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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Well in my case I choose the jet first if its Vietnam era its most likely a Scooter as there is something special about that little jet it aint sexy but it can do the lot if required... Love the Sundowner emblems I must admit they look fantastic on an F-8 or a Tomcat (two for the price of one tails)... If its Nato IV I prefer the Jaguar it carries enough to get it into trouble but not out of trouble thats where it gets interesting... I think its the attack thing going on you can drop bombs and if push comes to shove you can fight with the Fancy nancy boys. Always fun to take out a fighter with a strike jet... Also I like the recce challenge no guns no missilescoming away with a perfect mission is much more fun dont ask must be my sadistic streak showing...
  2. Snowy Isle of Wight

    Well I gave up on the work thing today and stayed home (okay so I booked 2 days leave saves me a 4 hour treck there and back) and spent the day looking out at the snow and playing OFF and my flying today was sublime... Eindeckers where falling everywhere oh okay 3 of them in 4 sorties but one was an ace cant remember his name but he put up a damned fierce fight I can tell you... great fun... watch my flying tomorrow go clean out the window and my pilot dies due to stupidity... but I still wont be going out of the house...
  3. Cold War movies

    Surprised no-ones put in By Dawns Early Light Flight of the Intruder... And for a laugh Peter Sellars in Doctor Strangelove or how I learned to love the Atomic Bomb... Ooop's the last one was already put in but its a great movie it needs to be voted in multiple times
  4. Cant seem to fly today

    Yup I get them as well... cant explain it one day flying like a dream next day couldn't even take off without smearing my poor pilots across runways...
  5. Well turns out Fred's injuries are only light so back on the flight line today... hitting a warehouse near Hanoi... hope the Hilton's closed to me today. 4 Ship A-4e's loaded with various bombs from 500lb's to 1000lb er's Take of was fine weather sunny with light clouds coasted in and no escort anywhere oh well looks like we do this the hard way... found out after we returned our escort was re-tasked to protect a bunch of B-52's which where pounding some trees about 50 miles south of us. Went to 90% throttle as we coasted in at 16000ft at IP wingie and me dropped low-level while 3 and 4 stayed high as they looked for anything that might threaten us on the ground... I went in and dropped my 4 750lber's retarted at 500ft flattening a pair of buildings and my wingie dropped his onto the warehouse flattening that one. 3 & 4 at this point went to harrass a SAM site and completely wiped it out Radar SAM Launchers you name it if it was there before it aint there now I Checked on my way out... Thats when a pair of Mig-17's rolled in and before anyone knew it my number 2 was headed to the Hilton... Me I cleaned the jet off and went in hot pursuit right over Hanoi and a Firecan radar decided to lock me up and I had that rattler on the gear all over followed by the flak everything including the kitchen sink... Ducked and dived while still closing on the Mig that took my wingie got to around half a mile and fired the guns (Who said Phantoms are great) and took his right wing clean off. It was then my turn to be hunted by his wingman very aggressive fight went from 200ft all the way to 15000ft and damn was it busy... I eventually got him out in front of me and the guns have JAMMED perfect sight the works and what do I get a pair of clicks... At this point it was hometime so dived down to 500ft and ran for the sea still with a rattler on the ECM gear... Went feet wet with no hassle's and got a 3 okay wire on landing... Also got promoted !!! Now who had that bright idea???
  6. Hi, Okay have you tried running these in Win 98 mode... In case you don't know how to do this... Install the game then creat a shortcut for the game (if one hasn't been created). Then right mouse click on the shortcut go to compatability there is a mode box for click the Run this program in compatibility mode for then use the drop down listing select Win 98 Apply and then ok... Try the game... Hope this helps.
  7. Spare a thought for Olham

    Nice work with the Pink Machine... so does this mean Herr Olham is now renamed the :-- Pink Baron ??? Could do with a bit of bright yellow on the tail structure though...
  8. Book find

    Okay was in a well known charity shop today dropping some no longer required items and have found a book called Bomber Pilot 1916 - 1918 by C.P.O. Bartlett. Its based on the Authors diary who was eventually a Squadron Leader in the R.A.F. It's about his time in the R.N.A.S. in the years noted. Will have a read through it and see how it reads and let you all know about it. Also has some photo's of Sopwith Strutters... And the price for this was a grand total of £2.59 in hard back and in fantastic condition as well. Even if it only turns out to be an average read it would be rude not to have bought it.
  9. Spare a thought for Olham

    Right where's the bullets and bombs... ???
  10. Spare a thought for Olham

    Dont forget the Cigars and the good china... and his Schnapps Supply..
  11. Snowy Isle of Wight

    Well as I got up this morning it was bright and clear and the Snow God dropped another load of snow off during the night I have decided to take Thursday and Friday off and sit in front of the fire and look at the weather out the window and play OFF... with hot chocolate to keep me warm...
  12. Book find

    Oi leave the old Strutter alone... just because yours doesnt have high heels Suspenders and a Bra... hmmmm that lines familiar... Oh yes thats it Lumberjacks...
  13. Vote for your favourite sim

    Stwick him woughly centuwion... Burn him Burn him... As to Some of us being Crazy welllll it does help
  14. Snowy Isle of Wight

    Yeah over here in the defeated county Yorkshire... hehehe (I am a born Lancastrian am over here keeping an eye on them and I have them all surrounded). We have pretty much the same deal stuck my foot out of the door and lost it to the ankle this morning but still ventured to work to find a ghost ship... There where more people on the Marie Celeste than at my work... ho hum still called a snow day and came home early... Also on the snow front we will be getting some more tomorrow and even more at the weekend just in time for my week off... GREAT NOT!!! Also where are all the global warming people complaining its too warm right now ??? Most likely Jetting of to Australia to complain its too warm there...
  15. Book find

    Yeah tis an Old Strutter could be that if its second hand that the cover might be damaged... Just wait and see when it arrives I guess...
  16. Just some advice the rough range of a SA-2 in WOV is around 16 miles so a site taking a shot at you from 20 miles dont really worry too much about it... If you want to mix it with the Migs try out a F-8 Crusader or my usual jet the A-4e 3 Pylons for bombs etc and 2 for sidewinders and you get 2 guns okay its not as sexy as a Supersonic but it is a good little dogfighter I can quite happily take out Mig's in it from the 17 to the 21 and still fly home... But remember its an Attack Jet not a dedicated fighter so no Radar guided missiles no Air to Air Radar best advice is to try everything out and see what suits...
  17. In PC Land all else fails uninstall - reinstall works most times failing that find window open window launch PC out of Window... actually dont do the last that way you have nothing to complain about...
  18. Book find

    Thanks so far I have read about 3/4's of the book the Snow here is good for slowing the journey to work down and its a very good read I must say... The Award for the Fjords well it passed the time shame it all got wiped out.... And as to the Fiddly bits well if one doesnt fiddle what should one do ???
  19. Please Help!

    Okay got to downloads, select Strike Fighters / Wings Over.... If you are on Strike Fighters 1 select Strike Fighters 1 Series Strike Fighters 2 select 2 Go to SF/WO* Add-On Aircraft link Select your Era Click on the plane e.g. F/A-18 Hornet and click on the file name scroll down the page and select Download from either Server 1 or 2... Then unzip using favourite Zipper I prefer WinRar works on everything (Google it) Once you have done that most times its a case of drop into your Planes folder for WOE 1 not sure about SF2. Always Always though read the Readme file that comes with the plane and that should be it.
  20. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    Freelancer is not a patch on the X Series owned them both... as you cant go empire building and take over the entire universe muhahahaha.... there's nothing like jumping into a system with a whole mess of ships and reducing them back to the stoneage... only issue I have with the X series is you cant land on planets... Also if I remember rightly I have X3 Reunion pre Terran Conflict... I will confirm tomorrow if anyone on the UK Side wants it they can have it...
  21. Keep the enemy close

    You know there's always a place in the 20minute club there... or do you have a cunning plan ????
  22. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    Just expect to lose large chunks of time playing it...
  23. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    Best Space Sim IMHO is X3 Terran Conflict... Space trading Space fighting from single ships all the way up to Capital ship battles... Story line if you want or if you dont want... you can be a goody two shoes or a pirate the game is all up to you... and the graphics are damn pretty... Here's a Link video from Egosoft And the graphics look the same on my PC... Oh yeah you can mod it as well... And paint your Ships to match your shoes...
  24. New shoes

    Perfect for the Rocky Horror Show... do they make them in a Size 9 ???
  25. Well thats one approach I suppose but then you would have no PC at all to complain about... and then when you do make it back to base after a mission (Without visiting the Twilight Zone (PC Crash)) you then get much more pleasure out of it all...

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