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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Digital Combat Simulations A-10C On Sale

    Unfortunately not for the 6 Weeks JM I am going in for microfracturing on my left knee and I am not allowed to walk or put weight on it for 6 weeks after the operation... so I spend 1 week in Hospital and then 5 weeks trying not to go mad... But I am going to have a good crack at learning how to use the A-10 as it is intriguing... and I like the fact there is no Radar etc. Wish they did an A-4 for it...
  2. Okay I know that the F-15I can and does Carry it there is a pic on the net somewhere of it problem is linking to the site... also the F-16I and retrofitted back to the early C model F-16's so its probable that the Baz does carry the weapon as well. I have even seen Pictures with Hornets and Tigers carrying the thing...!!!
  3. Feel good living legacy...

    As it's US Thanksgiving I found this on my facebook feed today from a bikers site... http://news.yahoo.com/nj-father-gives-son-gift-sight-210601501--abc-news-health.html
  4. Happy Thankgiving

    Hope your all having a good day...
  5. Digital Combat Simulations A-10C On Sale

    Purchased it back in July's sale and still have not mastered how to fight the thing flying it and shooting the gun and sidewinders I can but the rest is causing me a headache but I have 6 weeks off shortly to practice and learn...
  6. A Prolonged Absence

    Keep your head up old chap... and it doesnt sound stupid that OFF keeps you sane... As to the personal life it happens that way sometimes but all you can do is pick yourself up and dust yourself down and keep on going...
  7. Call of Duty: Black Ops II

    Me I am still stuck with STALKER series oh and I remembered an old friend at the weekend... Fallout New Vegas still need to complete it and the DLC's...
  8. eyebrows shall be raised

    You saute them with a touch of Garlic and white wine... and serve with gently fried crispy sweet potato enjoy... Looks like I have been playing Fallout New Vegas too much again... and me a Cat lover as well...
  9. Nesher, Wilco, Guyran, Mannie

    Stay safe guys...
  10. E=Mc2

    http://www.theregist...rprise_scapped/ After 51 years she is off to be decommissioned and then scrapped sad way to go out... and yes there is a lack of Star Trek jokes for a reason... Star Trek is too clean!
  11. Soviet Constant X/Have X aircraft?

    Okay with regards the Tomcat... Just finished reading the Iran Iraq War book and it states that the Tomcat was never handed over to the Soviets... When the Soviet Delegation with numerous Air Force guys in it arrived they were not even allowed in the seat of any of the Western Jets F-4 F-5 and F-14 let alone fly in them... But then again I have also heard they handed the jet over as well.... Though one may have found its way to the Soviets with an Iranian Defector ???
  12. Oh and it would be nice if you could fill in the questionaire on what car you drive as well... Could aid you in Traffic situations...
  13. Was not an LGB as there would have been a lot more collateral damage... even with a 250lb variant... so your looking at Apache with Spike or Hellfire.
  14. Cocas Prop Works

    Nice and looking good...
  15. F-5a

    This F-5 is a thing of wonder...
  16. I think that Veltro2K's models were all removed... might be wrong on that one... so you may have tough luck finding it...
  17. MTO

    Also the USAAF used the Bristol Beaufighter in the Desert as well...
  18. 11/11

    That is so very true... unfortunately its the young and the brave who pay the ultimate price in wars for old men.
  19. 11/11

    The end to the war to end all wars... words sometimes are not enough.
  20. Personally I love the F-7 from the Darius Mod... it does the job perfectly at being a Target and the few times I have flown it I normally get myself shot clean out of the sky in short notice as would be expected from a 1950's design that has no decent Radar or weapons but for fooling around in its a great little plane... And Spinners Diplomacy wonderful touch there old chap...
  21. For Remembrance Day...

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. by John McCrae, May 1915 May all those who have fallen on the field of conflict live forever in our hearts and minds... To remember the reason that they died so that we may live.
  22. Thinking about my Dad today

    May he rest in peace...
  23. Love the colours on that bird Spinners... saying that I love the Scooter...
  24. November Calendars

    Looks good all of them...

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