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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Modelling porn.

    Flaming heck... thats patience and then some... and Siggi your right thats modelling porn...But it don't half look pretty...
  2. Ultra Light Jet Fighter

    Also on this listing as well dont forget that a lot of light fighters are based on Trainers :- Folland Gnat/Ajeet(is the Indian Air Force fighter) The basic idea of the Gnat was to produce a lightweight fighter. Also I think that we are missing one vital Airplane here as at the time it was a lightweight shortranged defence fighter:- The Wait for it MIG 21/J-7 on numbers alone its up there... Also on the Trainers listing you have the :- BAe Hawk The T50 A50 Korean Jet Trainer Golden Eagle Thingy... The latest Russian trainer The M346 and the Russian equivalent And in the late 50's early 60's dont forget the :- F-11 Tiger I wouldn't class the F-16 as a light fighter more of a medium weight fighter... But to cap it all what is a light fighter ??? You start out with a light fighter idea F-16 F/A-18 and it gets weighed down and turned into a medium weight. The list could go on but I will stop there me thinks...
  3. Well Fred's dead... Flew 2 sorties today... The first one was a perfect runway demolition job 4 1000lb's down the centre line and job done... in and out 70 miles from the carrier nothing to write home about flak didn't even harass us too much. Sortie 2 different story... 2 A-4e's tasked with Flak Suppression... Both launched okay for the afternoon push to Kep airfield to protect B-52's cruising at 30000ft and where's Fred and co in the weeds... Coasted in perfection personified 25 miles or so from the target all hell broke loose first a flight of 2 Mig-21's came screaming out of nowhere no Red Crown and the next thing I hear is Viper 2 call out am hit Mig cap what are they a bunch of morons next thing 5 Mig-17's turn up just as 4 Sams are fired at poor old Fred 2 Shrikes left the wings and he got 2 Sam Radar's but it wasnt enough yanking and banking driving that Scooter all over the skies like a Man possessed but old Fred he kept on heading to the target he had Rockets and CBU's to deliver... Viper 1 aka Old Fred "Surf" Andrews is still there drops a pair of clusters and wipes from the map a truck mounted 14.5mm gun taking some hits in the nose he screams out of there 500kt's plus leaving a trail of Chaff as 2 Sam's call his name... He pulls up to 5000ft and immellman's in on a pesky S-60 gun and unleash his Rockets wiping that gun from the face of the earth whilst lining up to take out the Base's P-12 surveillance Radar obilterating that looks like he took some more hits... He's not had enough of Charlie yet and reef's round to take on a Zu-23 smashing that to bits with his gun's and he heads for home 3 minutes later checking him over a Mig-21 comes out of nowhere and fires an Atoll smashing the poor scooter out of the sky... There was no chute and to be honest with most of the pilots on the O'Boat Fred wasn't heading to the Hanoi Hilton if he had a choice... Filed by LCDR Bob "Eyes" Peterson VFP-62 Callsign Camera 1
  4. Flying Red

    ooooo Cookies...
  5. Hmmm Red Arrows...

    Its crazy most display teams use frontline fighter jets i.e. Blue Angels F/A-18 etc I cant wait to see the Red Arrows flying in Eurofighters like that will ever happen... So here's a movie with the Arrows Inspired by the Blue Angels Video...
  6. LT Good point forgot your driving Spad's... must admit as I am going of a carrier most of my flights are 2 or 4 ships 3 & 4 are normally tasked for Flak Suppression and loaded accordingly rockets and clusters... saying that I have 2 wingmen POW and 1 Killed... so I know what you mean on that one...
  7. Mike you could say your getting around a bit... Subtle hint :- One Pass Haul Ass... Your first strike is for the Air Force Navy Whatever after that your on your own time for strike missions... And LT me I just send em direct home if they start messing about trying to kill whats trying to kill them saves time... and Wingmen...
  8. OT Worst 'Simulator' ever?

    Okay thats downright scary!!! Whatever next pretend Brickies ??? Or Sim build your own wall or Sim Watch the Paint dry ???
  9. Rocket Kills during WW1

    If I remember rightly read the following :- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air-to-air_rocket I have read this in a book I have on the Soviet Air Force as well. I think the Le Pieur rockets where only used on balloons as they would be too inaccurate for a plane...
  10. I am on my 9th mission 10th by the end of tonight...
  11. Greetings and welcome... As to the Vulcan B2... the only place that I know of that has it is the A-Team site. You need to wait for the confirmation email. As to any Flightsim games with what your asking the Wings Over series is about the only one to be honest. You just need to go to the downloads section and pick and choose what you want there is an excellent set of B-52's Varks and a whole mess of fighters/fighter bombers to choose from. I also think there is a B-2 in progress but not sure on that one, maybe someone can confirm on that.
  12. The Final Countdown

    When they did time travel at school I was down the pub seemed a better idea at the time... Either that or I was reading Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy...
  13. Hmmm Red Arrows...

    Seen the Arrows quite a few times and I must admit they are damn impressive...
  14. Hmmm Red Arrows...

    Of that I know I spent 10 years in the services... I was meaning what the Red's do in Trainers is amazing be brilliant if they could be given the keys to the Eurofighters to see how they do...
  15. The Final Countdown

    Who cares it was a great movie just take your brain out of the equation and just enjoy it...
  16. If you haven't seen this yet

    Amazing sight those little scooters...
  17. First batch of Homebrew

    Depends on how much you drink...
  18. Well Vicar yours are a great read after all makes you want to root for the Commie's. You most likely take more time writing the report than in the flying... Keep em coming...
  19. Okay just done a recce Mission in WOV with the Gold pack with an RF-8A and cruised over the docks minding my own business as you do... oh and watching for the telegraph poles and I met 2 of the nicest Mig-21's you could ever hope to meet... I wound up following them... whilst SAM's are popping of everywhere I think evertime I popped up over 1000ft 2 would come up to play so back down I went... Anyhew back to these 2 wonderful Migs I turned there pair into a threesome and sat there alongside them when the flak was starting to get interesting I opened up the burner and ran out in front of them for some fun... see if they would take the bait but no they sat there cruising along nice and fine at around 450 500knots 4 missiles apiece... normally I wouldn't have thought anything of it so I reset and went to do the same mission with an F-8J guns only... this time those 2 lovely migs weren't so lovely they got down right agressive... this led to a gunfight and one of them crashing into the deck at 600knots plus and the other one then bugged out... Seemed strange to me as if they knew I couldn't shoot them but as soon as you have guns thats it kill em... Saying that though those Mig-17's will chase anything for a kill had to use full power (no burner) in a RA-5 when they came a visiting there's little ole me again stooging around taking pictures and the 17's come out to play all 8 of em...dump tanks open throttle and leave em standing in the dust... okay smoke... but hey what can you do ???
  20. Huh ?!

    I targeted one of them in the RF-8 and got no response but as I stated not too worried as to them being bingo fuel if didnt look like it when I flew the F-8J as they both came at me full bore... and I didn't even lock them up or have any radar on... As I said it was just interesting to see thats all...
  21. Flak in WoV

    Oh yes life is now interesting going up north... still trying to work out how to bring a jet home thats not damaged and I jink as though I am on ice in leather shoes...
  22. Speaking of Flak Suppression.... 2 A-4E Ltjg Andrews Ens Flagg Flak Suppression Ha Gia Well pulled the short straw today Flak suppression duties with Ens Flagg. Cluster bombs for the first time and my least favourite weapons 2.75 inch rockets or as I prefer shoot and hope as those things go everywhere... Take off nice and early 08:47 into the rising sun of the old girl The O Boat into the early morning sun clouds from 4000ft all the way up to 16000ft not good weather for killing guns I can tell you. Either see them too late or they get your silhouette as your coming down through the clouds. Anyway coasted in at 17000ft and headed north on a roundabout route to get round Hanoi not a fun place to spend any time over. After being airborne for about 45 minutes descended to 3500ft to see whats what and for once my navigation was perfect 5 miles short of the POL yards we where to hit damn was I feeling good. Went screaming in and lined up the largest flash I could see KS-30 and fired the rockets and they went where I wanted them to go surprised I was... KS-30 gone my wingman was working over a set of M1939 so went to give him a hand but he smashed it up pretty good before I got there I rolled over to see what was still down there and found the source of all the ECM problems a Firecan but as I was only at short range I fired my guns in a hope of hitting it and took it out but took a few rounds of 14.5mm from a DSHK (well thats what the crew chief told me) in exchange which my wingman duly flattened the area around where the rounds came from with 4 CBU's went real quiet round there after that. Pulled up to around 3500ft and started reworking the area killing a few more guns with rockets and cluster bombs. Once we had both gone winchester it was hometime I had done my work for Uncle Sam and it was my time now so climbed up to 18000ft and headed out wingie in close. Flak followed us all the way up and we where pinged by just about every radar in North Vietnam but no SAM's thank god must have fired them all at the Air Force... Feet wet master arm off well there was nothing left to fire anyway... And its back to the boat landed shakily got a 2 wire not good but hey any landing you walk away from is a good one... Well my battered Scooter doesnt know when to quit she just keeps on going... bulletholes or no bulletholes.. Well after 2 days off flying I was dragged out of a sound sleep and good dreams and I am to be presented with the Silver Star for shooting up guns...
  23. Huh ?!

    No I am running the 08 Patch... I wasn't complaing as sometimes its peaceful to look over how the AI flies without it trying to kill you... Also good for formation flying and practicing gun kills...
  24. One word for that one GENIUS!!! Thanks for the perspective on that one Mr Wel's that made me laugh out loud... :rofl:

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