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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Well got them all now and all I can say is That F-111B is real ugly more life an F-111 that flew into a wall... how could they let something that ugly deface a carrier at least the Tomcat had a certain grace to it... P.S. tried dogfight in it last night against 4 Mig-21's guess who lost ??? Yup was me... oh well might use it as a recon bird... or just chase Bears...
  2. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I came over from Biohazard... went there looking for addons from Thirdwire when I first bought Strike Fighters... and this is my one stop shop for WOE IL2 and LOMAC though the last one I havn't played for awhile. Started to mess around and create campaigns now in WOE which I hope to release soon...
  3. If you have to ask the price you cannot afford it...
  4. Just want to say to everyone involved in these birds... damn their good and its funny when the migs give up when your smoking in the weeds and short weeds at that.... Only problem I have with the F-111 is that it got the TSR-2 cancelled.... I know the TSR-2 had problems but they were not insurmountable... and that means no Tornado and might have ended up with the RAF having a real fighter instead of the F-3...
  5. Epic Fail (Jet Engine Minor Malfunction)

    Hey us Boffins (Mad Scientist hmmmm I resemble that retort) aren't dangerous just we enjoy making things go Bang in the most interesting and unusual way... especially involving explosives..... Plan is to provide the Eels with parachutes....
  6. Battle of the Bulge!

    All I can say is that the bank manager nicks all my pounds.... must be for the new hovercraft to be filled with wait for it EELS Problem I have is Fish and Chips Chocolate and anything thats edible really....
  7. About films and productions

    Yes there is a film By Dawns Early Light.. B-52 crew off to bomb the russkies... in good old bad days...
  8. About films and productions

    Where's 633 Squadron, Dambusters, Mosquito Squadron... sorry
  9. England shuts down

    Yeah we have some snow... but me I got on the bike and rode to work scaring car drivers main roads are clear just the side roads that are a shade icy great fun... and its not a pushbike but a Kawasaki ZZR1100.... road in grinning like a loon damp roads but nothing major... and people at work looked at me in dis-believe when I arrived after watching 2 get out of their 4x4's and go ar$e over t!t... Roll on more snow.... and it always seems as though anything that happens down London way is a nightmare... up here in Northern England okay Leeds... we could have 12foot snow drifts and it might just get a mention on the news... all I can say to the southern's get a live enjoy it....
  10. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    Mine is Star Wars as Star Trek is too clinical and clean... saying that though Firefly and BSG (Early for sentimental reasons, Late as its very good apart from the swap characters sex to make it all PC--- opps did I say that) but I guess its got to be a close run one between Babylon 5 or Fargate for the simple reasons A) They get weird quick B) The humour C) The realms of physics still gets involved (okay sort of Einstein wouldnt be happy) Oh yeah and they arent clinical and clean said it again....
  11. Down I went to hand deliver 4 1000lb's nothing personal just that line up of jets looked fun in a Hornet and they replied with 2 SA-8's and an SA-3 pulled out doing 500kts around 6g with only 2 winders a pair of sparrows Tanks had long gone at this point Rolled left and right with chaff and flares coming out the back no throttle and pop of came the wing... Settings are set to hard you sure Structural Stress doesnt come into this ??? Had it happen before on different Aircraft...
  12. Finally got it downloaded... and have got to say Great Job... been for a lunatics half hour getting shot at by SAM's and Fulcrums with an attitude problem which is great fun. Thanks for the Mod and I am now going of to lose my Social Life for awhile thats after I figured out who I am going to fly for and what I want to fly...
  13. Hi folks okay I love flying Scooters no radar turns on the proverbial Sixpence (Dime to the Yanks) and then wastes a target.... Question though is as I have lost my original copy of Strikefighters and I am only using WOE is are there any A-4M's out there. Tried the A-4F but no matter what I try cant unpack it to WOE have downloaded it 5 times and get nowhere... At present I am driving the A-4A (Model is fantastic) but I want some outer pylons a bit of ECM a couple of flares and a bit of chaff. Dont want to mod the A model as thats just not right and its fun playing weasel with SA-2-3-5-6-8 etc.... and pasting them with bombs... and then chasing Mig-17's all over with guns... I know how to do basic Mod's with the Ini files gun ammo correct adding chaff and flares etc but would like a Marine A-4M to cause trouble... I have the A-4AR A-4A A-4F-IAF A-4K A-4N Just would like the family of Scooter's, Heinemens Hotrods to cause trouble...
  14. Skyhawks Forever....

    True Viggen but sometimes I like to fly and the F-4 is a good jet until you find your self surrounded by Mig-17's at least with an A-4 you can have a gunfight in the F-4 its open the taps and boogy outta there.... turn round and blast with missiles takes all the fun out of it... A-4 you get to stay and play and dont have to worry about fuel due to no afterburner.... anyway this is not a why A-4 or F-4 they are both good at what they where designed for A-4 Attack Bomber F-4 Fleet Interceptor...
  15. any comments?

    Lasercats anyone???
  16. But doesn't loading blind make it fun... you load bombs and turn up to the target carrying training rounds. Or as I once did loaded Amraams and Sidewinders only to find they where the Captive versions... all I can say that turned into a knifefight in a phonebox... with me in an F-16 against 4 Mig-29's life got interesting very quick... by the way I won but got smoked by SAM
  17. Caption this

    I tawt I saw a puddy cat... I did I did see a puddy squawk...
  18. Microsoft Aces Studio is Closed

    And it runs on a MAC... (sorry for the bad language...) so no need for Microswipe Windows...
  19. What is this? (a giant russian bomber?)

    so does Boeings proposed Flying Pelican (See link) fall in the category Village Town or City??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_Pelican
  20. F-8 Crash Video

    When you've got to leave you've got to leave... Now thats what you call a good bad day at the office... And for those wanting to know the F-8 Crusader was equipped with the Martin-Baker Aircraft Mk. F-5 ejection seat, which was later updated to the Mk. F-7 standard.
  21. Finally an F-3... All I can say is that they are freaking fast at low-level... Got a check ride in one in the Falklands supersonic at 300ft down Falkland Sound with basic weps (4 Skyflash 2 Winders No Tanks)... But as it was designed as a Low-level bomber it should have been and it was also slightly faster due to the longer nose... shame it couldn't dogfight worth a damn.. GR1's could out dogfight it!!! Imagine that your in the Fighter F-3 and the GR1 Bomber out guns you... P.S. The bird looks fantastic...

    Da Russians are coming.... who needs B-52's..... I tell you this much the Soviets didnt have build some pretty heavy metal.... looking real good on both those Birds Bison and Blackjack... Pound da Americanski's time Apologies in advance... bad jokes all round day today...

    Look at the F-4... proves you can make the proverbial house brick fly...
  24. F-111G

    Now that the answer is here its easy lol
  25. F-111G

    As training aircraft FB-111As modified as F-111Gs no longer carried any tanks. However, they did retain the FB-111A pylons, which were pointed at the front and more sharply angled at the back than those found on other F-111s. So the answer I think this time is the FB-111A / F-111G's have 2 extra pylons under the wings for carriage of 2 extra 600 gallon drop tanks. Operationally, fuel tanks would probably only be used in conjunction with AGM-69A SRAMs (FB-111As only) or B61 nuclear weapons on the inboard pylons.

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