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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Rest in Peace

  2. I play in Hard mode and as to the Bullpup I treat it like a laser guided bomb but give it a lot more time to aquire... normal 10000ft or so pointing at the target around 6nm out and then fire the thing stay pointing at the target and sometimes it hits sometimes it misses... Using an A-4E I usually get 2 hits from 5 launches... reliable it aint much easier to go in and use bombs or rockets hell I would rather strafe than use that thing...
  3. There is a Mod in Progress for this one... it is taking time that is all to create this... It is a full Korean War Mod...
  4. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Part of Stalkers wonderfulness was it was you against what was thrown at you... as the AI was very well scripted compared to some first person shooters and the storyline hell that rocked... shame its come down to a MMO would have loved to see a STALKER 2...
  5. Okay were is everybody ?

    Well as winter is fast on its way I would say make the most of the sunlight while its about and then we can all hibernate for winter or whatever we do... Gluwein etc etc... and hopefully the chaps at OBD will have WOFF ready for us before Christmas (I am not saying which one)... and we can all investigate the new skies all over again...
  6. And we are back...

    Okay it has been awhile since I have taken to the virtual skies in OFF/HiTR as Real life intruded as Spring Summer and Motorbikes go together very well... So I have a few questions for you knowledgeable folks... This is going to sound a shade lazy I will admit but I am preparing my PC for Winter nights etc... What are the best mods available out there ? I noticed that there are a few FM mods which look interesting do they cover all aircraft or just some as most of you know I have a habit of flying Strutter's about and causing problems for the sausage eaters with those things... Outside of this is there anything else I should look out for besides WOFF!!! any hints or clues to a date ??? Anyway took up my little Strutter last night for a check flight and it still flies just as well...
  7. DA I must admit I normally fly attack and am having fun with OP Darius at present and I prefer older metal as we know and I am having a blast shooting down Tomcats (Sorry) Su-27's Mig's of all colours and the odd J-10 with a GR-4 Tornado and so far I am about 10 missions in and still alive... getting a gun kill on a J-10 was hard hard work and I nearly didn't make it back to base but it was great fun... I will probably do a series once I have time with the A-4E over Vietnam fully bombed up with iron as I can normally once cleaned up outfly pretty much anything with one or run it to Bingo first...
  8. Okay were is everybody ?

    Many thanks Lou... and on a more serious note is the one that should not be named any good ??? (NOT that I am going to give up my OFF/HiTR well until WOFF comes out that is)....
  9. Okay were is everybody ?

    My Word where are those Dev guys we must picket them and design Fjords around them to get them to add MP...
  10. Okay were is everybody ?

    First thing I installed Lou was your wonderful little colouration for my Strutter... just need to find the Pup one now that you so kindly made for me... as to meeting and flying online is this in OFF/HiTR as if okay I would be interested in joining some of you splendid chaps for a brief run round the sky... aahhh after your edit I now must retract my interest as I do not own or pertain to own that dastardly G A M E
  11. Okay were is everybody ?

    The most splendid of books The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy... Douglas Adam's wanted it to sound like someone was swearing but had to get round the BBC censors in the early 1970's its great fun saying it quick... and its a fun name all over... As to the Italian Expansion now that does sound like fun... must admit I am back after a break for Spring and Summer being an avid Motorcyclist and having the roads etc in the middle of Europe to play on etc needing to learn the roads and a new bike has taken it's toll on my stick time...
  12. OT--Thoughts on the New XCOM Enemy Unknown

    Thanks for the brief on this as I loved the original games as well... might have to splash out on this one... now just to figure out if Carrier Command is the same deal...
  13. Interesting Pics... Must admit that place is on my list of Museums I want to visit...
  14. Sci-fi game that you might like... and which needs you.

    Interesting my first ever video game on a computer was Elite... damn that just made me feel old and my current crop of Space games runs to the X-Series and that is about it!!! So I would be interested as well... Tried Eve-Online and never could get the hang of it too much used to flying with keyboard and Joystick...
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DSK5fmGnXi0 Watch to the end...
  16. Chuck did it again

    Well who can blame him... give to the old timers they still can kick a$$... Was reading about the Joesph Kittinger and the kit he dived out of that balloon with, compared to what Felix Baumgartner jumped with, and he had no use of his right hand due to a pressure seal failure... nowadays the electrics would kick in and about it 6 ways til Sunday... brave men the lot of them...
  17. Try downloading the Desert Storm Mod or the OP Darius Mods available here Desert Storm is as expected and Op Darius is based from 2012 with all the missiles and AGM's LGB's you could ask for...
  18. OT Cameron and WW1

    As an ex-serviceman Army and RAF... I will admit it does sound weird to spend this money on what it seems to be a celebration of War... (Attacking the Argies might be a good thing provided it was only the members of the government fighting each other as they both seem to be idiots would pay good money to see that)... Also it should be more a case of remembrance not celebration and the remembrance of all those who died not just one nation if nothing else it will perhaps teach respect for others... Spend the money on History lessons to teach those who know no better the mistakes that caused WW1 and 2... As to what happened 100 years ago as was quoted :- Lions led by Donkeys Is a wonderful phrase but sometimes in War this is what happens and it happens in all militaries...
  19. CSM Plumbley Dies at Age 92

  20. http://www.redbullstratos.com/ Okay I have jumped from 24000ft or 8000m and this guy is going from 120000ft or 40000m !!! Noe that's a long way down!!! Should really have said Supersonic without a plane only Gravity and a parachute!!!
  21. Listen...

    Truly utterly wonderful... and it made those little guys look like they had to work hard to keep up... truly a marvelous achievement and well done to the guys to get her airborne again... as to the sound my spine is tingling still...
  22. I heard about it but to be honest it makes it moooch more fun dodging the dreaded flying cowpat...
  23. S-300s are epic.

    Time expired weapons being disposed off... good for seeing what happens all round for everyone...
  24. Now that is seriously classic understatement...
  25. As to a 1970's 1980's campaign the F-4 doesn't even have to be involved as you would have Carriers with Tomcats A-7 and A-6 and ground would be all Taiwanese Air F-5E's F-104's F-16's for later Possible F-20's AIDC from the other place Amongst others... So it could be a fun fight as you get USN or Taiwan Easy to rule out the USAF stating that North Korea is causing trouble... and the decision was made Air Force to Japan and Korea to reinforce them (infrastructure is already in Place) and USN to Taiwan and to keep and F-4 Fliegers happy stick a squadron of F-4S in USN style.

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