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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Military aircraft videos

    Has the same engine as the S-3 Viking aka the Hoover... As to the A-10 seen them many times you dont hear em though until they're rtight on top of you...
  2. Pakistan Air Force IL-78 tankers

    Yeah I think the only bird they can't refuel in the Pak Air Force is the F-16's as all the other jets have Probesor can be fitted with probes.

    Just seen it... Dances with Wolves in 3d in Space... Thankfully without Kevin Costner...
  4. TRUE or FALSE

    Brave man which ever way you want to look at it...
  5. Animal Rights Activists (SO FUNNY!)

    Seen this and I still find it hurts me when I laugh... Being a biker and all that malarky Funny I wear my leathers to stop my sides leaking out...
  6. OT I am going to be a Farmer

    Been awhile since I have seen those... But give me Blackadder anyday... Joining the RFC this one makes me laugh Back home for tea and Medals...
  7. Well another 2 rounds with the Reds today and I brought everyone back as well... Round 1 4 Tornado's Intercept 4 Skyflash 4 Winders Gun No Tanks... This was an out shoot and back jaunt nice and easy... Had to Intercept a flight of 8 Mig-27's and similar Mig-23's. Battle of the Swing-wingers or should that be swingers... anyway up we go and streaking to the target which turned into a right bunfight bagged 2 Mig-23's before the merge and 3 & 4 bagged a Mig-27 each my wingie was doing his usual hanging onto my coat-tails as I blasted through the area pitched back in locked up the next victim only for him to bank hard right giving me a plan view of an F-4. Re-aquire and picked out a Mig-27 fired and well to say he went to pieces is an understatement... one minute there the next gone!!! Now it turned into a fight for survival as we duked it out my 3 & 4 bagging 3 more 27's while it looked like the F-4's bagged the remained as a flight of mean 21's came screaming through shooting at everything and anything GDR jets after bagging one with a Skyflash I hit another with a winder only to damage it so closed in for a gun kill... no missiles left. That Mig-21 was a long time dying but I nailed him finally as we head home my No2 bagged a Mig-23 everyone got home nice and safe. My Kills 5 Sortie 2 Escorting Austin fliught of 4 Tornado's from our sister Squardon IX. 4 F-3's Standard loadout Cruised in nice and easy as you do after a very uneventful opening and then the Commies turned up no milk run this one. There was more blue air there than anything I have seen F-16's F-4's F-15's even a flight of Mirage's running Flak Suppression oh and about 80 Mig's. The sort settled down and we started shooting my first shot at 18miles was bang on Mig-23 on the nose. Follewed by a Mig-21 then I was ordered off to go shoot down a plane over 80 miles away so I went a hunting wingie in trail 3 & 4 Covered the strike which flattened what it was supposed to but they lost a guy on the way out to a SAM-6 nothing I can do about those. Anyway turns out my Target was an AN-12 popped a Skyflash at 15 miles and take him down turned back for home and a Mig-23 pops up shooting so I replied by feeding him a Winder while Chaff and Flares are all over the sky... After this it was rejoin and home for Tea and biscuits... 4 Kills
  8. WIP SF2 F14

    Okay now thats done it typical I buy SF2 Europe and now I have to buy another one but oh boy a TOMCAT I can't wait... hmmm flying felines
  9. Pakistan Air Force IL-78 tankers

    Well they do build em big in Tashkent... I think that these are re-builds. First one was delivered 20th December after training in the Ukraine where these birds are being modified.
  10. Thats it I am making a Tactical retreat... Can't Surrender I am English to the core... I have purchased SF2 Europe to bring me up to date Just for that they will launch SF3 just to annoy me... Have already got the Nato Fighters Download sorted still enjoying the NF4 in the Legacy SF (Sorry F/A-18 pun intended)... Also has anyone got any good pointers for any other Campaigns to download? Yes I will most likely purchase the entire series over the next couple of months... Are most of the changes a visual thing or is it more than that ? Those are my 2 questions until the next ones...
  11. SF2 Europe

    Cheers I figured that unfortunately the copy I came pre-patched oh well... time to do so modifications to suit... saying that though its still a damn good mod... so thanks for the mod anyhew the problems as I said I can work round them until I have sorted it all out...
  12. SF2 Europe

    Okay so far so good installed the NF4+ pack everything after reading the readme!!! For a change... and boy have they moved the file structure around. Anyways as my version is the latest patched version grrr not the Jun-09 patch is there a way of retrograding it or is that better asked on the Thirdwire forums? Also I don't know if this is to do with the patch or NF4+ but I took the GR1B up for a play and I have a double cockpit Also when taking off only tried a few jets so far they seem to bounce on the runway when they hit around a 100kts not a major biggie but did startle me first time round... p.s. handflying it of the ground various aircraft with light to heavy loadouts same happens. Me is thinking its to do with the imcompatability of the Dec Patch and NF4+ ho hum I can live with it though...
  13. January?

    Global warming ha all the Screaming liberals all took private Jets for a conference in Australia...
  14. Now c'mon ..you KNOW you want one!

    Can I have 2 please ??? One for everyday flying and 1 for Sunday best ???
  15. Vietnam...

    Whilst roaming the net one cold snowy wintery day... oh thats today then... I found this its a resource for Vietnam and from what I have read so far there's everything in there and then some... http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fac/Thomas.Pilsch/Vietnam.html
  16. Well my 3rd new Pilot... Pilot Officer Mark "Pirate" Graham 5 Squadron Tornado Bruggen Airbase Red Storm 1986 Nato Fighters 4 2 Sorties so far :- 1st Sortie was Airbase Cap 4 Ship Wall to Wall Skyflash and Sidewinders Well after the past 2 months of tension it kicked off this morning at 5am the Reds invade my first sortie was a CAP over the base nice and easy I thought blasted out of the HAS and was airborne in 4 minutes with 2 3 and 4 close behind. GCI sent us to shoot down a strike team inbound which turned out not to be a strike team but 8 Mig-23's loaded for intercept. That was a fierce fight took out the first 2 before they even knew what was happening and 3 and 4 account for 3 others. After the merge it went pearshaped jets all over the sky RED Flag was nothing like this missile trails all over managed to pick out a MIG-23 hunting Wingie 3 unfortunately Wing 3 took some rounds in the tail but he nabbed the guy he was chasing best thing was to send him home with wingie 4 who was also damaged. It got down and dirty my Wingie 2 I didn't see him after the merge turns out he lost me in clouds. It was then that I realised I was in a 3 vs 1 and I down to the gun and a Skyflash bit of mutliple targetting going on I think. I extended and then turned back into the fight and I got onto one of the Mig-23's and before he could shout VODKA he was out of his jet taking the silk ride to earth. Next guy took the Skyflash at 4 miles heading in while I dodged his Apex pucker factor really working overtime there. The last guy though he went home with holes in him damn they build those jets tough. Settled into a classic dogfight damn I wished my jet turned better. We fought for a good 10 minutes from 100ft all the way to 30000ft and back again the guy was good as in real good it was like fighting an Weapons Instructor. How he managed to keep that jet in the air was beyond me. After I ran out of guns I had to evade and went low he bugged out and went home if he ever made it I don't know. As I turned to land Wingie 2 turns up and lands ahead of me the cheek of it he still had his drop tanks. Whereas I was putting on an Airshow for the base in burner most of the time. But damn this bird is fast on the deck. Anyway after landing turns out that wingie 3 Fg Officer Milne was lightly wounded. Well I am now an Ace. Sortie 2 This was an lowlevel intercept over Fulda to help out the army boys down there god help em. Take of and routing was easy as we came over Fulda at 500ft picked up 2 Su-17's and quickly despatched them with a Skyflash and a Winder. The had a pair of Mig-21's up for Flak Suppression and they dumped their gear and took us on for a gunfight one died to a Sidewinder rather rapidly the other guy though got in close and stayed there turned into a knife fight in a phonebox. Managed to nab him though in a vertical scissors at 25000ft and he got the silk letdown took his port outer wing off... So that makes the total now 9.
  17. Well Plt Off Anderson is now in the hands of the KGB... 2 Sorties both single ship :- First sortie nice and short strike a warehouse easy enough. Single Jaguar 6 750lb's 2 Aim-9J Full Guns Well this was going to be a short dash in and out hit the warehouse and fly home. Looks like I am getting the Royal treatment today as I took off and headed out I picked up a pair of F-111's turns out those boys are my Flak Suppression!!! Anyway heads out to hit the warehouse and everythings going lovely even have 4 F-15C's riding over the whole lot. Gets to IP and wonders whats going on the Reds are asleep wish I was damn crazy hitting a target at 6am anyways park 2 750lb's into the warehouse easy as while the F-111's are working the SAM & Flak sites see's a bunch of fuel tanks so turn back in to flatten those be a waste hauling them back. Drops on the Tanks blowing up 4 of them as I start to turn to home the 111 lead has picked up a trailer and is shouting like crazy I pitch back in and fire my first Aim-9J Mr Mig see's it and ducks out of the way my second one goes of for a joyride and fails... Time for the ADEN twins to play again close right up on the Mig who is trying for a guns kill on the F-111 which he doesn't get instead his plane ends up with 30mm itis and comes apart... Mr F-111 is sounds relieved where the hell are those F-15's I am thinking... ho hum turns out Mr F-111's wingie is also in trouble of I turn and go to solve his problem with a dose of the old 30mm just about to fire on his problem and it explodes as 4 F-15's streak past me. Quick waggle of my wings and off home I go. Kill 4!!! one more and I will be an ACE!!! Second Sortie :- Report filed by special forces... The camera jet you sent over was taken out by a zip gun while dogfighting 4 red Jet's pilot got out but was too close to the Airfield to be rescued captured by local troops.
  18. As to making it to oldtimers all I can say is I aint found that secret yet call it a work in progress... Me I look at the route and modify as much as I can but I am now riding Jaguars in NF4 and I am wondering whats going to bite me and I know what it is its Mr SA-10 I am gonna do something stupid and get into a fight with one again... but even in Simulation having a talk with Lady luck helps as well... Always ask for Sim Luck before you leave... As to the SA-13's I dont have much of a problem with them maybe its because I am flying NF4 and not plus... but learning SAM evasion techniques always helps out... and always know your enemy... Right of to drive the Shaguar time to go plaster the Reds or photo them...
  19. HMS Eagle Carrier ops in BHaH

    You mean there's a Carrier out there for BHaH Whatever next???
  20. Damn bad luck Cliff there looks like the old timers are biting the bullet bad...
  21. Well Plt Officer Anderson went out on his second run a photo hop this time so no wingie was selected, 2 Winders Full Guns 2 Drop Tanks Chaff and Ecm Pods Well my favourite sort of mission alone and taking pictures low and fast over some Commie Airfield lets see them catch me out. Take off was lonely after my morning mission with another 7 I went out alone standard practice for us it seems climbed to 6000ft and stayed there until I crossed the Foward lines then dived to around 1500ft cruising along nicely so I thought looks like the planners goofed as I ended up flying over a headquarters with 57mm 23mm and 14.5mm flak no SAM's though. After I had been airborne for around 20 minutes I picked up a glint of silver around 10000ft so dumped the tanks and prepared myself locked on a winder and after confirming that it wasn't one of ours (In fact didnt see sight of any of ours heard the German's down the road making a mess out of a Red strike though) popped the winder away by the time it hit I found I had taken out an AN-12 okay not a fighter but a kill's a kill in my old book also meant either some bigwig got a Viking Burial or some supplies aren't getting through. At the IP point a radar started to track me so I decided to run with it and if it fired I would then take action... Popped to 500ft over the target took the photo and headed home at 200ft right over an SA-10 site Pucker factor went right up at that point as I extended away heard about those SA-10's and they are not a good thing to play with at around 5 mile's he popped a missile my way down to 50ft the chaff filling the sky behind me time to Introduce the site to the Aden Twin's... came back around ahrd and fast well anything's fast at 50ft... Popped up to 500ft to get a decent run in and let loose on the site about a mile out trashing a launcher and the Radar as it dropped of the warner at the same time as I picked up twin explosions in front of me I then ran for home very low and extremely fast 600kt's give or take for 50 miles and then popped up as I crossed the forward lines again landing after that was easy as eating cake...
  22. Pakistan Air Force IL-78 tankers

    First one is already delivered for training purposes etc.
  23. As Fred's Dead a new set up is required time to move forward... Well this morning after a brief thought on things its time to go to 1979... Red Lightning Pilot Mark Anderson Callsign Bucket Squadron 41 Jet Jaguars Camapign set to Normal Weapons to Limited Flight model Hard Enemy Hard First Sortie Runway attack at Peenemünde Well looks like the short straw was picked by our Squadron this morning. All the way across Germany to hit the Airbase at Peenemünde not a good job for us as its going to be tight on fuel as it is. Loadout 6 750lb 2 Aim-9J Full Guns. Well take off went well at 08:20 all eight of us until 1 of the guys managed to park his jet into the local scenery at 08:33 not a good start to the sortie cruising at an average height of 5000ft on the way out just to make sure. Met up with Python flight 4 F-15's who where to provide escort to the target. After 30mins or so we took it down to 1000ft to skip along nicely for the next 50 miles or so at which point Python did a sterling job of dealing with a flight of Su-15's though not quiet enough more on that later. At this point the game interferred by a jet calling bingo fuel and me decide to send the remaing 6 jets home just in case. So here I was alone unafraid and ready to take on everything also at this point I could then get on with my flying turns out on the way home though 2 more jets crashed into the scenery not good. I pressed on alone and was highlighted by a pair of SA-2's that popped a couple of missiles my way SA-2's against a Jaguar like there ever gonna get me down I went and notched it up to 600knots at 150ft as I turned IP I noticed something in the mirrors a glint that hadn't been there before notched right and flew straight down the runway pickling the 750lb's down it scratch one runway. That glint in my pass resolved into a Su-15 with had the cheek to fire an Aphid at me broke hard flares and chaff and then got into it fired both my winders with no joy can't wait for those new Aim-9l's to turn up apparently they are even head on capable. Anyway looks like this was going to be settled the old fashioned way Time for me to introduce thew Su-15 to the Aden Twins. After much too and froing the Su made a mistake and flew straight for 10 seconds and I let rip and hit him left engine flamed briefly before he exploded. I turned for home when his wingman loosed a Radar Guided Anab at me chaff and me dancing all over the sky evaded that one so decided might as well go for a pair chased him all over the sky very aggressive this guy but I eventually got in behind him and same again the Twins Aden dealt their damage and sent him plunging from the sky just as I pulled out though a Zip gun hit me around the pointy end. Had enough so I went home and managed to even catch my wingie up once over the border I realised that fuel was really tight but still enough to get home. Lined up for the runway and no problems there home safe and sound.
  24. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    UK I am with you on this one... seems whenever there is a disaster in the world a natural one the Western democracies are always first on the list to be sending aid...

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