would say... There is nothing to see here move along... But the list is a rather strange group I agree... And Derk you are correct those Sabrina´s on the Hunter need we say more...
  13. Global Conflict Blue

    Okay I had a go at this on Sunday and I quite like it even though it seems similar to Fleet Command it seems more to it... you control everything loadouts the works and I like that your bases dont have unlimited weapons for you to play with.... Also the scenarios I had a go with gave me a good work out in the old brainbox department...
  14. Patience 2 weeks... ??? as usual... Also quick question is this plane for both SF1 and 2 I never did ask... aaarrgh Jim Lad...
  15. Sneak Peek

    And there was me thinking it was you Herr Olham with Mr Widowmaker to cause the mischief...
  16. Is there a Bombsite?

    From my flying of the Sopwith Strutter there is no sight as I am aware off so I just drop and pray...
  17. To the dumbass with the green laser...

    Its the same as the human eye doesnt need much laser light to blind it... okay its weakened by altitude but it doesnt matter no one should be pointing lasers at Aircraft cockpits... especially in the landing pattern as the pilots are at the busiest time of flight at that point...
  18. J-15 ?

    :rofl: As to your comments rscsjsuso5 I can understand what your saying... But the Varyag has been in dry dock for a while see link for photos :- http://www.jeffhead.com/redseadragon/varyagtransform.htm But it does look like She is getting into shape... Even if its just to provide as a training carrier...
  19. To the dumbass with the green laser...

    In the UK they are congregating around Airports... and firing them at Airliners as well... its Fecking Stupid... Should be jailed for attempted Murder in my books!!!
  20. Score flying full DID?

    aaaargh... why do I have a lacklustre laptop unable to run OFF!!! Oh and my CFS3 disk 2 is 1200miles away with my OFF Disk!!!
  21. Score flying full DID?

    Me I have crashed pranged got shot down so many times I have made plenty of Krauts Aces...
  22. Sneak Peek

  23. To the dumbass with the green laser...

    Fecking Idiots... Hope your okay FC... you dont light up an aircraft with a laser on a stupid scale of one to 10 that rates about a 100, I hope that they rot in some eternal damnation...
  24. Sexiest(Coolest) Plane Ever

    No Spitfire!!! No Hawker Hunter!!! No SR-71!!! No Yak-3 or Su-27 Only one plane left on that list to vote for and thats The Tomcat... The list as I see it is heavy on American and the European ones that are there arent exactly sexy and there are no Red Star Aircraft...!!! No Mirages either... Oh man the list could go on forever for this list... I abstain on my vote...
  25. J-15 ?

    Why not the Chinese have outfitted the ex Russian Carrier Varyag... plus they have the shipbuilding capability to build an Aircraft Carrier as they have been dismantled Aircraft Carriers as well... Wouldn´t be at all surprised if the PLAN has a carrier in 5 years one way or another...

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