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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Navy Jet Down

    Not a good week for the USN... hope they get the 4th person alive...
  2. Close Call

    Glad your okay over there and that there is not too much damage... I am a biker over here and have been for around 15 years and I have had my fair share of interesting moments... all I can say as well is be on your guard from the moment you put your gear on to the moment the bikes locked up back in the garage or where you park your bike... and always remember keep it rubber side down shiny side up....
  3. Want to Start Skinning

    If one does not know and one does not ask then one never finds out how to do anything... unfortunately I am not a skinner so I can't help though I would be intrigued on the answers...
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13 Damn I didn't realise it was so long ago... and where are we now in the exploration of Space ???
  5. Find the Copperhead

    The big spiders I don't worry about its the small ones that are the nasty ones...
  6. It's official....

    Congrats to you on that one...
  7. What's with the E3's?

    They have a deathwish ???
  8. Ok Boys, It's Huntin' Season.......

    Hey there's some damn fine coffee from that there country I know I seem to buy a lot of it... ooooo you mean the other export begining with C....
  9. Very nice they are too... for some reason I always did like the Finnish colours on the Mig-21 for some reason they look right... Not too garish like the Soviet Silver with the bright read Star... Very Understated I think but hey thats me...
  10. Well the F-105 wouldn't have been a great dofighter as the F-4 took a small country to turn in whereas the F-105 would have needed a medium sized country to turn in... At least it had a gun from the start... but the 105 wouldn't have been a great fighter, attack bomber yes fighter no... you can turn a great fighter into a good bomber but going the other way round doesn't usually work too well...
  11. Somali pirates target navy ship - Pic sez it all

    The last lot of pirates from that end of the world the US had captured, where handed over to Kenya... also if they where in a Skiff there would have been a mothership nearby... maybe the mothership had realised how stupid these idiots where and left them there... ??? And not knowing what to do decided on shooting up the first boat that turned up as it was nice and small one...
  12. Two for the price of one... :grin: And all of them looking marvellous...
  13. Happy Birthday Old Diego

    Happy Birthday...
  14. Which Time period do you fly?

    Hmmm... me I prefer all of them... but hey thats me...
  15. Achmed the dead terrorist

    Oh its been awhile since I watched that... still makes me laugh... :rofl: :lol: :lol:
  16. Well, well .... lookie at who's another year older today!

    Happy Birthday's to you both...
  17. Damn not a good day just seen this on the news... Condolences to all involved...
  18. Damn... thats a lot of downloads... Fantastic job from the Admin's and modders... roll on 4 million...
  19. Over Flanders Fields - Memories

    Very good... I think I know how my Weekends going to be now...
  20. For those of a certain age...

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/7569123/Sex-Pistols-manager-Malcolm-McLaren-dies.html Gone to the great gig in the sky...
  21. Keep this Cat away!

    But at times the strangest things are true... I take it your not a cat person then Widow old Chap ???
  22. Cordite

    At least you could go out with a bang at retirement... sorry bad joke
  23. Wikileak Apache video

    Okay I have looked at this vid now about 10 times... to me it's a good shoot. It looks like you have a bunch of guys wandering around with weapons... primarily AK's and from the rest of the radio transmissions there is a situation going down... In Iraq the wonderful insurgents (Sarcasm) dont wear a uniform they don't play by the rules of engagement and they will use kids to get close in to the troops, I had that issue once in Bosnia... If I remember right gun camera footage is not released until after hostilites have finished. You point a camera and that camera!!! does look awfully like a big ass RPG front end he's pointing I know I have had one pointed at me... and he points it, or anything that looks like an offensive weapon at a helo crew who have been in theatre for awhile and they will be naturally jumpy, you have a bunch of guys hiding and pointing kit round corners thats going to make the crew even more jumpy... mixed in with about 4 AK's that I could see and if it had been me I would have taken the shot... Most camera crews know not to point a camera or anything else at a Helicopters or armoured vehicles without being very open about it and not pointing it round corners... You can tell that the crew are trying to limit damage as they use the 30mm they have rockets and hellfires under that apache if they had been going totally gungho they would have flattened the square... The laughter is stress you can hear it in their voices and I have heard it in real life the stress of someone who has just taken someone out some laugh some get morose some just go quiet... Everyone deals with it differently on this I know I did a tour in Bosnia and a tour in Kosovo... Also this has been "DECRYPTED" that makes me wonder what's going on here as well... Decrypted and sliced to make us see what they want us to see... Also the "Film Crew" would have advised the US military in the area that they had a crew out there and they where filming... Why wasn't the crew advised. Also why wasn't the ground guys telling them to watch out that there where film crews about... Also remember what the news media will do if we can't get real news we will mock something up... Though I suspect that if it was Reuters they wouldn't get that low... But remember that the insurgancy will use any and all means it can get its stinky hands on to cause problems both physchological and physical to military forces... Also when you shoot at someone if they are still moving and you cannot see what they have under their bodies you make sure for all they knew he was checking an explosive vest for when ground teams got there we don't know... If I have it wrong so be it and thats where it lies... to me this is a good shoot within ROE... Also shooting the wagon is clean as it was a standard run of the mill insurgent personel carrier saw plently of these in my travels and they can carry a fair amount of kit... My last comment is thus when under fire and in stressful situations for any length of time mistakes can and will be made... Also don't villify the troops on the ground until you get of your ass and go do the job yourself and see what hell it is... War isn't playing Modern Warfare 2 and there is no reset button for when it goes wrong and no save games... This is an Apache gunship crew doing what they are there to do take out bad guys with guns... and there are guns in that picture trust me I have looked at enough imagery to know the difference... War is hell no matter what the issues... Apologies if this doesn't read okay as sometimes my thoughts move faster than I can type... Also apologies for the War and Peace epic...
  24. EEK..Toe-curlingly baaaad

    We all have to start somewhere... and compared to my efforts of late these don't look too bad... just remember that these where your stepping stone to where you are now...
  25. Ok Boys, It's Huntin' Season.......

    I was thinking more along the lines of a Car bomb like this... or even better exploding underwear...that way when his butt explodes his face gets to see some daylight before he goes up to the big guy and has to explain... a .50 is to clinical... But hey thats me

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