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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Coming Soon

    Tried it here and it works fine for me... and I am interested in whats coming next!!!
  2. Looking forward to this and thank you to all involved...
  3. DH Venom

    Now thats a nice jet to have about for the 50's
  4. Concorde to fly again...maybe

    I just viewed this and what needs to be done... long task ahead... Good Luck to the Team once they have it airborne maybe they could do a link up with the Vulcan... 8 Rolls Royce Olympus engines together... Just need to remember the earplugs...
  5. Space Marines RPG trailer

    I played Elder in the Fantasy back in the old days with the dice and things... At least with computers you don't have to paint them all... Interesting game though...
  6. Kicked in the nadds......

    As an IT Support person the only time you have too many backups is when you require a hard drive to use for something else... I follow the old method though if you not sure back it up if in doubt back it up and finally if bored one Sunday afternoon back up...
  7. As Gocad advises... My advice is the same but trying it in a dive around 500kts from 10000ft from about 4-5 miles out should get you a hit about 80% of the time... Well it works for me...
  8. Just Got My Virtual Wings

    One word... NUKES!!!
  9. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack Released

    Quick question I have this installed on a standalone setup but I daren't take more than 2 Stang's out at a time tried a sortie with 10 and all of them blew up on the runway.. which left me alone to fight 8 Spitfires alone while trying to bomb a Generator building... any ideas... XP SF2 with Expansion mod only with the latest patch to May 10B
  10. Just Got My Virtual Wings

    Welcome Skyviper... thats how it starts I know I will download this plane and then the next one and then the next one until you end up with a whole Air force or 12... and I would advise to go to Column5 and download the Nato Series all 4 of them and install them for the upgrades... etc Come for the mods stay for the lunacy...
  11. X-51A Scrammissile tested

    It's thupersonic man...
  12. 70 Years ago this week...

    Dunkirk... where the little ships and RN pulled 338,000 out of Dunkirk and the surrounding areas... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8707657.stm
  13. With regard to the A-4 not being too fast... they are fast for a 1950's jet once they have released their weapons... and also the USN used the A-4's for Nuclear weapons delivery they had multiple release's as well. The one that was practised the most was Loft/Toss bombing coming out of the loft with an immelman so your already headed home at that point and as you loft the bomb the bomb can travel up to 6 miles give or take on release depending on various factors height of release etc... Also the reason she looks so long in the leg is because of the nukes as the F-9 Panthers in use at the time didn't have enough leg... to fit the nuke under without a set of folding fins on the nuke... The Israeli's would most likely have used the A-4 and the F-4 the birds where setup to drop nukes from the begining... so it would make more sense...
  14. F1 WIP

    Now thats a good looking bird...
  15. To Hitchikers everywhere...

    HAPPY TOWEL DAY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Towel_Day
  16. To Hitchikers everywhere...

    Yes a fine writer taken before his time...
  17. It does look good in that Camo I must admit much better than the Grey ones...
  18. To Hitchikers everywhere...

    Someone here gets the line... My Sunglasses have one default setting Black its easier that way now...
  19. On that I agree... Now where's the credit card for that 1 TB drive I was looking at yesterday...
  20. Spitfire vs Spitfire... Finally getting to try the new Addon... With Kesselbruts Spitfire Cockpits... Dusk Sam Hunting... with Stary's wonderful terrain mod for Israel
  21. Something Else to drop bombs with...
  22. To be honest the birth of your nation is amazing to read about even when you guys where against the wall you still come out fighting... and win 1973 for example... I hope Israel has a long and prosperous exsistance like any nation out there should have no matter what the politics etc etc (you get the idea)...
  23. Good luck with that one...
  24. Pac-Man turns 30!

    Okay thats one to make me feel old again...
  25. Sorry I work in IT so I know what I am killing... apologies...

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