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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    Got a ZZR600 as well... taking it round Europe for 3 weeks this year as my mate's only on a 650 makes sense so I dont ride away from him too much... And speed on a bike sometimes its nice to take your time and never ride beyond your limits...
  2. The answer

    oooo They dont like it being called Humberside over there do they...
  3. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    Just over a bout of flu and finally finished my motorbike rebuild project... someone stuck it in a shed for 3 years spent the last 3 months rebuilding it to go back on the road... bikes a Kawasaki ZZR1100 more speed please......................
  4. The answer

    Okay I see the lady is not for turning.... (not sure if I stole that line if so I borrowed it...) So a no is a no and a yes is still a no... damn these women get weird... Typical from a woman from Humberside.... Its okay I am from Lancashire so I can make comments like that...
  5. Favorites/cool pics

    And for me the Banana Bomber... As they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder... so dont poke that eye out...
  6. Go man go... the final Scooter to just about complete the lot... I think the only ones not done are the Singaporean ones... apologise if I got that last bit wrong...
  7. Maybe interesting to some?

    Aaaahhh the good old get out quick seat...
  8. size of WoX data

    Just taken a look and damn... just over 50gb and 8 dvd's worth of data as to how many folders dont even want to think about it... But 85gb Double Damn....
  9. The answer

    The answer is well known but the question I think being asked here is.... deep breath... What is the Question that comes out with the answer that is "No"... Could be do you want anchovies on your Pizza... ??? Or is it have you had enough beer yet ??? All meaningful questions... But the answer to the question or the question to the answer can only be answered by the lady in question who has replied as no... Or as Douglas Adam's said concerning the answer to life the universe and everything is 42 but we dont know the question as having both the question and answer in the same place at the same time would give us something far weirder than what we are dealing with at the present time...
  10. Done and errr Done... now where's them Flankers...
  11. The nicest looking airplane ever

    Hmm where do you begin... VULCAN TSR 2 BUCCANEER TOMCAT Ooooo a Spitfire... Msoquito... Gonna shut up now as there are very few ugly war planes out there...
  12. Okay Chris now your getting as bad as me for a Buccaneer... now where's me Banana Slippers...
  13. Dont know on the NF-4 SA-11 engagement deal as they seem to be staying vewy vewy quiet when I am a flying after the pasting I gave one site that where trying to take out a flight of Buff's I was running Sead escort for... But in real life the SA-11 is anything above 30metres and up... out to 30km or so can give you a bad day at the office.
  14. Ya gotta love the multiple guidance system's on most Soviet SAM's. When the 11 came out there was talk that it had IR tracking as well which would have made it even more deadly as they could shoot you Optical track you Heat and then blast you with Radar guidance... EricJ you need someone to help out with the evasion of SA-10's give me a shout as I said hunting SAM's is my favourite (and no I aint doing Cole's line outta Flight of the Intruder again well not twice in one day...) :tomato2:
  15. Block 15 is Freefall only... no guided stuff.
  16. Okay talk about making the Double Ugly more Ugly???
  17. Yeah its the MF Bug... have found that its around the 500kts mark and depends what payload I have on the bird... for example lower speeds when carrying bombs higher for clean wings...
  18. As to the Penguin taste I prefer them exploded on the occasional Land mine... saves time on the dicing...
  19. I have a tendency flying Hornets and Falcon's at pulling the wings off... on pullout after dive bombing... so it must be in there... had it happen a couple of times with F-4's as well... but my flight model is set to Hard...
  20. Okay with SEAD being my thang... I love it... against the SA-11 me I would go with CBU's and you need to get down low and I mean real low preferably under a 100ft... To take it out hit the RADAR first followed by taking out the launchers watching for ZSU's etc. stay as low as you can on your run in and hit it and also task your wingman to hit the RADAR as well. Also Jink and dodge with use of Chaff when missiles are in the air and there is the old divve for the deck if you are running at 10000ft or so head down vertical and there is a good chance the missile will impact the ground trying to track you... takes a bit of practice as you need to be diving at high speed... In real life the SA-11 is a very very dangerous SAM in RL it has a 60% - 90% chance to take you out. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/row/sa-11.htm
  21. Armadillo unlike a Dime or is that Diam Bar.... Soft on the inside hard on the outside... Me I prefer Hedgehogs... cos I am prickly without me coffee...
  22. N Korea issues warning to Seoul

    Hell the nuke they popped was a fizzle not a full on blast only dished out about 2 kilotons... Best plan invade and get the job done and dusted take out the leadership give the people access to the outside world e.g. Net access etc and then give them free elections and let them decide on what to do... About time it was finished...
  23. And both are damn fine airplanes... And as I aint a Phantom Phreak as I like my planes like me pre-coffee simple mean and moody... For some more info on the A-4 see here... http://www.skyhawk.org/2e/world.htm

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