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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Back up and dont forget back up the back up... The amount of times today where someone's told me I forgot to save a file can you find it for me is too many to count... me I have a multiple back up system and the amount of times it has saved me is worth more than the cost of it... Mine backs up every night... yeah I know extreme but I work in IT...
  2. Style Your Garage

    I'll take the SR-71... The true plane for :- I feel the need the need for SPEED...
  3. For the Bikers...

    Yeah I must admit I am a Kwack head... but I am after something a bit different which is why the Falco / Futura is appealing to me...
  4. For the Bikers...

    Cheers Rambler... As to the mechanic savvy friend that's me I rebuilt a ZZR600D which someone had stripped down and then couldn't finish last year so I have a good understanding of what to expect... and I will be test riding what I purchase
  5. Anti-Ubisoft DRM petition to sign

    Signed and complaint written...
  6. Okay flying and fighting an F-4 against the more agile Mig's is a matter of keeping the speed up fight them in the vertical and use your advantages against their dis-advantages... Advantages F-4 More power Better Radar Longer Ranged missile's and after 1978 or so you get Aim-9L's which are ideal for close in headshots Better range therefore endurance Disadvantages A Turning Circle equal to a small country Fighting a Mig-17 try and get them up high as this does negate their turning circle also with a Mig-17 if you dont kill it on the first pass extend away out to 10 miles turn back in and shoot him in the face with a Sparrow... Just do not fight him on his term's low and slow as you will generally get shot... If you must indulge in a turning fight use your Flap's they will help in turning Fighting a Mig-21 get him low and fight above 400 knots they have problems there... If you have chaff and flare's use them as required (well only the Flares. Make one turn and but only 180 at the most then extend and go vertical and try and come in on him from above... IF it does get low and slow Flap's again will help... With a F-4 try and kill from long-range always do not fight on their term's. Hope it helps...
  7. If I remember rightly the KA-6 used the same drop's as the A-6 so you could subsitute them for the standard A-6 wing tanks...
  8. Well the idea I had was to run an air to ground as my last setup was all air to air... so it balance's it all out... Maybe an AV-8B sortie oo'rar Marine's... That way its more likely to get into a fight it can win and also seem's as though no-one's done the Harrier route... and I still get to fly British...
  9. Remember that some planes after hard use would be unable to match the performance of a brand new plane... Also that the Paper plane sometimes had its performance figures when it was clean light on fuel and with favourable weather conditions... Where as operationally they would be used full ammo fuel etc... As I can't think of a WW1 example I have a modern example. The Israeli F-16A's the very first one's that they purchased and used in the Raid on Osriak (Hit Saddam's Nuclear powerplant before it went operational back in 1980-82 I can't remember at present). Anyway General Dynamic's stated that there was no way the Aircraft could fly there and back with 2 2000lb freefall bombs, 3 Drop tanks, 2 sidewinders, full fuel and full gun... The Israel's managed to do this with a very low level out bound leg 100ft and below hit the target and then climbed and cruised back at 39000ft give or take... with no air to air refueling... 680 miles out and back... and the GD said it couldn't be done they even setup one of their pristine jets straight of the factory floor and couldn't get it to go that far even cruising at high altitude best speeds etc...
  10. Happy Birthday Nesher!

    Happy Birthday... you young whippersnapper...
  11. Ubisofts DRM servers fail -

    DRM has been cracked which I may suspect is the reason the Ubisoft servers have gone ahem off-line so that Ubisoft can do upgrades etc...
  12. Anyone for Cricket...

  13. Pirates capture French warship?

    :rofl: Nothing against the French well apart from their roads killed my painstakingly rebuilt over 6 months, by me, motorbike...
  14. Women, you gotta love 'em

    Beer I have decided I need my own Vineyard for the amount of trouble they give us sometimes... but other times a simple smile from a woman can be enough to drown a 1000 bad times...
  15. Okay here goes I am after some idea's for my next campaign I am stuck between the following :- ODS SF2 NF4+ I am unsure now of what to fly so I ask you my Fellow DiDer's to help out if you would be so kind... Time era I am not worried about in NF4+ because its all gravy... I want a challenge... and a mix of sortie's ground attack as well as intercept... Thanks in advance... I havn't put up WOV Gold as I am replacing my WOV with the SF2 WOV this weekend...
  16. Women, you gotta love 'em

    Don't go there a few years back with my ex I ended up decorating the same room over the space of 3 month's 6 times and will someone tell me what the hell White with a hint of apple is or Fuscia or Burnt Sienna (The last one I thought was a slightly over done movie actress though actress is stretching it a bit)... Also when's it Man Day as today was world women day!!! And why is it that when a woman does something pretty amazing it's in the press whereas if a bloke does it only his mates find out about it about 3 week's after the event ???
  17. As crazy as it sounds I have mine right where I want it running at a decent rate 30-40 FPS running with an oldish dual core 3800 Athalon with a Radeon 4870 vid card... and I have the sliders 3/4 maxed out not totally maxed but getting there... and with plenty of add-on's.
  18. Whilst wandering the net one day... I found this source for WW2 Planes ships etc and also timelines... I have only generally scanned through it but so far seems to be pretty good... http://ww2db.com/
  19. World War 2 Database...

    and those who sink or swim possibly as well as the tank heads...
  20. I find that having weak MG's helps with your accuracy for example forces you to gun for the cockpits...
  21. Okay so when are you building your WW1 plane ??? Nice buy though...
  22. Pilot 2nd LT Tony "Scooby" Franklin Well that was short... my pilot is a pow... Easy sortie Sead killing near Fulda again... 2 F-4G's 2 Harm's 2 Maverick's Centreline tank 2 Aim-7F Take off was a breeze and the flight to the area no trouble whatsoever... Killed the SAM's and gun's 3 a piece and turned for home when my wingie got flamed by an Su-27... I honoured the threat with no idea of what I was going to do an F-4G with 2 Sparrow's against a flight of 4 Su-27's and no friendly's anywhere in sight... Well I dragged it down low but kept the speed up and punched of the tank... and went to Radar boresight mode... locked up one Su-27 and popped a Sparrow at him splashing him... but the other 3 ganged up on me and made life hell cannon rounds going off everywhere missile shouts from the bear eventually I was out of Chaff and Flares... Down we went to 50ft AGL and .92 mach to see if we could evade fast and low but this was to no avail as the 3 Flankers could outrun me and out gun me took a hit from an AA-10 Alamo and punched out... Unfortunately we where captured... Only thing that I was happy about was it took them nearly 15 minutes to shoot me down...
  23. Toxic NVIDIA drivers 196.75

    Glad I have a Radeon now...
  24. 2010 Oscar Results.

    Glad it was the Hurt Locker that won... Better than the Dance's with Smurf's as FC put it...

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