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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Welcome to another day of lunacy... so whats different to any other day??
  2. Aaaa I see thats the way you wish to do it...
  3. TSR2

    The reason I never voted Labour amongst other things... as they screwed up the military and are still doing so today... I have seen the bird at RAF Duxford Museum and it looks like its straining at the leash just sat there... and as to what was said about the Jet as well by the test pilot its got a couple of issues but its a great jet to fly. And in my very humble opinion looks better than its nearest competitor at the time which was the F-111... As to the Arrow thats another great airplane that got shot down by the politico's to play nice...
  4. Go bomb Wembley as its only for the Andrex Sport... Soccer Soft and overly expensive... Doesnt matter where Rugby players come from (Okay maybe France) but we have to stick together... as we are all Gentlemen... And if I had been driving one of those Euro's I would have got through...
  5. Looking good on the markings as to what I prefer in a perfect world the Lions on the Tail and the crosses on the wings... But hey thats me....
  6. Patches we dont need no stenking patches... ooops off topic... I have all mine patched to 08 and WOI WOE WOV and wouldnt have it any other way... just got a terrabyte drive to put everything in now feel's weird flying an Hunter and getting chased by a Mig-29 !!! Oh and being shot at by a double digit SAM battery...
  7. Black is Designation missions for the Tornado's and the Red is for actual Laser bombing by the Buccaneer.
  8. Does this mean we get Hampden Park, Cardiff Arms Park sorry Millenium Stadium etc to bomb in return ???
  9. Do that and I could arrange a low level run by a Tornado or 12!!!!
  10. my pc hates me

    Okay without the full error message I cant be positive but it looks like Microswipe has a corruption on the startup files. A re-install or repair of Windows XP and it should be back to normal. As to your PC hating you nope thats Microswipe having a great idea and screwing the job up... Apologies for the bad news...
  11. hmmmmmm banana's.... looking good but the last time I looked at one it was from the top as I was standing 30ft up lol... But no this is looking real good... gonna have to get me 3D Studiomax out now and figure out how to use it finally lol...
  12. Aaaahhh the Lightning the U-2 Scaring plane lol... sorry off topic there... And everyone knows that we Brits like to drive low and very very fast....
  13. Very true on the Pilots etc... All I was quoting was what I remembered from talking to 2 Bucc drivers and the jet was officially tested by the USN and the USN Pilots loved it... maybe I misquoted but its been a few years and the silver moments are getting more and more lol As to the A-7 I was saying that the one major thing the Bucc needed was a better Avionics suite... Also remember the A-7 would normally go in with escort etc... whereas the Bucc went in alone or in pairs. In the 70's and 80's they where still the low-level jet to beat though... But as far as a British Jet goes its very very tough to beat for low level strike especially for a Jet from the 1950's Anyway I never argue as anything that flies always looks good even the A-10....
  14. superhind...i want one

    First you get the pics now here's the movie.... Its a modified Mi-24 with avionics etc from the SAAF Rooviak (Spelling might be out) But its a Hind and they are all ugly as sin... well IMHO but they are that way so that if they dont scare you with the weapons then just the looks a bit like a rotorheads version of an A-10...
  15. Bucc's in Red Flag... As I spent time in the RAF was talking to a couple of Drivers of aforementioned bird and the SAM guys at Red flag had a guy stand on top of the Radar Van looking for Rooster Tails... Also one of the aggressor pilots got real annoyed and chased a Bucc down low and was trying to get a gun kill and he had to pull up as he found he was flying towards a cloud made of rock... The only problem with the Bucc was the avionics which when it came out where outstanding... but 30 years later not so great... should have given the Bucc the Tornado avionics kit and it would have made it a demon to catch... also a Thud / Vark could only get to their top speed low down clean and with burner which tends not to help... The Bucc could do .92 at 100ft with a full bag of weapons and keep doing it for about a week less than a Tu-95 could stay in the air... only joking. A standard Bucc sortie could last up to 5 hours without tanking... and spending most of it at extreme low level... There is also another one from Red Flag that a Bucc got a F-5 with a simulated 1000lb retarded bomb release from low level that was a standard defensive tactic for a Buccaneer. Hell even the USN wanted to buy the Bucc but they where over-ruled so they ended up with the A-6 though a good bird not as fast or as long legged as the Bucc... I will look into more info for anyone if they require it. I am a Bucc devotee along with A-4's oh and of course the Vulcan aka THE TIN TRIANGLE ... There should have only been one replacement for the Bucc and thats another Bucc not that Tornado piece of pap...
  16. I have a question as I had an Idea on the way to work this morning, I know an idea in the morning. Anyway I digress a few years ago I did a scenario on the old Janes Fleet Command which was essentially based in the Kuril Islands, Japan and Vladivostok and before anyone says it yeah I know it was covered in Janes Fighter Anthology... Anyway the year set is 1976/7. No real storyline as yet but thats something I can work on I have a couple of ideas there. For example the Soviets start overflights over Japan to get Japan to come over to the Soviet side and something goes wrong (not sure what yet) maybe an airliner gets hit or a Soviet jet has a malfunction and crashes into a village/town you get the idea. Causing the Japanese to respond to defend their territory. Okay what I would or need to know is anyone working on a Map for that area of the world? We have Japanese jets okay F-4EJ We have Carriers to simulate the USS Midway or whichever ship was out there and no I will not be putting Tomcats on the Carrier USS Midway couldn't carry them but Navy Phantoms A-7's A-6's. Also we have enough Mig's running around to last me 3 lifetimes... I have many different ways of running this as in do the Chinese join in and if so on whose side but these are details that can be worked out... I aim primarily to use JASDF JMSDF and US Navy Air Power besides whatever USAF units where there at the time. I have a rough listing of what the Soviets had out ther eat the time. Also the Soviet Navy as well as there are plenty of old style Soviet ships here and a 6inch cruiser of the Baltimore class can double for a Sverdlov class CG. Now besides all that is there a way of providing an Escort for a Jet that is Red and becoming blue departing from a red airbase landing at a blue base (Victor Belenko Style yeah I know he got in without anyone escorting him) and you being launched to provide protection ??? If not that can be skipped... Now this is all theoretical unless someone has a Vladivostock/Japan map that can be used or is in the works as I do not know how to create a Map. If it comes to it I will attempt but will be asking for help a lot. Saying that as I have only modded campaigns for myself and not released any this will take me some time. First the preperation of whats needed, basic storyline and lead up to Day 1 of the war... I would appreciate any help or ideas as I plan to look into this further from the beginning of March (RL in the way)...
  17. Okay have had some more thoughts on this... I have narrowed down the time frame to the 1980's that way I plan to use as I said the JASDF USN and USAF might throw in some Aussie's in their Vark's for the Vark lovers... Would have loved a map to play with on the Kuril Islands... as in the Janes Fighter Anthology setup... but unless I become a map maker in the next 2 months I might have a problem on that as the Kuril Island question has always intrigued me. It would also provide serious gameplay background story. Anyway I will look into creating a map and see what that will take and take it from there... Also a quick question to the Aircraft makers... anyone making an F-1 / T-2 Trainer or failing that a Japanese Skin for the Jaguar as I can mod it to carry radar etc...
  18. Just noticed this.....

    Do we get a prize for the 3 millionth???
  19. Thank you for continuing this as I would have enjoyed working on it but I have zero skills at modding or skinning... But I will be planning on releasing a campaign based around this aircraft and the Royal Yacht Club... sorry Royal Navy... as I outlined above. If anyone has any ideas and no there will not be any US units just RN vs Cuban/Communist forces in the Carribean if Dave releases the Carribean Map...
  20. Ooooooooo the Banana is coming the banana is coming.... I would love to help out but I dont know how to mod or skin but looking into it but if the banana bomber comes out be great for an all Brit campaign as outlined in the book I named earlier for example especially if we get the Central America map to play with... Carrier battle group with Phantom's and Buccaneer's to stop the spread of comunism to the British Protectorates in the region... E.g Belize the Caribean Islands based around 1968 that way we could use the Swifts as well... Reason for a Brit task force the Yanks are doing over the peace loving Commies of North Vietnam and dont have assets to spare... okay I know its a rough idea but its the start...
  21. Original "Hasbro" Microprose Falcon 4

    I have the whole Shooting match inculding the Manual of doom....
  22. Ooops...

    http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas...1035409687.html Looks like bad drivers everywhere.... Good that everyone's okay though.

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