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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Hi all I'm a Newbie

  2. Also leaving for a while

    Have a good time...
  3. The Combatace Newsletter

    Count me in for Military articles.
  4. Leaving for a while

    Have a good time mate...
  5. Very true... in those areas with a Hunter attack hard from height and blast through the mig and dive away if height allows failing that Scissors just stay out of a turning fight and as to the F-100 not had much time driving those... but I normally in a hunter come out on top and before you ask I use Hard settings across the board... oh and play Dead is Dead... saying that I do spend a lot of time setting up for a kill find out what my opponent is and then work out their strengths and weakness and stick to their weaknesses and fly to my strengths... But I understand what your saying Viggen... nothing better than a knife fight in a phone box as I prefer to call a scrap between a Mig-17 and a Hunter... Saying that I normally fly an A-4 and take on anything with a set of wings...
  6. Yeah one of those would give you a bit of fun... but they dont like chasing me down low...
  7. I will admit to moments like that and you put it wonderfully into words... I will admit I am doing an NF4 mission in 86 with a Hornet and you are right it is wonderful you find out your up against one of their top guys and you fight to the bitter end... They do make it so wonderful and in their own time... my thanks as well.
  8. 16 Reasons

    I would have said a Spitfire Mk 1 but hey beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that comment is a good one... I will have to remember that one when a girl has a go at Classic Motorbikes... as well
  9. I find the SAM-6 more intimidating as I find the mig 17 a fairly easy kill but I do fight it at the strengths of my jet dogfighting them in a Phantom is easy you lose site you engage burner jink dive and run away then turn and re-engage and take it into a vertical fight if I am saving my Sparrows and winders for others... maybe its the way I fly... saying that I will never engage one in a turning fight easy way to lose for sure... But saying that the SAM-6 is a lot of fun to play against which is why I like wild weasel... And for the Modern stuff there's no SAM-10 or 11 !!! Now they are mean and moody... bit like me going through coffee withdrawl... hang on Coffee withdrawl is not on the list whats going on ??? :lmaosmiley:
  10. Hawker Fury Wip

    ooooo a Hawker Fury!!!
  11. Hi honey im home !

    ooo the pub... where and when and I wont take the pills... as I am not sick in body...
  12. AI got smart

    So no more burn baby burn disco inferno moves then???
  13. OT: An American Dream

    That looks wheely good... sorry bad joke...
  14. Flavoured with Crispy Bits...
  15. Yes they did buy them bought 4 if I remember rightly during the Iran Iraq War... as to if they had Chaff and Flare Dispensers I dont have that data same with the ECM
  16. Love the look of this Cowboy Game

    Is that you John Wayne or is that just me... (Shameless paraody from Full Metal Jacket)
  17. OT: An American Dream

    oooo pretty car... but as has been said 2 wheels too many... I have a ZZR600D and a ZZR1100... though why the ZZR1100 has mirrors I dont know as I cant see anyone behind me...!!!
  18. Hi honey im home !

    Wouldn't be us running to Italy... The pub is about as far as we would get...
  19. Hi honey im home !

    Welcome back to the land of the lunatics... Oh yeah for everyone else RUNAWAY... as she's most likely going to shout at us again... so normal service has resumed...
  20. Airplane! Movie Quotes

    Are you telling us everything Stewardess... No Sir... We've run out of Coffee... PANIC breaksout on the plane. and dont call me Shirley
  21. There out of COFFEE PANIC!!! DON'T PANIC Mr Mannering!!! Panic is over...
  22. Happy Birthdays!

  23. Well as someone who flirts with WW1 flying... didnt think I did bad with 13...!!!
  24. Indian Jaguars to be re-engined

    Yes the Indian Jaguars do have the ability but they carry Magic IRM's. Also some Indian Mirages carry a Radar in the nose for use with the Sea Eagle Anti-ship missile. The majority though have a seeker head in the nose for laser duties cant remember if it had a designation ability. But the RAF used the TIALD system once this came into service.

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