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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Holy Cow they make them big on the mainland... Problem with the speed on the GR4 Tornado is they de-rated the engines for longer life which is why they barely make it over the Mach if you look at the IDS with un-nerfed engines they are still fast as thieves on the deck and the surprising thing in a dogfight all things being equal the GR1A could out dogfight the F-3 !!!
  2. Just read about this ship and she did lead a short but interesting life...
  3. Fantastic love this airplane... is the Cougar going to get some love as well ???
  4. English class in spain

    I must admit I am trying to learn German at present as I am living in Austria and damn is it tough... not helped by the fact that living in Vienna there are a lot of people who are happy to practice there English on you...
  5. You also need to remove it from the weapons as well and do a rename if I remember rightly...
  6. These are Nuke shapes not drop tanks... as the USN also had Nuke shapes that were mounted under the F-9F and Fury which had retractable fins to allow clearance for both the flaps as well as ground clearance...
  7. Personally I like the idea of more over there as flying over Europe and mid-east gets stale after all these years... and I was planning on doing an update to mid 1970's as well
  8. Who....

    Surprised no-one thought of this one...
  9. As I generally fly attack jets... ie the A-4E its fun with a locked gunsight... learn how to shoot without electrics must admit with the F-4 I lock the gunsight saying that most of the non-TW jets are pretty accurate for gunfighting set on the hard setting though there are times I empty the magazine and all I kill is sky even on perfect locks annoying sometimes it is...
  10. Vegas Ticket Jockeys

    Women and guns and pms... possibly the only thing that may scare Chuck Norris... Someone had to say it...
  11. Radials

    Hey dude this bikes pulling to the left... a Radial on a bike!!! whatever next... nice idea but they look awful to my eyes...
  12. Damn would be wonderful to see that bird fly... one of my favourite all time aircraft...
  13. Cocas Birthday!

    Happy Birthday...
  14. Eric I know what you mean which as I always fly as attack not dedicated Air to Air it makes an interesting counterpoint to pure Air dogfighting if that makes sense and I only post the missions that make me work for my kills not the run of the mill go in and come back with 10 kills in an F-4E type scenario where all I was fighting against were Mig-21's...
  15. I like this idea... as the normal Su-27 is a nightmare to deal with for what I normally fly...
  16. 225 Years Ago Today

    I thought it was to arm bears... not that they need any more ahem claw power... May America stand as she has done...
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=v0pLZyLXJKg&feature=endscreen
  18. Did anyone see a flotilla lately?

    Very good point and very well made... even though its meant to amuse it is correct...
  19. Okay and we are back... okay I am anyway after a long lay off with SF2 I decided to go for a turn and burn in a Tornado IDS running Anti-Ship in NATO V setup. Year 1986. Tornado IDS Marineflieger vs 1 Mig-23MLD battle of the swingers... Tornado Loadout 2 Kormoran 2 Sidewinders Tanks and 1 x ECM Pod 1 x Chaff Flare Pod. Mig-23 everything he could carry including the kitchen sink... Take off single ship and headed out to the target area practising low level flight 50ft and below need to work the rust off. Once in the target area I was listening to the radio and was hearing Fox 1 etc etc as a flight of F-4's were dealing with some Mig-23's playing as if no AWAC support no looking at the map. I paid more attention to the strike sortie had an SA-13 fire his full load at me as I skirted an airbase but as I was low and fast nothing much happened... I climbed up to take my shots with the Komoran's and turned for home it was during this that the Mig decided on attacking me, breaking through the fighters, he fired a single Apex Radar guided at me I punched off my tanks empty anyway and switched on the jammer and started pumping out chaff and flares just in case (My Mig-23's are edited to carry a single Radar and a Single Heat AA-7). I turned into the missile and broke lock figuring out I had enough room to run which I didn't as the Mig fired again at me with a AA-8B which I jinked out of as it plowed into the ground attracted by flares I killed burner and slowed to around 300Kt's forcing the Mig to overshoot at around the speed of heat I gained a lock with my Aim-9L's but held fire as he was moving to much for a good shot. We entered a single circle fight both bleeding airspeed down to around 200kt's at which point he lit his burner and went straight and level to get some speed up I fired my first sidewinder at him which decoyed away to the flares and accelerated after him unable to match his speed away. The AI then went vertical and I went with him trying to get a missile shot which was good enough to hold onto but this did not work either as at this point an SA-6 fired a pair of missiles my way to which I went back to the deck to avoid. The Mig followed me down and I tried for a faceshot as we were both heading head on but this missile also decoyed away leaving me with a my guns and he had 3 AA-8B's and an AA-7b Apex and his guns to shoot me with and I was getting low on fuel!!! We then entered another one circle fight and I forced him out in front of my jet and started peppering 27mm rounds in his direction and managed to hit once and he gained a flamer which 2 seconds later went out and he was still moving. But he was still out in front of me I then peppered him some more and he exploded leaving me to turn for home low on fuel and out of weapons, well I had about 20 rounds left in the guns. Had to divert to an alternate field as my gas level was too low to make base. Take aways not much but never underestimate the Mig-23 you cannot outrun it and now in Nato V the flares are much more effective not good!!! Time of fight 5 minutes. Need to try this again but with a Mig-29 or an Su-27. My sorties are always set within a standard Sortie and not made to meet specific requirements as I believe that it makes it more realsitic.
  20. WTF? Not Safe For Kids or Work

    Combat pay and danger money and a medevac on standby... with artillery for covering fire... and A-10's with Napalm... As to the Russians thats way too scary...
  21. Here's an idea (I am no modder or skinner) that they have a Joint Airforce incorperating all the flags. Also looking at what they could afford this would make it easier on all of them. Probably picking up cheap F-16A MLU's from Belgium or The Netherlands...
  22. Brushes with Death

    Well if you are determined to live as a Knight of the air and take them on with your sword it will lead to moments like this...
  23. More cameras!

    It's going to get to the point where the cameras are watching the cameras that are watching the cameras watching the cameras etc etc until there is no room to walk drive ride live because of all the cameras...
  24. USS John Finn


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