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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Happy Birthday Slartibartfast

    Thanks guys... Wasnt too bad but I spent it working in Bratislava but lunch watching the pretty girls enjoying the good weather 30c with good food...
  2. 234 Years Ago

    Happy Birthday...
  3. CFS3 expansion Mediterranean Air War

    Hi, Okay I wont be able to join until at least mid september late september as I am now back in Vienna with my CFS3 case with Disk 1 and no disk 2!!! NOT HAPPY to say the least so my apologies... I will get back to you nearer the time or if I find another copy here in Vienna... Regards...
  4. What about space combat sims?

    Me I have the latest X3 Terran Conflict modded to the nines... and it rocks space trading with attitude when you have a carrier with nearly 100 fighters in support with destroyers and support... leaves for epic space battles... Best fight I had was 5 destroyers with about 40 figthers 8 corvettes vs a whole mess of Xenon bad guys it sure made my PC work that night Saying that David Brabens been working on a new Elite for about a decade if it ever meets the light of day...
  5. Interesing Planes

    Great find and some great photos...
  6. Some Jokes about the England Team

    Sounds about right for the English Hairdressing Team...
  7. B-1 retirement?

    Retirement of this Jet strikes me off shooting yourself in the Foot... I can agree that getting rid off all of them and the supply chain would save money... But as some places in this world will not agree to basing rights if for example lets think... Iran goes pearshaped (Yes I know it can tank from Diego Garcia its an example). And Saudi Kuwait etc dont want to give basing rights to run the after war e.g. like whats happening in the Sandpit that is Afghanistan... they would be taking away possibly the best Long-Range CAS Aircraft that the US has and as good as the Buff is it still takes it 3 weeks to fly to the end of the Runway unless they re-engine it sorry dreaming. hmmm I wonder the smaller bomb-bay on the B-1B could carry a lot of 30mm for a pair of GAU-8´s sorry dreaming again...
  8. A day of two battles

    To all...
  9. Me I like the A-4 and the Spitfire dogfighting the Me-262 but as you said they are all good...
  10. OT, Daft UK Laws

    I know most of these and they still make me laugh... but its also good to remember a time of long ago... okay Thursday last week...
  11. EAW

    What you on about ?
  12. One word :- Finish... We can then have a fast Fac... and yeah I know that SF2 doesnt have a FAC function anymore...
  13. Flyboys vs Red Baron

    I think its to give the idea of speed and produces think that if the plane isnt going mach 2 its not fast enough...
  14. Or even a couple of SAN-6 SAM batteries...
  15. A pic taken from ISS

    Damn thats a great picture...
  16. The good news if you want to try it is it does work but there are a few bugs... Me I am running the same mod but I have downloaded and I dont find the bugs to bad...
  17. The Person Below Me

    True I wont be buying one... The person below me is an Apple Fanboi...
  18. Welcome... me I have been for the past 10 months learning to fly the Sopwith Strutter early 1916 RNAS okay its not a super dogfighter its more a multi-role light bomber has a vickers up front and with the added advantage that you have a rear gunner to cover your 6 if it all goes pear shaped... Also on the same note it means that the Germans you are up against aren´t super-powerful either the likes of the eindecker etc... its an easier period to learn in also means you can get the challenge to try and survive the war!!! By the way new guy buys the drinks... mines a single malt thanks...
  19. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I thought the only rule in Soccer was to bring your Hairspray and Hair Gel... And I did say that Fabio Capello the Great Hairdresser of English Soccer... Was going for the 7-4-7 formation for the legroom of course...
  20. Last time I had double vision it involved lots of Alcohol...
  21. The Official "Not the IPhone" Thread

    Another reason not to buy an IPHONE... Me I havn't liked them since they came out but saying that I don't like most apple products... as they are style over function in my opinion and I have been testing one for 6 months...
  22. CFS3 expansion Mediterranean Air War

    Okay I will do so but I wont be able to get online until Tuesday night Vienna time as I am flying back there tomorrow oh dark stupid... 6am flight 04:30 at the airport its not gonna be pretty... my thanks for the prompt updates also need to get my headset from work...
  23. U tube Vid

    Good video... works fine with my Firefox...

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