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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Military Humour

    That bird is a Avro Shackleton... ASW variant MR1 Better known as "a hundred thousand rivets flying in close formation"
  2. Nice one!

    Am in... and thew link worked great for me I must be doing it wrong lol
  3. Aviation Movie Tirvia Time!

    Is that you John Wayne or is that just me...
  4. 2012

    If it is the end of the world I plan to meet it going backwards with a large drink in one hand riding a motorbike with a lovely lady on the back with our Butts on fire... Well if you gotta go might as well do it with style... :rofl: :drinks:
  5. Hi I ordered mine 25th October and it took arrived begining of this week... Welcome aboard as well... Oh and its worth it...
  6. OT JibJab...gotta love it!

    Oh thats so true... Its why I dont own a TV!!!
  7. Thats gonna hurt his pride... and here in the UK talking on the phone whilst driving is a big no as well... shame most people ignore that its Illegal... Where's my bike mounted rocket launchers...
  8. Any Korean heres?

  9. Korea...

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/southkorea/6536557/North-and-South-Korea-warships-exchange-fire.html Oh well looks like Comrade Kim is getting ants in his pants again...
  10. Tally ho Chaps war be over by Christmas and all that what what... Yeah I think my PC could handle another campaign... Are we getting the RN involved as if I remember there's all the Air for it as well as some very good Aircraft Carriers to play with... Just hope no-one gets that sinking feeling (Sorry bad joke I know but its nearly Friday) So thats another + 1 also is this going to be SF2 or the original variant?
  11. Talk about unlucky...

    Thanks for the quick reply... What no pigeon post??? oops that must have been in the pie I had for dinner in the mess...
  12. Korea...

    And his right ear is lower than his left ear...
  13. Korea...

    Welcome to the revolution...
  14. No, whats wrong with THIS picture?

    I second the good man Muesli on this... I have mates who have fought and not got a thing as in the UK we dont get medals like in some other countries but there was one guy over here who did pretty much the same thing... But nothing was done to him as is said they are in every country I did a tour in both Bosnia and one in Kosovo and all I got was a well done... to be honest I was happy with the fact that I had done my job to the best of my abilities and the people I was with respected that... In my opinion anyone like this should be publicly humiliated and slapped in a set of old fashioned stocks and have rotten veg thrown at them...
  15. Finally...

    Finally got into a dogfight last night and survived and nailed 2 Fokker EIII from Jasta 1 but had to bail from the fight as I had run out of ammunition for the front gun plus damage to my engine... , had to rely on my rear gunner to protect my tail. Anyway all the way back to base I had a shadow eindecker following me only broke off when I landed successfully has anyone else had this happen as it was really strange for a 40 mile flight with me and my shadow... Also had to complete my first forms for kills and as there where no witnesses as I was over German lines and my wingies carried on going home... Looks like I was designated rearguard taking on 5 EIII in a Sopwith 1/2 Strutter I must be mad as I could outrun them but then again shoudln't have been a real problem as the only disadvantage I really had was being outnumbered 5 to 1 but I was in the old term Keen as mustard at getting into a scrap...
  16. Finally...

    That was the funny thing about it all it seemed as though the plane waggled its wings after I landed and it stayed outside the airfield defence's. Was really strange but saying that I think I took out a named pilot on that sortie... I think his name was Martin Xander or something like that opened fire on him and everything I fired fell into the cockpit and surrounds. Was a good scrap... shame it couldn't have lasted longer as it was a short burst of around 20 rounds...
  17. Modern Warfare 3 announced

    Genius yeah warfare 99% boredom 1% sheer terror... Anyone wants me I am dodging cleaning the latrine...
  18. OFF Screenshots Video

    Greetings old chap, One does like the way you have done the olde worlde filming on there... Seriously though I do like some of those skins...
  19. Confused...

    Okay I have created 2 Fighters pilots that are still alive One is driving a Bristol Scout RFC 1915 and the other is driving a Sopwith 1/2 Strutter 5th RNAS 1916 I selected them as Fighter pilots. But in the type in the Stats page for them it is showing as pilot type Bomber!!! Any Clues ???
  20. Rememberance Day

    Today is the day to forget the whys but to remember those that gave selfless so that we may live... At 11am I was stood at the cenotaph in Leeds paying my respects as I always do. To those who have passed on may you rest in peace now that your work has been accomplished.
  21. Its arrived 2 weeks door to door from the States to my Small Planet... okay so its Leeds England... So I am first of all going to apologise for any daft questions I may ask... in the next few days dont worry I will read the manual of destructions and threads involved with fixes.
  22. RF-4B USMC

    ooo Pretty for a double ugly... that is a Rhino...
  23. FE2 career

    Not sure but my first flight last night against a threesome of Eindeckers I dove on them out of the sun and all that was getting to the point of opening fire and they scattered all over the place... and then fought like fighters... well until I planted my tail in the dirt... but hey thats my impression at present as I am only on my second day...
  24. FE2 career

    You mean you get to hear the enemy... me I am stooging around in a Bristol Scout looking for a fight and cannot find one and even then I have to get intelligent with the gun...

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