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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Me... after seeing the insides of a few Hercules I would happily... provided I get the Rifle for the bears...
  2. There are only 2 items required for a toolkit :- WD40 to make something that should move move... Duct Tape to make what shouldn't move not move... Its the only thing in my tool kit... Also you could judge how well an RAF Hercules would fly on the amount of Duct tape used... Duct tape its like the Force it has a dark side and a light side... Use the Ducttape Luke...
  3. Return of the Falklands

    Was wondering when this joker would put in his 2 Bolivars worth in... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/falklandislands/7293985/Hugo-Chavez-demands-Queen-returns-Falkland-Islands-to-Argentina.html
  4. Injured in Fallujah

    Its the only humour worth having...
  5. FYI

    As to the lady that is concorde she was designed back in the 60's... when she was cutting edge technology...
  6. Britain gets a Gold (at last)

    Hmm the Brecon Beacons been there a few times and I still havn't seen it... Fog and mist and rain thats all I ever saw in my times in that wonderful place (where's the irony face when you need it?) Seriously I spent quiet a bit of time there and snow never went anywhere near it even the snow was afraid to go there...
  7. ? plaaf mig29

    Oooo now that picky looks familiar... err hang on that looks suspicously like a design for the B-2 going back oooo about 30 years... and as to the Nanotechnology next they will say it has a plasma coating... ooops been reading too much Dale Brown again...
  8. Good luck with the PC Unk but at least you have narrowed it down to what it is... as to the Towel I never travel without one... good for use as an Emergency Parachute...
  9. Britain gets a Gold (at last)

    Snow more snow he says come here and look out of my front room window there's a white sheet of the stuff going on for miles... Went to bed at 3am woke at 10am and there it was Snow Snow and more Snow... day to stay in make a fire and drink tea and whiskey...
  10. ? plaaf mig29

    Interesting why Photoshop a Mig-29 into PLAAF markings... ho hum...
  11. joystick

    You need to go into Options and then Controls you should be able to set up your Joystick through there you also need to edit the settings for keyboard to enable guns etc...
  12. Well Flt Lt Andrews is now looking at nearly the same amount of Kills as The Red Baron... Its Grim Up north they say bloomin too right 2 Tornado's for an Intercept when we should have gone 4 or even 8 ship but thems the breaks ho hum... 2 Tornado's Full weapons no Tanks... Well we went out to the old Stomping ground that is Fulda to keep the red's off our tanks and boy was it interesting 2 Mig-27's to sort out which we duly did so and then all hell broke loose... didn't notice the flight of Mig-23's and Mig-29's escorting them anyway we got stuck into both and came out without a scratch and I still don't know how I did it... Kills 2 Mig-27's 1 Sidewinder 1 gun 2 Mig-23's 2 Skyflash 2 Mig-29's 1 Sidewinder 1 gun Went home after this and flamed out on finals managed to deadstick the landing though as I was only a mile out... note to self dont use burner too much...
  13. Hmmm...just wondering. Which is it?

    Well I have both and I find that the FE flight models are too easy... The OFF flight models in Phase 3 are a delight I havn't flown Phase 2 but from what I understand they where revamped... To me OFF Phase 3 is the one... Also the Spad wasn't the at its best in dogfighting it was more boom and zoom was more of an energy fighter e.g. F-4 not a Mig-17
  14. Return of the Falklands

    Also the other thing that everyone forgets is the Islanders themselves who are proudly British I spent 4 months there in 1997 and talked to some of the people there and they are British as far as they are concerned. It always comes down to Argentina and Britain for once why dont we listen to what the Islanders who live there want ? If there was no oil/gas there would be no issue behind it... I could go on for days on this but I wont
  15. Wie Schön!

    aaahhh the days when the wind in your hair was the wind in your hair and the smell of castor oil was the smell of castor oil... Pretty planes... in a functional sort of way.
  16. The X was the Y of its day...

    Sopwith Camel... definitely Spitfire in terms of handling but more Hurricane in terms of kills... hmmmm and the SE-5a was definitely a Spitfire in terms of speed but a Spitfire in Dogfighting at altitude... interesting question here.... The German side seem more balanced as Olham says Me-109 as DV DVa and the Butcher bird for the DVII Remember though that a plane that is of medium ability with a good pilot will always beat a fantastic machine with a poor pilot...
  17. Bit of advice re:-FSX

    Looks like been beaten too it lol...
  18. A-4Mike...

    I realise that but I want to make a proper one as the A-4F and the A-4M have noticable differences besides whats under the skin... and as its one of my Favourite jets that hasn't been created here I thought it would be a good start...
  19. And there's no GLoster Meteor if I remember rightly which is damn shame...
  20. Your Longest Career Cheating Death

    Me I am generally managing around 20 hours in Sopwith Strutters before I make a stupid mistake e.g. I will make one more strafing run or something that daft... Kills I usually rack around 7 confirmed but many more unconfirmed...
  21. Cant drink beer its the only damn thing on the planet I am allergic too... so I will settle with the following... Schnapps straight from the Freezer a good 22 yr old Malt by the fire and a cognac to go with a good cigar after a wonderful meal... and the an Ameretto for just sipping in quiet reflection...
  22. He's right there... or too many Scooters (Sorry A-4's)
  23. Flight Simmers and their books

    When I moved last my count was over 300 military/flying books...
  24. Bit of advice re:-FSX

    There is a way to do it, it's similar to the one to remove the Parking Brake in the bottom left I will send you the fix or a link as soon as I remember where I picked up my setup... as its been awhile since I did my mod...

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