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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. You may have to get it out of one of the CAT files unfortunately I am not at home so I can't advise which one.
  2. UK-Elections..Hung Parliament

    No not even minorly hung...
  3. UK-Elections..Hung Parliament

    He said it hanging is too good for them they should get a proper job before being allowed to be a politician...
  4. Vickers Machine Gun vs a Tree

    Imagine being in a kite with fabric and wood with an unreliable engine at the front... and someone behind you firing one of those... it could get dicey rather quick or is that you could be diced rather quick...
  5. Is that you John Wayne or is that just me...

    http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/sniper_kills_qaeda_from_mi_away_sTm0xFUmJNal3HgWlmEgRL Now that's shooting... And here's the rifle... makes me misty eyed as I used to shoot one of these as well... http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/FactSheets/L96SniperRifleAndL115a3LongRangeRifle.htm
  6. Butcher of Mumbai gets death sentence

    Should be put in front a firing squad every morning for a month and not shot until the 30th day and then then take him out... But that might break his human rights... Like the one's he ruined for the people he was involved in killing...
  7. I am not sure but have any of you heard.....

    Full Metal Jacket... much better...
  8. Happy Birthday Column5 and Crab_02

    Happy Birthday...
  9. Air power in 'Nam

    On the SA-3 front there where reliable reports from the Weasel Crews of a Black Sam which operated differently to the SA-2 which could have been the SA-3 and the missile didn't look like a SA-2 so could be speculation or the NVA could have been given a couple of units to test them out... will have to dig out my Iron Hand book...

    Now that looks good...
  11. Well working in IT I see it on a daily basis... Ouch from here as well... Hope he remembered to back up or the Backup Bear that is Dave will be out to get him...
  12. NATO Award for 'Courageous Restraint'

    As an ex serviceman I am awaiting the moment they hand the key's over to the Terrorists... Though on this I may be getting my wires crossed granted not killing a Civilian is a good idea but Afghanistan is a combat zone and a hot one at that... and how many times and how many wars have seen so called Civilians suddenly turn into the enemy???
  13. May the Forth Be with you...

    As it's the Forth of May... Jedi think you are hmmmm And this is not for the last 3 but the originals...
  14. On this day 30 years ago...

    The SAS sent in the decorators and redecorated the Iranian Embassy in London... with some rather fetching 9mm holes in the walls blown through doors and the odd coating of deep crimson... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8660688.stm
  15. Holy cow! it can't be!

    K.I.S.S. Sometimes keeping it simple helps... As for the Tucano it's a good airframe in use by quite a few militaries in one form or another and it's a pretty good COIN airplane... But for me it would need to have a big radial engine 8 hours loiter time inbuilt 20mm guns and carry plenty of ordinance oh they already did that it's called a Skyraider... oh well nothing like history to prove you wrong is there...
  16. Dambusters...

    As on the 16th May this year it will be the 67th Anniversary of the Dambusters raid here's the jokey version from about 10 years ago... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZdZsFZ1mW0
  17. CLUB-K

    I read about this in The Telegrah and it does not look good... It's more I can't afford or don't know how to build a Ballistic Missile so these will do... The Telegraph where stating one system would cost around $10 million. Not sure on what the range of the missile's are but you are looking at 200 miles+ with the anti-ship variant being the shortest ranged due to what it has to do... The potenial buyers list doesn't look good either... Granted the Ship launched variant wouldn't last too long once it has fired it's missiles but it's too late then... and in an Iraq style invasion you would have to stop and search every single ship that could carry one and still not be certain you have the target... Only issue I could see though for most nations is targetting... Here's the rough specs on the Missile's though it is Wikipedia so as I said rough specs... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3M-54_Klub
  18. Any better detail than that and we could see what he had for breakfast...
  19. First Eagles 2 on Windows XP?

    As to the Thirdwire series not running on Microswipe Windows XP my machine must be thinking it's running something else as I have XP and I can run all the SF2 Series and granted I don't have bump mapping etc it still looks darned good... and plays wonderfully...
  20. OT What can you do on a Sunday

    It can't be there is Blue Sky instead of the usual rain we get... And if it is Alien's be careful when your shopping...
  21. Aerocatures

    http://www.aerocatures.com/commission.htm Whilst wandering the net I found this site that does cartoons of Aircraft etc take a look at some of them on the site as they are quite amusing...
  22. OT What can you do on a Sunday

    Time allows for all things to be done... obviously this person had just the correct amount of time...
  23. Great work... love the look of her...
  24. That helo sure does look weird and the undercarriage looks as though it was put on after someone had too much to drink... Favourite Helo... normally the one's that got me out of trouble... for when it got hot Ah-64A's not the whizz bang D model that seems to have problems when the metal starts flying... And the Puma that dragged me outta there...
  25. What no Hunter or English Electric Lightning... I love the old Tomcat it brings the big missiles to the fight and shoots you in the face at 100nm and then still has the ability to get down and dirty in a Guns heater fight... (The last one is especially true of the F-14D with it's souped up engines)... But for an early'ish Jet the hunter well she looks wonderful... and the Lightning for her day was awesome... So I had to vote Other...

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