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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Looks good I remember creating a campaign years ago in Janes Fleet Command... full on WW3 stuff carriers bombers subs the works... but now I might be able to fly it even better lol... Mine was based around 1982 using Midway class CV's with Phantoms A-6's A-7's and the rest of the crowd on a carrier... Had serious memory issues by the time I had finished it lol...
  2. OT- flying 101

    Okay the Green is horrendous but I quite like the idea I wonder if it comes with an Airliner for Dummies book ???
  3. Here's that Albatros i was on about....

    There are some exceedlingly pretty airplanes there...
  4. Recon mission tactics

    Should recon flights be escorted interesting question personally I love doing recon RF-4 Jaguar A-5 etc I prefer the unarmed variants as it makes it a lot more interesting... Your Tactics worked as advertised because thats what they do low and fast also if flying recce I ditch my wingman as they cant go as low as you can and they aren't evasive enough to avoid being nixxed by guns. My prefered Tactic is high until I get close to the area of interest and then get down low sub 200ft low and fast 500knots to 600knots or max dry thrust no burners no jamming no radar. If I get picked up by Radar I wait until I know whats picking me up Gunnery i.e. Shilka toss some chaff and then go for a climb dive routine to through of its tracking only up to 500ft and back again usually works for me. If its a SAM being 200ft and below they have a hard time tracking apart from the heatseekers aka SA-13 (no warning from those) so keep an eye out for SAM trails. About 5 miles out pop up to 500ft to simulate the photo shot over the target dropping flares and chaff (Carrying a chaff/flare pod is advisable). Once off target back low still no burner just keep the speed high and then turn for home or the other option is to fly past your target low level offset by 10 miles or so and then turn back in on your target and photo it as above but with the added extra that you are on your way home. If Intercepted by Aircraft in any of this ditch external stores and get low and mighty fast burners up to 90% and jink in case they decide on playing guns with you also try to get lower i.e. 100ft and below it all helps. Throw out the odd flare as well as a heat seaker might get lucky down low. All else fails call it quits and go home... Better to runaway to fight another day...
  5. Sure looks like it also the centreline seems to be carrying a very large FAB series bomb laser guided if not mistaken... ? As to the ghost hmmm now we have an aerial Marie Celeste...
  6. Drop tank procedure

    I know that the RAF's fleet of F-4J's they always came back with their Drops unless there was a disaster in the air... Usual load was a pair of wing tanks 4 winders and 4 Skyflash and on the odd occasion the zip gun centreline...
  7. Flying for the other side.

    I must admit I am with Flyby on this one I tried out those German machines and it doesn't feel right in OFF... In IL-2 I have no problems taking up a German machine heck I have even been known to fly a French machine on the odd occasion... but OFF thats different... its got to be a good old battered Sopwith... So dont worry Flyby your not alone...
  8. Have also been there with this most of mine though have been with the F/A-18 when I am running Ground attack roll in drop a pair of CBU's and pull back hard and scream for height... never managed it yet with just air to air but I am working on it...
  9. But the F-111B aint pretty as a Tomcat or an A-5 and even the Tadpole that is an Intruder looks right on a carrier deck... and the old saying goes here... If it looks right it will fly right But a good argument nonetheless well written...
  10. Do these gentlemen look unhappy?

    They're not happy its just that they have a cunning plan... a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a Weasel...
  11. Whats up with european OFFERs

    Cheers for that good old PC Thief strikes again... will look into that as I have enough wires to last me 3 lifetimes thats what I get working in IT... Was investigating something similar at my local IT Shoppe round the corner from Mrs Miggins Pie Emporium... you know working in IT you'd have thought I would have got round to a set long ago but nope I like terrifying the neighbours with the sound of Machine Guns... at 3am... as to our colonial brethren I suppose one must one must
  12. Whats up with european OFFERs

    Cheers Winston DoRight I will do that Teamspeak is installed just need to sort time out as I am in old England... be a couple of weeks though as I need to source a good headset As to getting shot to bits nothing new there then at least I can say it was a human being instead of the pesky Computer...
  13. In this if you where flying an A-4 me I would run with the Kfir idea... or I would look at what kills you had at the end of it and take it from there plenty of Air kills Baz or Netz Ground Kills Kurnass or Kfir... or if you lost a bunch of jets stick with the A-4... Good Luck with the campaign...
  14. I need some outside opinions on this...

    To me its wrong you should be able to send comments in without details... But saying that I am living in the Country where freedom of speech etc are all going down the pan...
  15. Whats up with european OFFERs

    Okay I want to play multiplayer but the last time I did was with Janes Fleet Command back in 2003!!! damn thats a while ago now... Anyway I just need to be brought up to speed on a few things e.g. files etc make sure I have the right ones (I downloaded everything and uploaded it in correct order) and I need to get a head set oh and learn how to fly the bliddy plane right still flys screwy to me...
  16. OT Semester Abroad

    My advice for going abroad picked up on plenty of trips is to keep an open mind be polite to your hosts learn to eat when they eat time wise learning a few phrases is great as well as to Austria I passed through there in September on my way to Italy by motorbike and I skirted past Salzburg on the way from Munich and the scenery is spectacular the GrossGlockener is the highest point in the Alp's yep I rode over the top... just a little aside I hope your not veggie as they didn't seem to be a lot on the menu where we had dinner in Zel um See beautiful place lakes mountains the whole shooting match but it is of the beaten track but there is a train station there and the train station parrellels the road for a lot of the way and that scenery is jaw dropping I know as 3 bikes nearly ended up missing a turn or 20... But most of all approach it with an open mind... is the best advice.
  17. So the usual response is 2 weeks ??? Patience is a virtue and to be honest I am flying NF4+ in SF2 Dec 09 patch and apart from a couple of minor issues its perfectly okay first thing I downloaded and thats all I have at present for SF2+ Europe and its great fun...
  18. shooty bang films

    Widow dont forget that the old 1950's films about the War some aren't too bad e.g. Dambusters Battle of Britain for example okay the latter yes the Me-109's and Heinkels have Merlin motors... in my mind its the films depicting Modern combat jets that do that...
  19. Made me smile

    Widow they are rather amusing and thanks needed it today... as work was hell...
  20. Do we have a Joke Thread?

    Dont forget General Snow and Fog...
  21. Flogger

    While surfing the net as you do I found this link 1 of 5 on the Mig-23 family and there is a lot of interesting data too...
  22. Too right well said that man... sometimes even those who are native English speakers can write something that is unreadable... As to the knowledge base besides the site being a knowledge base there are all little things that we all do that are not in the texts here that could help people out... And helping yourself by being concise also means others are willing to help you as well... thats my 2 pence worth...
  23. Another sleepless night ensued as we now have an F-4 squadron doing night ops not good for the old sleep thing... Anyway 2 more rounds with the reds today before Lunch... Standard loadouts 4 Ship First up was a nice escort mission escorting a 4 ship of F-111's at least we can keep up with them down in the weeds... Anyway take off and join up was simple after a 30 minute flight we approached the F-111 IP so we popped skyward rapidly and found a pair of Mig-21's willing to play but they didn't last too long and then it was back to nothing to do apart from walk the F-111's home... 2 kills Sortie 2 Standard Loadouts 8 Ship Yeah it was one of those flights 8 of us on an Intercept near Madburg to allow our ground forces to advance and to stop close air from the Reds screwing it all up... Anyway we blasted over there just under the Mach andfound a 4 ship of Su-17's working over our guys right soon put a stop to that I thinks but no I found myself going nose to nose with a Flanker everyone scattered on order and picked their targets I popped a sidewinder into the first flanker and down he goes which surprised me while my number 3 bagged his wingman and the other 2 flankers fell as well but they nailed one of our guys no chutes from that bird just disappeared in a ball of flame... After the escorts had gone it was down to low level and tidying up the Su-17's which the second flight had practically demolished and then the bosslady's in trouble with a Mig-23 in front of her and a Mig-21 behind not a good place for anyone her wingie flamed the 21 and she got the 23 as I nailed another 23 which was setting up for a gun attack on her... after that it was home for lunch... 3 kills...
  24. 0-200 in 6 seconds

    Aaaah what a good laugh to wake up to in the morning...
  25. Attn All Airmen

    Err Widow old chap you being from up Tyneside way and all that and you have the cheek to complain about Cockney... I spent 5 years up that way and somedays listening to the old Gordie like... was enough to drive anyone nuts...

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