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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. German airfield under bombardment

    Well for the Germans it would make take off and landing a bit more interesting if nothing else... also might get in the way of that little thing called sleep...
  2. New Campaign

    My thanks apologise I didn't think of looking there...
  3. Too much Vodka or Brandy

    How you going to put that in that small box in the Insurance claim form??? And as for drawing the picture ooo that is not going to be fun...
  4. Me I prefer doing Sead missions but as to the setup for doing Recce flights I prefer to do them using the old RAF Jaguars as we would use them... Not so much straight line speed as an RF-4C or other recce birds and so far the only thing I know that works is as follows :- Plan you sortie plan your sortie Fly Vlow below 100ft once into the Bad guys Airspace and sometimes this does defeat even the dreaded SA-10/11 combo. Use Terrain to hide from Radar. Use ECM only when needed. Never fly straight for long. Always keep one eye on the RWR and 2 eyes outside of the cockpit looking for Interceptors. When your drop tanks are empty if you've not dropped them already drop them. If it looks too hot to enter the area from the way you thought you had planned to enter the photo area fly past it and enter the area from behind that way you get the shot and you are already running for home. Stay Low Level on your egress there's nothing worse than stooging out at 5000ft and having a SAM chop your tail off. Use Chaff Flares and lots of Jinking never fly straight. Know your enemy know his strong/weak points and your own strong/weak points. Practice your low flying skills and keep practising. When all else fails turn for home and accept that sometimes its too tough to get through. e.g. 4 Su-27's 4 Mig-29's and 2 SA-10 Sites with 2S6 batteries protecting the target. Never drop your guard until you have landed and the sortie is over. Use your friends other flights etc to help you out. Oh and last comment never get into a dogfight even if you hold all 5 of the ace cards and think you can win you are there to take photo's not put stars on the jet. Oh and have a chat with lady luck to see if she can look over you every now and again...
  5. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    As someone once said "War is Hell" On the otherside of the coin the Great Escape is a great movie and I love the music... yeah its on my MP-3 player...
  6. Nimrod rant

    To the Nimrod yes your right was one of the Intel jets from 51 Squadron... http://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=19950516-0 Above is the crash report for the Moray one... And as to the SA-80 I got lucky and very rarely used one... my weapon of choice chambered a .308 Lapua round
  7. Nein mein Herr... I meant Oldham as in the town in good old Blighty... hmm looks like I will be flying for the RFC once my copy arrives Tally Ho and all that... Apologies for the bad Deutsch its been awhile
  8. Well I ordered CFS 3 on CD and got it for a £5 and it arrived 2 days later still waiting on OFF though. But all told it only cost me £28 and that includes postage from the states and Oldham...
  9. I was on the fence until last week when I ordered it along with CFS3 got CFS3 but the wait for OFF is now the long one... Cant wait to start having a knife fight in a phone box... (Hang on I do that with jets so with a WW1 plane will have to downsize to a mailbox ) Hurry up!!!
  10. Passenger accidently ejects from plane

    Or he could have been listening to Elton John's Rocket Man and wanted to join the rocket club...
  11. Nimrod rant

    I agree with the lady at the top of the rant... there are many issues with the way our non military minded government like to think of amusing ways to save money and give jobs to the old boys club without looking at what is best for the military to do their job... SA-80 anyone or L85 same rifle still a feck up... amongst other things... Going to stop now before I really start and I dont want to take over the thread...
  12. Aces, Aerodromes, and Aircraft

    IF you have a problem with the Excel Viewer there is Open Office Suite which does exactly as MS Office but is an open source and is the best price going FREE!!! Here's the Link I have it installed and find it more useful the Office as it opens files that Office has problems with. http://www.openoffice.org/
  13. that's us

    :beach: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
  14. Stupidness: Your story.

    Some days it can be getting out of bed that starts it all... Where I live its off the road so off I wandered down to the bike to go out for a spin one bright sunny Sunday morning. I get to the bike place my helmet down at the side of the bike start the engine pull on my gloves and leave guess I was still half asleep as I get pulled just as I get onto the road!!! Helmet was still where I left it... back where I store the bike!!! The policewoman was laughing her head of when I pointed out where my helmet was... at least it was still in my bike store wasnt feeling too bright that day... Or the time you go to the range and fire 5 sighting shots and end up with 35 holes in your target... thankfully not my stupidity that day... girl on the next lane didn't like her rifle.
  15. Falcon 4.0 allied force need help with turning

    Okay as to pulling the G... It comes down to the load being carried on the Aircraft. If your driving an F-16 with more than sidewinders on board then your going to be pushing it to pull 9g. Also be aware of your fuel load etc... the lighter the jet the better G you can pull. As to the Joystick I have never used a Cougar so I can't advise.
  16. Well after viewing the community from afar I have finally ordered OFF and Combat Flight Sim 3... now all I need to do is remember how to fly and fight again... Couple of questions about my PC though and how well it will run OFF... My PC is what I would call mid to low range now... Running XP Service Pack 3 Running a dual core Amd Athlon 64 3500 clock speed of 2.2ghz 3.5gb ram ATI 4800 with 512mb on board video card 150gb of HD space How will it run roughly? I am considering to update the motherboard and chip at some point though and was wondering if now was a good time or would my PC run okay as it sits ? Thanks for any advice.
  17. Google Find

    And an F-106 taking it easy in the shade..
  18. OT Why Macs are rubbish

    One word... Genius!!!
  19. New military aircraft simulator freeware is available

    I will take a look at this as from what I have seen on your site looks interesting.
  20. Saabs Cobra

    The Draken would have started the club as its a 1950's - 60's jet no fly by wire etc... as to does it look sexy hmmm good point the single seater does look fantastic but the trainer variant here different question the cockpit makes it look all wrong... my 2 pence worth thrown in...
  21. Happy Birthday 331Killerbee

    HB hope you have a Blast... another year gone...
  22. WW2 Sims

    IL2 46 no questions asked...
  23. Whens the Movie out??? Damn good... :fans:
  24. From what I understand the Mig-23 used as an Interceptor and the Mig-29 would have been used in the Air Superiority Role or multi-role like the F-16. Most likely Air Superiority though.
  25. Funny Passport Application

    I know about this as I have just applied for mine... and stupid is crazy as its only a renewal but you get the 20 questions all over... what next a DNA sample...???

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