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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Ot Just like watching England play!

    From what I understand they might even play better...
  2. New Mouse Designed For Women

    ooooh your going straight to hell on that one there... to paraphrase Robin Williams...
  3. Well Flying LT Mark "Pirate" Andrews is still busy causing the Red Menace problems Last 2 Sorties :- Sortie one was an Escort run 4 F-3's Full Weapons and Tanks Took off nicely and was airborne faster than a fast thing with go fast stripes (Well thats what the boss lady said anyway) Picked up our charges Anvil Flight 8 Jaguars about 40 miles out their target was an airfield 100 miles behind enemy lines beats running Intercepts all day long... Cruised in over the lines checked in with Sentry 1 and carried on cruising looking to do some brusing nothing showing 75 miles later about to turn of the IP point and 2 Mig-29's appeared out of nowhere Tanks dropped and turned to meet them got a sidewinder into one at 2 miles but his wingie was intent on the Jaguars and he sped after them at 600knots so popped into full burner and was after him closing the range rapidly as I was doing over 800knots (The old Chief Tech has really tweaked this bird to the max)... got within 2 miles of the Mig and fired my second winder of the day took what I thought was a scratch hit as one of his burners went out the other was still on full and then his Vertical tail on the Starboard side peeled off the airframe and goodnight was all she said he went into a flat spin and impacted the ground shortly afterwards. Caught up with the Jag's just after they had finished their working over of the airbase. Sentry one advised that there where a bunch of Mig-21's to the north so me and my Wingman went after them as I sent 3 and 4 home pointless them hanging about. Short story 5 Mig-21's later and it was home in time for elevenses.... Sortie 2 Basic in and out intercept 2 F-3's Full load out and tanks Launched and head to the Fulda Gap Sentry 30 advised that 2 low level joker's where after the tanks that where holding the area. Picked them up at 500ft and nailed number 2 with a winder his number 1 though was interesting as he fought like a demon but he was always going to lose as I had seen it all before from the Su-22's one sidewinder later and down he fell... HEaded home for tea and crumpets and 2 Mig-21's come up to fight damn they where hard to spot with the camo job they have... anyway that ended the only way it could do 2 splashed with a sidewinder and number 1 with the Miss 27mm Mauser...
  4. A simple Toy but so many memories...

    For some of us me included the first flying item we could get was the Frisbee who's creator has died today... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8512198.stm
  5. Trespassers...

    This guy has the right idea... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8512173.stm
  6. What are you listening to?

    Well tonight pop-pickers its a taste of A starter with Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture (With proper Cannons non of those bells malarky) With a main course of Ramstein with a wonderful side order of Pink Floyd's Delicate Sound of Thunder with a desert of James Brown and to go with the Coffee Monty Python Sings...
  7. Direction of OFF Future

    What no mention or request for your beloved Snipe ???
  8. OT Fly 'Yorkshire Airlines'

    Prefer the Swords old chap... failing that I will have to break out the Armour and White horse and settle for Jousting...
  9. Somewhat less than aerodynamic. : )

    And there was me thinking you where on about F-4 Phantoms...
  10. Football 0 Rugby 1

    I dislike soccer and survived 20 years of playing Rugby only for a parachute accident to stop me playing and I love the sport watching it and I loved playing it though I was a tad on the bad side at playing. As to surviving that was simple I made sure I was the fastest man on the wing...
  11. allies/axis-red/blue,pointless friday question

    Also Miss Hotness can you warn us all next time e.g. give us a days warning that something weird is on its way especially for a Friday !!! Now where's my Drink...
  12. I sometimes land those wonderful beast with the Technical landing term SWAG method... Scientific Wild Ass Guess... I generally land gently nose up wheels down... Seriously though the view out isn't great and I have spent a lot of practice on landing the jet F-102 in FSX as well as SF F-106 SF find a decent approach speed around 170 knots wheels down and just ease it in... but its best to keep up the practice until you are comfortable. But you should know your okay on landing if you can see the top third of the tower on approach... well it works for me sometimes other times as crazy as it sounds its a feel thing...
  13. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    Blair should have been sent out on the Frontline strapped to the first Tank... As all leaders who want to go to war should be... but hey thats just me
  14. 633 Squadron Starwars Style...

    Does exactly what it says on the tin... There's also a Dambusters version...
  15. SF2 SA-8 Glitch

    I know that the system was supposed to be All Terrain but Air Terrain capable as well...
  16. allies/axis-red/blue,pointless friday question

    Red blue Orange Brown its all semantics on the colours... War though is hell Bosnia showed me that one and the best comment I have used was who are we supposed to be protecting today at a morning brief because I was as confused as the next guy on who was a good guy and who was a bad guy... Also its strange this good guy bad guy thing as One persons Freedom fighter is another persons Terrorist... Russian Troops would see that they where the good guys and Nato troops would see that they where the good guys but as someone once said the Winners of War are the deciders in History on who are the Good guys and who are the bad guys...
  17. 633 Squadron Starwars Style...

    Storm I have my weekend planned Cruel Sea Dambusters 633 Squadron followed by Mosquito Squadron Battle of Britain with the finale being The Longest Day... yup I am single...
  18. OT Fly 'Yorkshire Airlines'

    I am not a Yorkshireman you southern shandy drinker... I am from Lancashire over here in Yorkshire to keep them confused and surrounded all in one... someone's has to keep an eye on the old White Rose Lot in case they want to try and invade Lancashire again...
  19. OT Carling...

    OT But makes me laugh Dont forget the Squirrels...
  20. OT Fly 'Yorkshire Airlines'

    That Green Stuff old chap is Mushy Peas down in Yorkshire tis what they ave on't Fish and Chips...
  21. Woah, nice work USAF

    Set phasers to stun Captain...
  22. Napalm

    Frying tonight... as Robin Williams said in Good Morning Vietnam... A Buffalo has jack-knifed up there on the Ho Chi Minh Trail... I don't know what to say, there are horns everywhere. We're gonna drop in a little napalm there and try to cook him down; a little BBQ Or near enough... As to the bird to carry it A-1H okay it aint fast but it hauls a lot of the fire breathing stuff... Failing that try an F-4 if you feel the need for speed...
  23. Randomness of a Random nature...

    While searching the net this fine sunny day I found this site... http://www.omglasergunspewpewpew.com/ Okay I have no idea what it is does but its Squirrels with laser guns and a jet pack!!!
  24. Man Rules

    ahhh another amusing start to the day...
  25. Damn... Okay I am in just make it please... so I can get completely lost over the beloved Fjords... Forgot where I signed them... also watch for Telegraph wires low down...

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