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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Grim Milestone

    To all those who have fallen defending peace and freedom...
  2. HITR expansion pack question...

    I have HiTR and I so far haven´t played online and the addon is wonderful for me the extra planes unit´s and the new effects like wind etc make it a very enjoyable experience flying off-line even more so than just the basic game... though there is nothing basic about the game on its own. Personally I am glad I bought it...
  3. There is only one rule - Practice practice practice... Okay you need to make sure you have around 25% to 50% fuel and little in the way of weapons... then rotate the nozzles vertical and increase power slowly and the jet will lift off... Make sure you keep your take off weight less than the thrust of the engine... be gentle with your controls until you have moved to normal flight... it does take a bit of practice... so if you don´t succeed at first keep trying it will come to you.
  4. Back Flying at last

    Glad to hear your well... and the new addon is worth investing in... as to the Multiplayer not sure as I want to get into that as well... Good luck at the learning curve on the flying again...
  5. They sure are pretty Hunters...
  6. Olham on leave

    Have a good holiday...
  7. Welcome Stingray... and as Cliff advises the first campaign is usually the toughest... I am just waiting to get back home to start a new campaign with the new addon for SF2I... to fly a Mustang... Good luck on your campaign...
  8. RIP Ronnie James Dio

    Ouch this is not good... grew up with his music and the influneces it created... hope he´s rocking wherever it is he goes...
  9. Bloody Close Shave!

    Well it´s one thing he won´t forget again...
  10. Operation Chastise

    67 Years ago today 617 Squadron the dropped the Barnes Wallis bouncing bombs. For more info http://s310295659.websitehome.co.uk/dambusters/drupal/
  11. The only amusing bit...

    Oh this is so bad for me I am in Austria and trying to restrain myself...
  12. Dont forget the Pipers Beaufighters Mosquitos G-55 T-34 Torpedo boats and WW2 Destroyers also Flower Class Corvette´s.
  13. 303sqn go home

    It's old news and was rather amusing to be honest on shooting themselves in the foot...
  14. Well I have the new pack and have been playing around with it quite a bit... and I have noticed a few things... Is anyone having as much fun as me at trying to shoot down the Vampire's as they're like the Mig-17 they come screaming into the fight at full bore head on gun shots with bionic eyed pilots and then slow right down too 160knots and start a turning fight... damn they are tough to kill...especially with the old meteor as she doesn't turn too well I can just about stay with them in the Mystere but it is damn difficult... and can get frustrating at times... Even on my XP rig it sure does look good though on the high settings...
  15. Expansion Expansion...

    Wonderful response...
  16. I have mine set to High and I don't get any issues...
  17. Now that's a good question... I would also love to see the answer as well... as I am considering turning the non-flyabe Spit into a Flyable one...
  18. Anticipitation is killing me

    Be patient it is worth it and remember that patience is its own reward... as to the surviving thats a tricky one
  19. oh the art of silent death... I can dig that... though that Packard Merlin on the front end sort of defeats the object of it all...
  20. Yeah I noticed that this morning when I downloaded the Addon-Pack and the 'stang doesn't make any shooty noises when firing the 6 .50's...
  21. Do any of these words embarrass you?

    We are no longer the knights who say Ni... We are know the knights who say Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing Zow Zing... keepers of the sacred words... Peng and Neee-wom... Monty Python intelligent comedy that blows most other comedy out of the water and SPAM's it to death with a Dead Parrot...
  22. Fleet Command

    Great game... I still have a copy on my PC. http://yhst-12000246778232.stores.yahoo.net/nawasi.html I know that they have continued patching the game as well try here for their Version 1.90 http://forums.navalwarfare.net/forumdisplay.php?f=9 The updates also add a lot of other equipment as well...
  23. Okay impressed... officially... shame I am in work... oh well such is life and that next week I am not even home!!! Oh well present for when I get back. As to the F-14 Tomcat be nice for Xmas
  24. Okay is this in Strike Fighters Europe 1 or 2 ?
  25. Victory Day Parade Moscow 2010

    Here's to all the troops who are still on the soil they defended or died to gain freedom for those unable to fight... May they know that in their rest they are at peace... And to the troops who came home may they never be dishonoured for their sacrifice was too great for that... Also on the Russian Victory Parade it was good to see the Allies there...

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