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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. How to demolish a house...

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/8351939.stm What a blast....
  2. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/11/10/mod_pop_chopper_bids/ Okay this is down right strange but an interesting idea...
  3. Nice idea but I always learn my simulators at the hardest level and dead is dead for combat sims going back to my earliest flight simming back in 1980 something... okay it can get annoying but it means that once I have it sorted its really sorted... hmmmm beer...
  4. Could've heard a Pin drop

    Or fools never differ... :rofl:
  5. Well someone has to keep these Yorkshire types in order... I am originally from Morecambe... A Lancastrian in Yorshire and I have them all surrounded... Also I know Newcastle very well as well spent 5 years about 40 miles north of there in the 90's outside Alnwick... had many a crazy night out in Newcastle...
  6. New Here with a Couple of Questions

    Its a simple install and works a treat just once you have loaded it upload the patch and everything as I was advised to do so by OVS and it works great out of the box... found that all out last night !!! Oh and it blows the socks outta CFS3
  7. When hell freezes over

    No that was a funny read as I work with a bunch of people who complain about the cold when its above boiling it seems and always want the office to be red hot...
  8. Now sadly no longer with us

    May he rest in peace
  9. Well I have uploaded OFF and now I have my own pilot see above. This was in full DiD tradition. This is without any practice apart from what I have flown before so be gentle oh weary souls of the air. Squadron A Sqn 1 Wing RNAS flying Nieuport 11's based at St Pol sur Mer His First Flight :- Mission to Defend an Observation Balloon 61.2 miles away. Max fuel load and ammo load. Finish my cup of tea and do a walk round of the kite. Un-fortunately Freddy didn't make it back got into a dogfight with 3 Eindeckers after 67 mins of flying. He died by stalling out his kite and plummeting into the ground tail first while fighting the 3 eindeckers from between 500ft and 2500ft... He managed to fire 14 rounds and hit an eindecker with 2 of those... His dog will have to find a new master now after it pines away awaiting his return... On a note about the game from my single flight this seems to have been an excellent decision. Just need to set it up to my tastes and away we go was interesting on the fact that I only noticed that there where 3 eindeckers below me by looking around and doing a few gentle turns... Edit was due to me using 2 screens and I hadn't read the report...
  10. Fight Sub-Lieutenant Fredrick Frankalberry

    Unfortunately Freddie's tale first dart into the ground was no hope basic mistake I ran out of energy simple as and was down to around 200ft... As to flying the later planes thought about it but I am more interested in the development of the planes... I now have new pilot flying a Bristol Scout... and managed a good sortie of 45 minutes or so didn't see anything apart from 2 flak burst on my side of the lines couldn't spot a bad guy out there... Do your own guns shoot at you???
  11. Panoramic.

    Not mine I am stuck with 2 monitors... and it looks like there is a mongo sized setup going on with all that...
  12. New guy looking for OFF ?

    Okay today I received OFF Between Heaven and Hell. Installed it this evening and patched it as advised and I can tell you DAMN!!! With the engine that they have behind this the old CFS3 motor I was expecting a few tweaks but its like the moment in Men In Black where Smith puts on the last ever suit he will ever wear... and the comment he comes out with is the difference between me and you is that I make this look good... OFF Makes CFS3 look outstanding... I have flown 3 flights tonight and lost 2 pilots and one made it back and landed perfectly and the mistakes where all mine... So my advice you want a WW1 flight sim just place an order and enjoy its worth it in my humble statement :clapping: :clapping:
  13. Fight Sub-Lieutenant Fredrick Frankalberry

    Indeed and thanks though I realised I had forgotten my first rule of Dogfighting... Never on your first game attempt more than 1 on 1 odds...
  14. That last comment is my usual comment 10 years military Air Farce dont you know and now for my sins I work IT so yeah I understand totally... And the getting lost at Mach 3 shame I cant do that one but have been lost in foreign countries on a motorbike if that counts some... Well am uploading now as I type... hmmm might have to have a go at one of those blog type things to see how badly I can screw it all up
  15. I already have the major patch and the mini patch loaded thanks... And I plan to have fun... though no low flying for me as thats where I fly most in Jets...
  16. Starfighter Affäre!

    Drat my Deutsch doesnt stretch far enough for me to understand the show... would be very interested in this...
  17. Blackadder Final Sceene

    Very true...
  18. The Complete Lord Flashheart scenes

    Flash by name flash by nature tis True Genius... And they would vote for Wee Jock Mcplop...
  19. Looks good to me... More mig-29's and Su-27's to make life interesting...
  20. How to beat the cars in Traffic...

    Here's an antidote to all the car/van/taxi drivers who say they dont see your bike... http://www.ridelust.com/icon-builds-a-bike-with-a-gatling-gun-to-sell-helmets/ Would be interesting on the way to work in a morning... And no don't know if the gun works...
  21. Hi, I generally simulate the pod by having the station empty or I place an orpheus (I know the Jag doesnt carry it but I am not a modder), on there after modding the ini, primarily depends on which mods I have running. I will get you a pic and post it here for you. I will be doing a couple of flights over the weekend so no issues... If you want I can prep you a full list of how and what I was up against. Also dont worry about what your flying just know the plane you are driving it doesnt matter if your up against F-15's Su-27's or even lowly Mig-17's they can all ruin your day. When doing a sortie as well I do fly without wingmen as they get spotted too easily.
  22. Condolences to his family... May his wings never tire...
  23. In hospital at the mo

    Aaaah whats a lung it only helps with the breathing and you have a spare also you dont need to be doing exercise like that could be bad for your health... Seriously though Get thee well...
  24. Man faces Jail after Urinating on War memorial

    You know putting him in the Ye Olde Stocks would be a good idea next to the point of his crime... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chapeltown_Stocks.jpg
  25. New Campaign

    Okay in prep for OFF arriving I am reading up on Squadrons etc and I am planning on Starting as early as possible with a RFC or RNAS Squadron and playing it as DID with max realism (I know sadist, but train like you mean to fight). But I was wondering has anyone got any advice on what Squadrons to choose as a beginner with a slow ramp up in the squadrons difficulty for example starts out quiet and as the war progresses it gets tougher and tougher to survive... Any advice appreciated thanks. This is so I can read up on the Squadron and see what aircraft I go through... Oh and it needs to be a nulti-role squadron...

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